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Deleted posts for: infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-.---.-----.-.-.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..----.-..-.-.-.-.-.----.-.-.-..-.-.-.--.-.-.--------(banned)
2020-10-16 at 2:58 AM UTC
2020-10-16 at 3 AM UTC
Originally posted by G They intentionally seek out idiots for the JJ show, litigants & crowd, this way her above average intelligence radiates supreme by surroundings.
the crowd is literally paid actors/actresses.
that entire show is a farce...and the complete antithesis of jurisprudence. it is literally entertainment and not law at all. -
2020-10-16 at 3:02 AM UTC
Originally posted by Bill Krozby Pretty sure I could fuck you up and you'd be squealing for captain save a ho like the pig you are.
sure, youre pretty, but the only squealing would be on your part when youre bent over a log with dueling banjos playing in the background and dueling hillbilly cock plundering you down under.
probably with an apple crammed into your craw
just the way you like it -
2020-10-16 at 3:06 AM UTC
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood If that's all it takes to excel in society is using slightly different words in professional settings than I have no hope for white culture or western civilization. This feels like a hebrew shadow game to me and I am not playing
kikes have their own sekrit language.
oy vey
every notice how kike-predominant institutions have all kinds of excessively large and counter-intuitive words? lawyers...doctors... -
2020-10-16 at 3:14 AM UTC
Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. Pretty sure I would drag ur broken dick & fragile body around the room before u could even lift one of ur noodle arms.
he wasnt talking about using his fists. he was talking about using his tonsils. and his version of squealing is reinforcement from his sex partners that hes doing a good job after all the other men he sucks off tell him what a terrible cock sucker he is.