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What the fuck happened in Nashville?

  1. #21
    What the fuck happened in Nashville?

    A motor vehicle spontaneously rapidly disassembled.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #22
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk What I don't understand is that if it was a terrorist attack of some type why were there warnings over a loudspeaker for people to evacuate the area? That's what doesn't make sense to me. From what I've heard no one has died which is a good thing but why such a warning before it happened? Was the goal strictly property damage?

    I suspect they wanted to destroy some sort of evidence inside one of the buildings and had no intentions of killing anyone.
  3. #23
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    i am
  4. #24
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #25
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Probably some whackadoodle Trump supporter practicing his "Right To Life" schtick.
  6. #26
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by stl1 Probably some whackadoodle Trump supporter practicing his "Right To Life" schtick.

    Shut up and post nekkid pictures .

    Also please die.
  7. #27
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    the RV was a warning device the bomb was a rod from god,, kinetic weaponry from space or possibly a stealth bomber .

    it had to be TRUMP fucking up some deep state plan.. its all unclear at the moment
  8. #28
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by STER0S i wonder what exactly was detonated

    they said the sound being a blast rather than a rumble and the smoke indicated what type it was when they arrived. and something something, specific smell. but didn't say on the news what it was. just they knew right away.

    So whatever was used at OK City?
  9. #29
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by frala I suspect they wanted to destroy some sort of evidence inside one of the buildings and had no intentions of killing anyone.

    Wow. Like Building 7 and something something Enron Something 2.3 Trillion DoD fundings?
  10. #30
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by POLECAT the RV was a warning device the bomb was a rod from god,, kinetic weaponry from space or possibly a stealth bomber .

    it had to be TRUMP fucking up some deep state plan.. its all unclear at the moment

    "God Rod" Dr Judy Wood 'Dustification' Rod.
  11. #31
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    A missile, and it wasn't even the RV that exploded.

  12. #32
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    A missile wouldnt leave a trail, look at dumb fire rockets leaving a gunship, or a brimstone. guided by fins on the terminal phase.
  13. #33
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Chemical trails thank you Obama
  14. #34
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    What's the rocket smoke trail doing in the video then?
  15. #35
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    kinetic weapons , rods from god are traveling at 5 km per second,, gotta leave a vapor trail,, no?
  16. #36
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by POLECAT kinetic weapons , rods from god are traveling at 5 km per second,, gotta leave a vapor trail,, no?

    Could be. A particle weapon would probably superheat the moisture in the air and vaporize it.
  17. #37
    Moisture in the air = vapour
  18. #38
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL A missile, and it wasn't even the RV that exploded.

    that stream I saw from another camera. the camera is swaying a bit. Either the wind or someone was holding it which would be an interesting thing to ask.

    the trail is from the blast. like debri trail fired into the sky before the mushroom or ploom came up much slower. its a blast trail and you can see it drifting to the right. someone purposely started the video at the middle of the trails existence to make it look like a missile came down.

    and I bet then knew this and just wanted to create drama.
  19. #39
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Nil A missile wouldnt leave a trail, look at dumb fire rockets leaving a gunship, or a brimstone. guided by fins on the terminal phase.

    usually rockets or missiles leave more of a vapor trail the bigger they are

    when rockets leave a gunship they 'pop' out of the launcher and don't fire jets until a few metres away

    Originally posted by -SpectraL A missile, and it wasn't even the RV that exploded.

    that looks more like an artifact or something - if it was a vapor trail it'd be visible for more than just the last 20 metres or so before impact, and it'd appear as the missile traveled, not be visible at the beginning of the video and disappear.
  20. #40
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Bugz that stream I saw from another camera. the camera is swaying a bit. Either the wind or someone was holding it which would be an interesting thing to ask.

    the trail is from the blast. like debri trail fired into the sky before the mushroom or ploom came up much slower. its a blast trail and you can see it drifting to the right. someone purposely started the video at the middle of the trails existence to make it look like a missile came down.

    and I bet then knew this and just wanted to create drama.

    No, the trail appears before the blast.
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