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  1. #21
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Wait, is Data a Kr0z Alt? I thought Data was §m£ÂgØL.

    that's because ur stupid, Uber Boy.
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe nonce nonce nonce nonce nonce nonce nonce nonce

    Im super triggered because NIS is a central part of me life, nonce. Please no bully.

    Don't you have nonce threads to be making about polacks or something? Sure is trendy to shit up the forum with a million threads about other users; a very §m£ÂgØL-tier thing to do. Its ok, I guess, as long as you're having fun; the place is for 'entertainment' basically.

    On the topic of triggers, I just replaced/upgraded 3 aks with nicer triggers.
  3. #23
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian It looks like golm actually had a gay crush on the guy who fucked him in the ass. golm rode a bus all the way to his internet love (and h addict) only to be fucked by her bf and fall in love with him instead.

    Alls you gotta do is go into the search feature and search for posts containing "§m£ÂgØL" by user "hydromorphone", and then just ctrl+f §m£ÂgØL to see him mentioned in the worst of ways by the only female ever to ever give him any.

    Judging by what is written in there, §m£ÂgØL likes to get fucked more than he likes to fuck; not surprising, but reading firsthand accounts of it is hilarious.

    Originally posted by Misguided Russian It looks like golm actually had a gay crush on the guy who fucked him in the ass. golm rode a bus all the way to his internet love (and h addict) only to be fucked by her bf and fall in love with him instead.

    Alls you gotta do is go into the search feature and search for posts containing "§m£ÂgØL" by user "hydromorphone", and then just ctrl+f §m£ÂgØL to see him mentioned in the worst of ways by the only female ever to ever give him any.

    Judging by what is written in there, §m£ÂgØL likes to get fucked more than he likes to fuck; not surprising, but reading firsthand accounts of it is hilarious.

    ROFL 😂
  4. #24
    Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian Im super triggered because NIS is a central part of me life, nonce. Please no bully.

    Don't you have nonce threads to be making about polacks or something? Sure is trendy to shit up the forum with a million threads about other users; a very §m£ÂgØL-tier thing to do. Its ok, I guess, as long as you're having fun; the place is for 'entertainment' basically.

    On the topic of triggers, I just replaced/upgraded 3 aks with nicer triggers.

    Didn't read, you're too triggered. Calm down Nonce.
  5. #25
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Data I'm not §m£ÂgØL you retard.

    like 10 people have already confirmed you are.

    Stop lying and just leave
  6. #26
    Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Didn't read, you're too triggered. Calm down Nonce.
  7. #27
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Data Goodbye

    you know you wont, you love the attention too much
  8. #28
    Bradley Florida Man
    I wish I could bust bigger loads all the time.
  9. #29
    Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Data What's the topic?
  10. #30
    Bradley Florida Man
    I really wish Kipo would do drag all the time and identify as a transgender person or cross dresser. Who knows, after reading that, you wanna come trip bud?
  11. #31
    Data African Astronaut
    You have to buy me dinner first
  12. #32
    Bradley Florida Man
    can it be tacos or is that racist to say to a POC
  13. #33
    Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley can it be tacos or is that racist to say to a POC

    Its only racist if the tacos are bad.

    If you take me to Taco Bell I will pretend everything is good and maybe even sleep with you, then I'll come back in a few weeks to burn your house down while you dream.
  14. #34
    Bradley Florida Man
    Umm. Do you like mcdonalds, the authentic food of my people?

    I'll get you whatever two items you want off the dollar menu, cuz u worth it.
  15. #35
    Data African Astronaut
    I'm worth at least a big mac wtf
  16. #36
    Bradley Florida Man
    that's cool bro i'll buy you a big mac. I even have a bunch of coupons that my plug gets (he eats mcchickens twice a day) that are buy 1 get 1 any sammich.

    I can get 1 large coffee, and two big macs for like 4.50 or some shit. under 5 might be like 5.04 and i just hand the kid 5 dollars and look at him like's fucking retarded if mcdonalds can't come off four fuckin cents for a lifelong customer (all americans are life long customers of mcdonalds). The coupons are really cool, i have like 20 of them.

    I used to flirt with this one real weird guy, he had a volknut (The symbol of Odin's dead warriors that I have over my heart) on his forearm (I noticed it once when he handed my ex food through the drive through) and i tried to talk to him a bunch and i found out he's like this weirdo bisexual alcoholic that is like, he kinda creeped me out even though he was ike 5'2, 120lb and obviously flamboyantly gay.

    My ex told me about how she googled "Dating an odinist boyfriend horror stories" and reaffirmed that my God (And I) are by her opinion bad, bad, men. I said "Wow you really don't ever think about me when we don't talk for eight months, don't you?"

    LOL damn i do one dab and i'm so faded and just happy to be here and to be participatin
  17. #37
    Bradley Florida Man
    i don't like mac sauce cuz i think it's just an oilier version of 1000 Island Dressing.

    which isn't even from an island btw
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