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Full Retard

  1. #1
    Somehow we have reached maximum retardation in the past few days.

    It is affecting our gravity field and slowly pulling an asteroid our way. There might be only one way to save ourselves.... actual... Quality Content. *shivers*

    Just kidding. We gonna die for sure.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    I think we reached full retard a long time ago
  3. #3
    Stop one upping me.
  4. #4
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR Somehow we have reached maximum retardation in the past few days.

    It is affecting our gravity field and slowly pulling an asteroid our way. There might be only one way to save ourselves…. actual… Quality Content. *shivers*

    Just kidding. We gonna die for sure.

    you would be the resident expert on full retard. you make simple jack look like a fucking Rhodes scholar
  5. #5
    Look at your avatar you fucking clown.
  6. #6
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR Look at your avatar you fucking clown.

    I fap to it regularly, you fucking bosnian jedifag
  7. #7
    Why did you have to black out some stuff with paint like a 5 year old?
  8. #8
    It really is getting retarded around here lately
  9. #9
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR Why did you have to black out some stuff with paint like a 5 year old?

    it's for diversity

    you have something against black? you fucking racist faggot nazi
  10. #10
    Originally posted by infinityshock it's for diversity

    you have something against black? you fucking racist faggot nazi
  11. #11
    ^^^^completely broken^^^^
  12. #12
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    You're all a bunch of hardcore homoautistic fucktatds, every last one of ya. I swear you're all lucky i still post on these boards. Godammit.

    Fuckin jedislags!!
  13. #13
    Head-Bot talking to itself. how cute!

    you need a popup window though. it makes it more believable like someone is interacting
  14. #14
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR ^^^^completely broken^^^^

    not my fault...although i admit im jealous that you let some other man do that to you
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