you both fucking suck and are evil and have no regard fort he emotions of people, real humans, like me. i wanted to be happy. i wanted to trust at least one of you; too good to be true obviously. it felt nice believing your lies, like my life had hopee... butreally i knew better. so yeah i think i bloecked you both o every avenue cuz im not dealing with such fucking fuckheads on a regular basis. blocked both of you ojn fb and im straight up ging for my jgular with tht xacto knife. you know.... nice knowing you ,you emotionally abusive sociopathic fucks. i know i'm not ptreyyu person on bit or anything but i thot maybeu cud look ps tht. esp bradley sinceh e likes dick in the ass. clearly not. i must be never-level disgusting.
like i said in that one fb to you bradley, i hope Odin bleses you with sterility, lest your firstborn son be born a midget wihouth balls, no teeth, rectal cancer, leukemia, and fcuckin buck teeth. later in life he develops a black dick fetish and ges aids which youcatch from raping him you sick pedo fuck. for bretraying me like this, you and youyr family deserve wors. a pox upon your house, and your family.
and if by sme fucking miracle you were serious and tort was the only guitly party... well, i'd hope the same for tort... but hes never knocking anyone up with that 1.5" i can hope for is ISIS obtaining sarin and tort sffocating, patalyzed and drooling like the fucking retard he it.
i hate you. i fucking HATE YOU> really. my self confidence is normally like 0.001 and you invested weeks into toppling that to like -10 for your sick socopathic plasure.
Actually that's kind of hot though. I enjoyed the game. Just a heads up though: you both suck at this shit. I was calling bullshit like day 1, second 1... and all you could do was deny, like I'd fucking believe you. Shaking my fucking had, fam. It was like like you were getting caught walking out of a store with a a slimjim (fyi they sell em in stores, Bradley, not just give em away at foodshelves for poverty sticklen cripples)... abd while you walk out the store and the clerk is liek "YOU HAVE TO PAY OF THAT" you're just like "lol dude nothingsuspicious this is fine like stop smoking drugs haha".
Long story short: youy're both faggots, I love you, but fuck you both and I'm never talking to you again. ♥
Post last edited by Phoenix at 2017-03-08T04:38:49.717219+00:00