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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. I put one teeny tiny shard in the bubble and I got like 10 solid burns with lots of resin this shit is straight from the fucking acetone clean as clean gets.

    I'm lit up like a Christmas tree right now.
  2. T-PAIN is a lovely drug. Shame that tolerance builds so fast
  3. Lol, I didn't realize that was actually a word enhancement
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Lol, I didn't realize that was actually a word enhancement

    Me neither until you pointed it out. Also if by dip you mean tobacco, i get the same on Oxy/Fent, i basically chain smoke.
  5. Originally posted by Sophie Me neither until you pointed it out. Also if by dip you mean tobacco, i get the same on Oxy/Fent, i basically chain smoke.

    Yeah, I meant tobacco. I got that same effect with tramadol but not oxy. Although I don't think I was using tobacco when I was doing oxy
  6. Heart is beating so fast I could swear my mom can hear it
  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by RisiR I gave birth to three dark black 9 inch logs today. Opium life.

    A good bidet makes things so much easier. You'll never go back.
  8. Lol I can sleep in tek
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by cerakote that isnt the case with me

    i came home from work the other night, showered, and went to lay down and beat my dick before bed. when i went to get my cumrag i noticed the drawer it was in was fucky. paid it no mind. ff to the next morning. go to the tobacco store, buy a can of grizzly and a pack of zigzags, and pull out the drawer to get my weed. its gone. my grinder, my box i kept my bag of enhancements in, empty pill bottles, etc. just fucking gone. my dad still hasnt said anything to me about it and its been 3 days

    shud keep your drug shit wtapped up inside teh cumrag
  10. Originally posted by Lanny FUCK


    benzos are good for me although objectively shit on every level not feeling is pretty dope. Fuck the system, fuck everything, nothing in the world can make me give a shit and that's how the world ought tobe maybe.

    Auto-embeds gone. why?
  11. bundy + tekh gives you all the stimulation and makes your dick stop working. This is a zimmy combo
  12. Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Lol, I didn't realize that was actually a word enhancement

    I already made a thread about it getting removed. :(
  13. 6am I made it. I'm alive
    bundy hangover and crashing from meth... I would work if I didnt hate them all, society too.

    How 2 get paid without working?
  14. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump How 2 get paid without working?

    Work accident.

    Find something that is broken and nobody gives a shit about. Something that's regulated by law to not be broken. Hurt yourself with the thing while doing your job.

    Sue company. Get paid full until the trial and win.
  15. Check it out I'm doing tek dots. Brand new pipe.

  16. Tekh dots

  17. bling bling Dark Matter
  18. bling bling Dark Matter
    i cud hav go hash for sat but i sleep to long

    how di
  19. tekh dots
  20. bling bling Dark Matter

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