Naturally Camouflaged
[connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
Here's some facts for you old man
Camera doesn't lie. Do you really want to make a creepy pedo the most powerful man in the world, commander of the worlds biggest military and have his finger on the red button. Not to mention in charge of the security forces and pretty much "untouchable"?
Naturally Camouflaged
[connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
But there's kissing babies and then there's stroking little girls hair, then holding their arm preventing them from moving away and saying the creepiest shit to them that you just wouldn't say to little girls.
Would you hold your friends ten year old daughter by the arm to stop her getting away so that you can stroke her hair repeatedly like a fucking nonce case stl1?
Would you really ever do that to any little girl, like ever?