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  1. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Correct. Throughout ur “miserable bitch” and “hoes” episodes, I never disrespected u. I’m just a different breed I guess 😇

    One insult is no worse than the other ....disrespect is disrespect.. and you opened that door and you continuously have reason to come at me and all I’ve ever done was defend you on multiple occasions...

    Do I police anything you do ?

    You now upset I’m goin back and forth with people... but it was never a problem when I was getting into e scuffs with people for you because I’m posting messages for you ...

  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson In text if I told you to "oh shut the fuck up you annoying twat" you might think I'm serious about it…

    Is that your own official opinion?
  3. Originally posted by Xlite Is that your own official opinion?

    It was an example, not an opinion...Did you even complete 5th grade brahhhh?
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It was an example, not an opinion.

    And that is your official opinion?
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It was an example, not an opinion…Did you even complete 4th grade brahhhh?

    You didn't answer this question yet.
  6. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein One insult is no worse than the other ….disrespect is disrespect.. and you opened that door and you continuously have reason to come at me and all I’ve ever done was defend you on multiple occasions…

    Do I police anything you do ?

    You now upset I’m goin back and forth with people… but it was never a problem when I was getting into e scuffs with people for you because I’m posting messages for you …


    Oh my goodness… u keep on about the screenshots w Larrylegend 😂 As much as I appreciate u posting for me, u were the one encouraging me to prove it ….I was at work & didn’t even much care 😀 In the 2 YEARS since that happened Ive worked things out w both Larry & Paige…did either take time to get in ur inbox? 🙃

    I can’t even count how many times Ive come to ur defense …because it doesn’t matter & I would do it again. But ya. Shit is silly & I’m gonna keep being me, even if it ain’t always sweet. Enjoy ur day!
  7. CandyRein Black Hole
    It’s the saying I’m looking crazy for going back and forth with people but that’s when I looked the craziest because it had nothing to do with me lol

    The fact is ... you continuously have a problem with something I’m doin so why don’t you just move around and let me do what I want without judgement and you can continue on as you have ...
  8. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Lol. I’ve not even spoken to u in the past year Tara…I don’t think me telling u to not feed into trolls was judging u, but okay…let’s just continue the way we have for the last year…..😂💖
  9. Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. I’ve not even spoken to u in the past year Tara…I don’t think me telling u to not feed into trolls was judging u, but okay…let’s just continue the way we have for the last year…..😂💖

    what do you have against trolls.

    why do you wznt them to starve.
  10. Trolls are people, too.
  11. CandyRein Black Hole
    Oh that’s all you did ?😂

    I’m literally minding my business posting on topic..and you’re rolling your eyes saying oh God lol... all in the horror thread posting dumb chit behind me..etc

    What does that have to do with trolls...seems like you’re the one trolling 😂💖
  12. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein Oh that’s all you did ?😂

    I’m literally minding my business posting on topic..and you’re rolling your eyes saying oh God lol… all in the horror thread posting dumb chit behind me..etc

    What does that have to do with trolls…seems like you’re the one trolling 😂💖
    U always post those chucky gifs & that Carrie pigs blood gif w the boy w red hair looking around the corner when u are “mad” at me
    Girl, I know u by now 😛 Stop acting brand new SMH

    “Ugly doll” lol that shit wasn’t as funny as the amount of times u have posted it & when ;)
  13. CandyRein Black Hole
    You are so delirious... I have never in my life felt connection between you and chucky that’s extremely retarded lmao
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You didn't answer this question yet.

    You didn't answer mine.
  15. Originally posted by Xlite You didn't answer mine.

    Yes I did, I said it was an example not an opinion...lern 2 raed
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    And nothing was learned that day.
  17. *this
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Yes I did, I said it was an example not an opinion…lern 2 raed

    I wasn't talking about that question.
    Git good.
  19. Originally posted by Xlite I wasn't talking about that question.
    Git good.

    my question immediately followed that question so it's your turn to answer before any further questions are answered by me.

    You're one of those people on the freeway who doesn't know how merging into traffic works aren't you.
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