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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Originally posted by RisiR Shut the fuck up.

    no, you should stop resisting. times are changing.
  2. RestStop Space Nigga
    This girl is aesthetic as fk brahs.

  3. IWD was a good meth poster.

    This faggot ass poser acts like a chemist because he burned a house down (not what chemists do) and doesn't even know that 2-FMA is a Meth analogue even though he says he's interested in the chemistry. LOL. He's too dumb or scared to get syncans and only posts about bundy like a fucking teenager because that's the only drug he can get.

    This bitch ass poser can't even score ice on the regular and acts like a big boss. It's time for him to shut up. He sucks.

    "Mr. Happy"....

    Post last edited by RisiR at 2017-03-30T14:14:50.425703+00:00
  4. Originally posted by crabbypenguin no, you should stop resisting. times are changing.

    Shut the fuck up.
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR Shut the fuck up.

    nobody likes you, mr pretend kingpin scumlord

    eat a bag of dicks you "real nigger"
  6. Ok, you made something up. Cool.

    You are a fat, sad, 18 year old virgin everybody laughs about because you try too hard. Faaa-hacts. LOL.

    I don't even know what your fucking problem is you fucking babydick. Stop talking to me.
  7. When I talk to sploo, you shut the fuck up.

    Don't just fucking interrupt people. Make your own thread where you can bitch about me.
  8. Sploo, shut the fuck up. Scrawny is shit. Period.
  9. U chat shit I only bump good threads
  10. You're a delusional idiot. Stop bumping anything and fuck off.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by RisiR This forum was cool with your triangle stuff in its own threads like you did it but this dude shits up the whole forum with his repetitive meth spam.

    He then frontpage flushes everything to shit with stupid videos like Bill Krozby. He's a mixture of Bill Krozby and Infinityshock. A complete waste of time.

    I mean i don't dislike the guy, but it's getting a little out of hand. Also, how the fuck do i know which threads have new posts if the first 6 pages of "Latest Threads" have been front page flushed? I can't tell whether someone has posted something interesting or itÅ› just meth spam and forced "rattex" memes.

    It's getting old scrawny.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. He's also a brutal poser.
  13. If you can't sort through 20 threads on a dying forum with like 10 people thats your problem. I bump good threads that have been forgotten and ignore tropical forum posts & T&T.

    All you people want is to post Bill Krozbydick, PI , gay rape and trash posts like totse2001 and zill the zat, whatever retards.

    I stayed up all night havent slept in 2 days bumped like a dozen old classic great threads made some OC made a thread about making amphetamine from Ethylene and replied to a Bill Krozby thread. If you can't keep up then fuck you.

    I spent like 8 hours writing good stuff last night and have barely posted rattex and you all bitch and whine and ignore all the good posts cuz your all blind stupid motherfuckers... Grow a pair whimpy whimpertons.

    You are all too slow for lightspeed space tech posting
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Also its funny that you can tell when RisiR is withdrawing from benzos because the dumbest most insignificant things drive him mad like word enhancements Shillex Jones.

    I'm not even mad, ive been there, benzos turned me into a monster and I would try to fight everyone and everything over nothing.
  15. I'm actually doing pretty well now. It's been 4 months now and I'm down to 1mg MCZP every ~24h but I can go longer without noticing it. Just want to maintain that for a month, maybe, because I really crashed down hard from 16-20mg MCZP, 8-16mg FlubromaZEPAM and I don't know how many Diclazepams.

    I have been off Pheni for the week. Cold turkey and no WD. I actually feel pretty kind and humble.

    The Shillex Jones thing was not personally motivated. I am against censorship. I also made a thread about the T-ianeptine word enhancement to be taken down because it stifles serious discussion about the compound. I didn't make a big fuzz about it, that's true.

    Maybe you could bump that thread for me....
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. bling bling Dark Matter
    k bup
  17. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump All you people want is to post Bill Krozbydick, PI , gay rape and trash posts like totse2001 and zill the zat, whatever retards.

    I don't shit post. you can't read the codey like you toss at me.

    Plus, I'm polite and sweet most of the time unlike Zill. I'm like a Non Faggy vs of ZtZ
  18. You are still fucking terrible.
  19. Originally posted by RisiR You are still fucking terrible.

    No I'm not. This is an evolution of who I am based on my own experiences of being some chest pawn.

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