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Chauvin's Going to Walk

  1. #21
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Originally posted by netstat i hope he walks and the resulting riots are so large biden has to call in a nuclear strike on multiple cities killing millions of americans

    Thanked by edgelord 14y/o
  2. #22
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Three jurors were picked yesterday.

    One was a black woman.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by stl1 Three jurors were picked yesterday.

    One was a black woman.

    I thought race was a social construct.
  4. #24
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    The New York Times
    What happened on the first day of jury selection at the Derek Chauvin trial?
    Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs

    The first three jurors were selected on Tuesday for the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer accused of second-degree murder in the death of George Floyd.

    The selections came during a day of court proceedings in which nine potential jurors were asked questions by the judge, prosecutors and Mr. Chauvin’s lawyer about a wide range of issues, including their views on the police, on the Black Lives Matter movement and how much they had already read or watched about Mr. Floyd’s death. Six of the potential jurors were sent home, some of whom were nixed by the judge and some of whom were struck by prosecutors or Mr. Chauvin’s lawyer.

    Prosecutors at one point challenged whether Mr. Chauvin’s lawyer, Eric J. Nelson, had struck a potential juror because he was Hispanic, but the judge sided with Mr. Nelson, agreeing that there were several valid reasons for him to not want the man on the jury.

    The two sides will ultimately need to select a total of 12 jurors and up to four alternate jurors. The pace of the process on Tuesday indicated that they may move more quickly than had been expected. The judge has said he was hoping for opening arguments to begin in the case on March 29.

    Looming over the case is the question of whether an additional charge of third-degree murder will be added against Mr. Chauvin. His lawyer has asked the State Supreme Court to reverse a ruling that ordered the trial court judge to consider adding that charge. Prosecutors have also asked an appeals court to halt the trial until the matter has been decided, but the court has not yet ruled on that request.

    The three jurors who were chosen on Tuesday include two white men and one woman of color.

    The first man chosen was a chemist who described himself as “logical” and had said on a questionnaire that he wanted to serve on the jury. Despite having some feelings of trepidation about being a juror, the man said, he was not “scared to take on a trial of this magnitude.”

    The man said he was in favor of “community policing” and the idea that police officers should be “connecting” with residents, but said he disagreed that the Minneapolis police were more likely to use force against Black people than white people. He also said that though he may have formed an initial opinion about Mr. Floyd’s death, he now could not say whether Mr. Chauvin was to blame. “Opinions and facts are important distinctions for me,” he said.

    The second man selected, an auditor, said he had seen parts of the widely shared video of Mr. Chauvin holding his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck several times on the news. He said that he had a “somewhat negative” view of Mr. Chauvin but that he had no opinion on whether he was guilty or innocent.

    He said he had heard that Mr. Floyd had previously been arrested and that he was under the influence of drugs on May 25, the day he died, but he said he did not believe that those things should “have much impact on the case.”

    The woman who was chosen for the jury seemed eager to be on the jury, and replied with one word when Judge Peter A. Cahill told her that she would serve as a juror: “Awesome.”

    The woman said she became “even more” excited about jury duty when she realized what case she was being considered for. She described herself as an “open-minded” person, said she felt somewhat negatively toward Mr. Chauvin and said she believed that Black people were discriminated against in the criminal justice system, citing disproportionate rates of incarceration.

    She said she had an uncle who was a police officer in northern Minnesota. Asked if she could keep an open mind throughout the trial, she said “absolutely.”
  5. #25
    Do you actually still trust the New York Times?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #26
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    You betcha.

    Feel free to dispute what you believe to be untrue in the above article.
  7. #27
    Originally posted by stl1 You betcha.

    Feel free to dispute what you believe to be untrue in the above article.

    That's like me posting Alex Jones and asking you to take the article seriously.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by netstat i hope he walks and the resulting riots are so large biden has to call in a nuclear strike on multiple cities killing millions of americans

  9. #29
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump That's like me posting Alex Jones and asking you to take the article seriously.

    You literally post the post moon person which has 0 accountability. At least when the NYT posts fake shit they are held to an expected standard. The article he posted was about jury selection and you can't refute any of it, which you never do anyways and just say "OMG FAKE NEWS SHEEPLE" without evidence Tthen when asked to elaborate you never do. It's §m£ÂgØL tier tactics but §m£ÂgØL can at least make a half assed attempt to back up his position.

    These are things you should think about if you want to be taken seriously
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #30
    Originally posted by Donald Trump That's like me posting Alex Jones and asking you to take the article seriously.

    It's actually not like that at all.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #31
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Donald Trump That's like me posting Alex Jones and asking you to take the article seriously.

    Didn't think you would be able to dispute anything.

    Thanks for being so predictable.
  12. #32
    Originally posted by stl1 Didn't think you would be able to dispute anything.

    Thanks for being so predictable.

    Trying to bury me under sheer weight of bullshit.

    Originally posted by Sudo You literally post the post moon person which has 0 accountability. At least when the NYT posts fake shit they are held to an expected standard. The article he posted was about jury selection and you can't refute any of it, which you never do anyways and just say "OMG FAKE NEWS SHEEPLE" without evidence Tthen when asked to elaborate you never do. It's §m£ÂgØL tier tactics but §m£ÂgØL can at least make a half assed attempt to back up his position.

    These are things you should think about if you want to be taken seriously

    None of that is true. If I wanted to be taken seriously I wouldn't be posting here with a bunch of schizos.

    Originally posted by Solomon Thunder It's actually not like that at all.

    Hi §m£ÂgØL.
  13. #33
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Everybody is §m£ÂgØL on this blessed day
  14. #34
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by stl1 You betcha.

    Feel free to dispute what you believe to be untrue in the above article.

    trusting a newspaper or any media is pretty dumb. That's why I use google news to see how different media companies report the news. they all have their own spin.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #35
    Originally posted by Antifa Member There won't be any protests. It's pretty evident that Chauvin was abusive which led to Floyd's death. There's absolutely no way he walks.

    Said everyone about OJ Simpson.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #36
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Said everyone about OJ Simpson.

    Over 25 years ago lmao. Totally relevant tho.
  17. #37
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    If the knee don't fit, you can't convict?
  18. #38
    Meanwhile in Louisiana...Nog kills nerd over dirt bike.

    No riots reported so far.
  19. #39
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump None of that is true. If I wanted to be taken seriously I wouldn't be posting here with a bunch of

    Care to elaborate or expand upon any of this? No? Didn't think so. Fake news, chubby jew. You and Hillary literally eat fetuses fresh out the womb and can't prove otherwise.
  20. #40
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo At least when the NYT posts fake shit they are held to an expected standard.

    lol no

    they'll quietly print a 'correction' a month later rather than a retraction, if at all, long after the damage is done and the news cycle has moved on to something else.

    it happened all the time with Trump and 'Russiagate'
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