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Nanobots are in the food supply

  1. #21
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by A College Professor everybodys going to the party, have a real good time

    Oingo Boingo Much?
  2. #22
    street_carp African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bugz Oingo Boingo Much?

    It's System of a Down Bugz.
  3. #23
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by aldra it's supposed to reprogram the 'spike' proteins in order to make them incapable of entering cells - it doesn't really have anything to do with the BBB

    Have you already been vaccinated? They're going to make us into the nanoniggers. They're going to control us. Like they're controlling you. It's "supposed" to? Haha. HAHAHAHA. Well I guess if the government says it's fine then... AS IF. No sir, not for me. I'm not letting them feed nanowires into my brain.
  4. #24
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    In the end, your brains will be read and controlled from a network of satellites in space and a central computer. A single group of nefarious actors will control the actions and thoughts of every human on the planet. A world filled with programmed automatons. You will do as you are instructed, or you will self-terminate. Finally, peace and security.
  5. #25
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Meikai Have you already been vaccinated? They're going to make us into the nanoniggers. They're going to control us. Like they're controlling you. It's "supposed" to? Haha. HAHAHAHA. Well I guess if the government says it's fine then… AS IF. No sir, not for me. I'm not letting them feed nanowires into my brain.

    oh no, it's not fine. I have no problem with regular vaccines but MRNA and Adenovirus 'vaccines' are such an entirely new and fundamentally untested paradigm that it seems a stretch to even conflate them with the traditional method of using a weak or dead virus to train the immune system. I am absolutely not getting them myself, and I don't even care about my health in a general sense.

    MRNA vaccines are essentially a gene therapy meant to re-configure the part of the virus that is able to enter cells so that they physically can't spread and die, but it can accelerate subsequent mutation and potentially lead to higher lethality faster.

    Splicing a targeting sequence into a synthetic adenovirus has long held the theoretical risk of triggering autoimmune reactions, meaning getting the shot could potentially give you instant AIDS.

    The risks attached to both new 'vaccine' types could be minimal, but we have no way to know at the moment and rolling them out to billions of people in a panic over a literal new flu is hilariously risky
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #26
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    But dose trillions of teh nice dollers fer us, dough.
  7. #27
    Ghost Black Hole
    Terrorism can Target The unborn. Please protect yourself if you are pregnant. Do not consume foods that have nanobots in them. Cover your face head and neck to avoid getting Nanobots in your body also cover your breasts and legs these are Target points that terrorists can get nanobots into your body with. Nanobots move, grow, and self replicate inside you. They are small enough to flow through your blood stream and are everywhere. Please protect yourself against terrorism and share this information with the community so we can find a solution for this problem. Share with mothers, you can make a difference. Children are in danger. Keep people safe. God loves you.
  8. #28
    street_carp African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Terrorism can Target The unborn. Please protect yourself if you are pregnant. Do not consume foods that have nanobots in them. Cover your face head and neck to avoid getting Nanobots in your body also cover your breasts and legs these are Target points that terrorists can get nanobots into your body with. Nanobots move, grow, and self replicate inside you. They are small enough to flow through your blood stream and are everywhere. Please protect yourself against terrorism and share this information with the community so we can find a solution for this problem. Share with mothers, you can make a difference. Children are in danger. Keep people safe. God loves you.

    I'm gonna infect myself with nanoniggers and come and kill you and your precious corona-chan.

    Nanoniggers vs Corona-can, who will win?
  9. #29
    street_carp African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.1101110--1-1-----00.-111.1011-----1..-.1.0-1-.1010-10--01-011-----1.-.1--1----.-10---000010-1-(b­anned) the correct answer is: neither. youre the winner when they double team your hungry orifices.

    You're infected with nanofaggots.
  10. #30
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by street_carp I'm gonna infect myself with nanoniggers and come and kill you and your precious corona-chan.

    Nanoniggers vs Corona-can, who will win?

    Nanoniggers would steal the lipid barrier protecting the covid 19 virus, fill a drum with sterilized virion lipids and sell it to china. Except nanoniggers don't even need to sell anything because they can just steal things at a molecular level to have infinite resources.

    They are basically the ultimate artificial life form.

    imagine waking up naked on a dirt plot where your house and possessions used to be, everything stolen in the night while you were sleeping by quiet invisible nanoniggers that moved your furniture one atom at a time, trillions of them in only a few seconds instantly destroy your life.

    and all of it going to 40oz's, SLABS and chains for a bunch of invisible robotic nanoniggers.

  11. #31
    Ghost Black Hole
    they could convert the worlds oceans to malt liquor and carbonate the atmosphere
  12. #32
    street_carp African Astronaut
    Prepare to die, Ghost-kun.
  13. #33
    Ghost Black Hole
    i live in fear of the nanoniggers
  14. #34
    Ghost Black Hole
  15. #35
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
  16. #36
    Ghost Black Hole
    As we get closer to a Covid-19 vaccine, please know that when it is released, do not go travel for this vaccination. There are terrorists waiting for you to get hurt by this. Do not get vaccinated or recieve injections of any sort by anyone if you can help it. Terrorists including ISIS and Yakuza members work in hospitals and contaminate medical supply. Medical staff can be both aware and unaware of terrorism in their work.
    ​Don't get injected or you'll get infected.
    Don't get syringed or your rights will be infringed.
    Plasma donation centers and methadone clinics may be high target terrorist sites due to high traffic and dependancy of its patients. Nanobots inserted intraveinously can be absolutley invisible. Nanobots are made to be small enough to be flown into a tip of a syringe in the first place.
    Don't think people won't be terrorists because of their job or occupation sometimes terrorists can be people you would never expect.
  17. #37
    street_carp African Astronaut
    I'll take the Yakuzabots. Sounds cool as fuck.
  18. #38
    Bugz Space Nigga
    its a never ending story of different angry cults around the planet who always say their god is bigger and badder than anyone else. and he is a loving god but that loving god ordered them to murk the world who is not of their tribe
  19. #39
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by street_carp I'll take the Yakuzabots. Sounds cool as fuck.

    i know right
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