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Chauvin's Going to Walk

  1. #1
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    The Minneapolis Police Department squad car has been in storage at the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension garage pending this trial. One day a couple months ago, Nelson, along with the other defense attorneys and some staff members, went there to look over the car.

    Inside, Nelson said they spotted some chewed up pills and a full pill. And the state tested them.

    "They are in fact methamphetamine and fentanyl, and they contain the DNA of George Floyd," Nelson said.

    The implication is that the drugs were in Floyd's mouth, and he spit them out when the former officers were trying to place him in the police car.

    prepare for planet of the apes
  2. #2
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Don't think that really matters, the ME concluded he died from asphyxiation complicated by other things. The amount of drugs in his system was already documented and finding some in the back of a car doesn't make a lick of difference.

    They are going to watch the almost 9 minute video 100 times in that courthouse and it's going to be emotionally charged. He's going to be convicted of voluntary manslaughter or something lesser, hopefully goes to a prison where he can't clique up with skinheads and get stabbed to death by a gangster disciple trying to make a name for himself. His kinda hot ex wife makes pornos with nothing but the gnarliest of gnegros. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson co-direct and dip their pens in the company ink during shooting. Black lives suddenly start to matter...
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  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo Don't think that really matters, the ME concluded he died from asphyxiation complicated by other things. The amount of drugs in his system was already documented and finding some in the back of a car doesn't make a lick of difference.

    wasn't it cardiac arrest? I remember there were two conflicting reports, one the family paid for, not sure how that'll play out
  4. #4
    Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    He dindu nuffin.
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  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    honestly the current situation (ie. lockdowns, people being out of work en masse, political divides) is so dire that it's going to kick off regardless of the outcome

    in Greece anti-lockdown protesters just beat a cop to death
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  6. #6
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra wasn't it cardiac arrest? I remember there were two conflicting reports, one the family paid for, not sure how that'll play out

    yeah, that's true, "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression" is the official wording in the official one, in the one from the family it's "asphyxiation from sustained pressure" and both of them don't look good for mr. piggy.

    He's going to have to squeal and saw that's procedure and bring in some faggots from his union to say that's ok. DA will get emotionally charged and say "ITS PROCEDURE TO KNEEL ON A MANS NECK EVEN WHILE UNCONSCIOUS AND AN AMBULANCE IS ON ITS WAY IS IT????" and he'll be like "ummmm well he seemed like he may have been high" and the DA will say "NIGGA ARE YOU HIGH????" and everyone will laugh and clap and give him the death penalty

    I really don't think this is a winnable one. I remember you thought the guy who drove through the crowd in charlotteville was going to walk and he's now doing life. Basically Chauvin has to be sacrificed in order for nothing to change. If he walks like Rodney King, shit will pop off and changes will have to be made. If he is convicted "DA HEELIN CAN BGIN!!!" and all is forgotten until next time
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  7. #7
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo I remember you thought the guy who drove through the crowd in charlotteville was going to walk and he's now doing life.

    He really should've gotten manslaughter at worst; he was being chased by people beating on his car with bats, wtf are you supposed to do in that situation

    As for the kneeling thing, it's not supposed to affect the airway - cops in other countries do it as standard practice, and even though it might've been excessive or unnecessary it shouldn't have choked him out unless he did it wrong I guess
  8. #8
    Yeah, they knew he was on meth and fentanyl from the start, that isn't really new information and won't change anything. They won't get him on a murder charge though, it'll go down to manslaughter and there will probably be riots over the lessened charge.
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  9. #9
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Flyod was a hardened criminal with a long rap sheep and history of violence.
    Do you think the cops are going to make any progress running around catching criminals with a net?

    Flyod suffered a consequence of his own actions.
    Drug dealers don't care who they hurt/kill with their shitty drugs.
    Flyod got karma and the officer was busy with an unruly crowd gathering on the sidewalk who didn't help at all.
  10. #10
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Flyod was a hardened criminal with a long rap sheep and history of violence.
    Do you think the cops are going to make any progress running around catching criminals with a net?

    Flyod suffered a consequence of his own actions.
    Drug dealers don't care who they hurt/kill with their shitty drugs.
    Flyod got karma and the officer was busy with an unruly crowd gathering on the sidewalk who didn't help at all.

    you have the most shallow opinions. It's like when something is too nuanced and not straight forward you shut down and attack it in the simplest way possible, knowing you are not using all the right tools. I bet you are poor and in a relationship with someone who is very old
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Sudo you have the most shallow opinions. It's like when something is too nuanced and not straight forward you shut down and attack it in the simplest way possible, knowing you are not using all the right tools. I bet you are poor and in a relationship with someone who is very old

    I see it for what it is. You're the one wanting to spin it for something else.
    Every black man ever has said they were innocent.
    Haven't you ever watched any of the 30 years of COPS episodes.
    Black people are always caught in somebody else's pants with drugs that aren't theirs.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #12
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy I see it for what it is. You're the one wanting to spin it for something else.
    Every black man ever has said they were innocent.
    Haven't you ever watched any of the 30 years of COPS episodes.
    Black people are always caught in somebody else's pants with drugs that aren't theirs.

    "it's simple because I'm simple"

    fona your lazyness has corrupted your thinking. Every time I see you state an opinion it doesn't seem like it's based on any research or deep thought, just "muh feels" and by all means, you are certainly entitled to feel any way you want but it's stupid and you should think more
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #13
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    There won't be any protests. It's pretty evident that Chauvin was abusive which led to Floyd's death. There's absolutely no way he walks.
  14. #14
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Antifa Member There won't be any protests. It's pretty evident that Chauvin was abusive which led to Floyd's death. There's absolutely no way he walks.

    quoted for posterity, we'll see

    you're definitely wrong about protests though
  15. #15
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
  16. #16
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    I'll bet you a dick pic aldra

    You don't have to participate

    If you win, i send you a dick pic

    If I win, i send you a dick pic
  17. #17
    netstat African Astronaut
    edited for privacy
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #18
    I'd bet they'll get him on something. Eventually the courts will have to crack and submit to the media pressure and start sending people defending themselves against the Treyvons and Michael Browns to prison.
  19. #19
    Ghost Black Hole
    at least he got to get fucked up before he died
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #20
    cigreting Dark Matter
    dindu nuffins he an gud boy
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