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One of the George Floyd jurors identifies himself

  1. #21
    Nile bump
    Originally posted by Meikai Lawyer might try to pull that shit, but it's bullshit. A jury of George Floyd's peers should include some black people. Being an activist is not inherently prejudicial. You can support BLM and also come to a fair and unbiased conclusion based on the facts as laid out in court.

    Witnessing some crazy mental gymnastics here fr.
  2. #22
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I notice you don't disagree, so you agree. If you vote acquit, your life is over. Your house will be burned, you will lose your job, antifa will hound you wherever you go. You know that. Everyone knows that.

    Is it cowardly not to deliberately ruin your life?

    "Why are you so fragile? Throw your whole life away for some asshole cop"

    Where are you coming up with this?

    I'm saying why join the jury if you aren't willing to voice whatever vote you feel is correct when it comes to the end?

    If you're scared for your life, then say that, and don't be a weak jury member. I would've gladly been on the jury myself and likely would have voted not guilty on the murder charges and guilty on the manslaughter, without fear for my life. Its what I think is the correct charge. My conscience wouldn't allow for me to say someone is guilty of murder when I don't think they were. And id hope others would do the same if it were me.
  3. #23
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Nile Witnessing some crazy mental gymnastics here fr.

    How so? Someone who supports BLM believes the unjustified police killings of unarmed black men need to stop. If it were shown in court that the killing was justified, or not a result of the police, there'd be nothing in the juror's support for BLM which prejudices him against the defendant. 0 mental gymnastics required.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 the jury selectors didn't realize he was blaqq , leh epic fail!!

    The BLM supporter...not the color. Supporting BLM and serving on a jury for such a case would be a compromised juror.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #25
    Ends up the jury was intentionally packed with BLM activists.
  6. #26
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The BLM supporter…not the color. Supporting BLM and serving on a jury for such a case would be a compromised juror.

    Why cant you be a good juror just because you believe that black lives matter?
  7. #27
    Originally posted by A College Professor Why cant you be a good juror just because you believe that black lives matter?

    It's one thing to believe in something and another thing entirely to promote it and become an activist for it. These people were actively and diligently and prominently promoting BLM on their social media pages. They should have been disqualified, every last one of them. The jury has to be completely impartial.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #28
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It's one thing to believe in something and another thing entirely to promote it and become an activist for it. These people were actively and diligently and prominently promoting BLM on their social media pages. They should have been disqualified, every last one of them. The jury has to be completely impartial.

    These people? one of them? All of them?
  9. #29
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The BLM supporter…not the color. Supporting BLM and serving on a jury for such a case would be a compromised juror.

    one of the questions for juror eligibility was explicitly "have you attended a rally or protest for Floyd" and he answered "no", later saying the rallies he went to weren't 'just for Floyd' as justification
  10. #30
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by aldra one of the questions for juror eligibility was explicitly "have you attended a rally or protest for Floyd" and he answered "no", later saying the rallies he went to weren't 'just for Floyd' as justification

    "Later"? How much later? Was the "weren't just for Floyd" distinction made at all during voir dire? Do you know? If so, there's literally zero justification to consider it perjury. Of course even if this distinction was *not* made clear during voir dire, it's a still a stretch to claim the juror perjured himself. He attended a rally for black community activism in general. Of course you racists are just looking for a way to get Chauvin off, so I wouldn't expect you to consider any kind of nuance.
  11. #31
    Originally posted by mmQ These people? one of them? All of them?

    It's coming out that there were at least 4 or 5 of them who are active BLM activists (as opposed to the BLM activists who are not so active).
  12. #32
    Bradley Florida Man
    i dont think that cop needed to smush that niggas neck for 9 1/2 minutes or w/e
  13. #33
    Im pleased
  14. #34
    Now if they railroad the Kenosha Kid, people are really gonna lose their shit.
  15. #35
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley i dont think that cop needed to smush that niggas neck for 9 1/2 minutes or w/e

    Do you actually think Floyd died from that?

    The size of that guy, and some wimpy little cops kneeled on him for a little while (actually his back).

    I mean even if we were to accept the lie that the tried to kill Floyd, it doesn't make sense. You just can't kill someone that way.
  16. #36
    Its actually possible, esp if you have other conditions. I had to stop sleeping on my stomach bc with my COPD my chest cant expand enough to feel like im getting enough oxygen
  17. #37
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Do you actually think Floyd died from that?

    The size of that guy, and some wimpy little cops kneeled on him for a little while (actually his back).

    I mean even if we were to accept the lie that the tried to kill Floyd, it doesn't make sense. You just can't kill someone that way.

    If the cop had of squeezed his little toe, the nutjobs would have said he died of that.
  18. #38
    Ghost Black Hole
    If chauvin got on his knees and sucked off george floyd and got a big glob of the BIG SPIDAHS cobwebs all over his face they would still be crying police brutality.. no winning with these nuts
  19. #39
    Nile bump
    Like I said, Chauvin is going to moonwalk out on appeal. At least on the murder charge.

    Floyd died because he was out of shape, high as a kite and stressed out.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #40
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Nile Floyd died because he was out of shape, high as a kite and stressed out.

    Everyone is. The police should just leave people alone instead of fucking with niggas over some bullshit

    Legalize crime!
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