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I miss 2012 - 2015

  1. #1
    HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    I miss getting super blazed and going into VR or watching YouTube with people in gmod cinema

    Despite how bad weed is for me I miss the way it augmented video games and VR
    Like when I was high the game was so immersive it’s like I entered it, the sound became so much more pronounced and I experienced these sensations I don’t get otherwise

    If I were high now I could sit on a log next to a fire outside my animal crossing house for hours, just soaking in the atmosphere
  2. #2
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    We know.
  3. #3
    HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    I want to get a quest 2, update my rig and spend the rest of my days in emuvr decorating my room and playing nes games while blazing up

    But it’s bad for my lungs
    And eventually I would get CHS
    And it’s bad for my heart
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by HapaGod2005 I want to get a quest 2, update my rig and spend the rest of my days in emuvr decorating my room and playing nes games while blazing up

    But it’s bad for my lungs
    And eventually I would get CHS
    And it’s bad for my heart

    just do it anyway, you need some risk in your life bro.
  5. #5
    I miss 1962.
  6. #6
    HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I miss 1962.

  7. #7
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by HapaGod2005 Y

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    Lrn 2 edible faggot
  9. #9
    Ghost Black Hole
    i miss when your internet got cut off
  10. #10
    Ghost Black Hole

    Originally posted by Jesus is king All drugs are garbage and should be illegal, including marijuana.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal

    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Indiana and I make like $1,200 a month
    The okaa and I might move to Michigan soon (like within a year or two) and start out as trimmers then move up to growing and selling marijuana.
    It's been said that a grower can make up to a million shekels a year growing marijuana.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man iie I live in Indiana atm ;_; orz
    No weed, you can't buy alcohol on sunday, people are dumb, too many sheepish working class boring bozoos.
    Nothing but strip malls and office buildings.

    I'm moving to Colorado though so I am feeling pretty EXCITED.

    Still living in fucking Indiana LMAO

    Originally posted by Jesus is king You can buy alcohol on Sunday here.


  11. #11
    netstat African Astronaut
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
  12. #12
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    I want to get high right now but I need a little alcohol to balance it out.

    and just sit here and laugh at all the stupid shit and tune the world chaoticness out.

    Coming close to signing off on some property I found. not the one I originally spoke of. its farther and cost a little more but isnt very large. higher up near mountains. Shasta. is where I want to live. so I can be near the Mountain and drive up into Oregon to buy shit cheaper and be in the lower Cascadia mountain range. it's got expensive up there and the rules have changed so I have to work for some years to buy a conventional house. but it will be mine. small but mine. prorperty tax on large homes average out like 400-1100 dollars per month which is like rent for many states (for middle class homes depending on the size and price) this might be like 50 bucks a month. so thats not bad. i figure about 200 a month between Property tax, utility box for water, electricity and property tax when not being there is an expensice I can work to afford.

    not too bad. then go up there now and then and maybe most of the time when I get older or live there. its better than becoming homeless and out in the street or some section 8 apartment in the hood getting beat up by hood rats for my week grocieries and dealing with cacaroaches infestation because some dirtbag moves in next door and brings them in and of course loud angry drug addicts banging on the doors and walls. fucking hell. everyone here not doing well should think about this. it wasnt long ago I was happily married with kids and a house and this fell on me. it went by super fast. you're all hitting your 30s and dont have it together yet. shits going to get harder and harder to buy land or property. hoards of foreign people are coming to America and looking outside of California, NY and Florida and moving into the Midwest and buying up lots left and right. shits going to be a bidding war on acres once going for 500-2000 will be in the tens of thousands. "They're not making real estate anymore" as the old addage goes.
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