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time an time again lif getin shorter b$% getin loger so wot comes nex

  1. #1
    bling bling Dark Matter
    all da niggas dat gt B£ thay ran to the interinternational orbital border fear wifout air at wot appeard close as they approched a nigga from sheff tht wos shotting up meffs wif sum coke had a stroke so i chill 4 his death
    tinne as arrived as we climbd passt the line of th niggasin gin that anofer nood vict move quikc to assist buyt i gradded him by th rist rank comander in chef lvl blac abyss u tryin to assist this laddy called Fanny as i trew him down to haiti i reched
    in his poket an gradded the keys to his merceddes car inside wos a splif still lit but it wos shit we flew away 2 mars hotted in a bar go lit go lik a skunk dacne badabuk booon we driv it bac 2 the nigasin pad she dint wona kick it so the bich go stadded no borerder lines don exist no more sicne donally lost the war is all go accordin to the gravdigger law
  2. #2
    infinityshock Black Hole
    you are one cracking addled fuck.

    how the shit do you even manage to get out of bed...much less get on a computer...without nature doing its job and eliminating the weak and defective?
  3. #3
    Bling is strong. Bling is the next step in the evolution of humans. He communicates by thoughts and telepathy, not archaic words and shit
  4. #4
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    International Bad Boys eyyy6eeeeeeeee
  5. #5
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by reject Bling is strong. Bling is the next step in the evolution of humans. He communicates by thoughts and telepathy, not archaic words and shit

    drooling and nasal bubbles do not constitute any form of communication whatsoever.

    this is why his parents boarded up all the windows in his house. to protect them from being licked to death.
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