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The Official Halloween Movie Marathon Thread
2020-10-04 at 6:58 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 6:58 AM UTCSamsies on Sherri moon 😍 🥰The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-10-04 at 7 AM UTC
Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal Fuck you.
Animal abuse isn't funny or edgy.
If you weren't a poser you would just kill a human.
Pig was already dead weinerbrain. They just found a place where you can buy the pig whole. They just smeared blood n guts all over their naked bodies n set shit kn fire n we tossed the pig in a big fire pit, laughed n then got drunk n played loud music until the pig was done. -
2020-10-04 at 7:01 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:02 AM UTC
Originally posted by CASPER Pig was already dead weinerbrain. They just found a place where you can buy the pig whole. They just smeared blood n guts all over their naked bodies n set shit kn fire n we tossed the pig in a big fire pit, laughed n then got drunk n played loud music until the pig was done.
That doesn't make any difference.
Show some respect.
Defiling the body of a living organism isn't cool or Halloween it's just douchey and very jewish. -
I think this was actually one of the movies at that party
2020-10-04 at 7:04 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:08 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:09 AM UTCI miss the Simpsons
2020-10-04 at 7:17 AM UTCGorefags make Halloween so boring
2020-10-04 at 7:18 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:21 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:22 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-10-04 at 7:24 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:27 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:31 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:37 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-10-04 at 7:39 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:41 AM UTC
2020-10-04 at 7:44 AM UTCThis isnt necessarily a horror movie. Well produced though, very atmospheric. Theres a mystery element involved. I really liked it. Watch if ur in the mood for only a light spooking