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US Military records 58,058 cases of Wu-Flu, 90 deaths.

  1. #21
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    So far, my rate is 0%.
  2. #22
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You question was…

    Who here really belives that the moratlity rate in the civilian mortality rate is 1834.8104767292% more than the rate in the military?

    That's the question I addressed and answered (several times)..there is no other question I've attempted to answer.

    YES it's completely reasonable that the civilian mortality rate is 1834% higher than the Military mortality rate because…again…

    military people = young, fit and healthy with very few (if any) 70/80 yr olds.

    Civilian population = 80% overweight rate…40% over the age of 50…fitness virtually none existent…so again yes…I have no problem believing civilian casualties of Covid are hugely higher than military ones.

    You seem to be equating that into me "believing CDC numbers"…the actual numbers are not really relevant to my answer…

    If there were only 100 civilian deaths..then I'd still expect the military deaths to be in single figures in comparison.

    OK, I get it. You have been fooled. Here I thought you were more on the ball than that. Oh well...
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson To make the % easier for you to understand speedy.

    Lets take some numbers (again the actual numbers don't matter to demonstrate percentages)

    Military - 5 deaths
    Civilians 100 deaths

    Civilian deaths = 2000% higher than military deaths.

    …so AGAIN..yes I can believes the overall civilian rate is 1834% higher than the military rates because AGAIN…fat sick and old fucks.

    oh, another thing that skews the datapoint is that the military is making tests MANDATORY for everyone in its employmemt while in the general population only those who are sick enough that they require to be seen by doctors get tested.

    if they have mandatory tests for everyone like singaporeans did with their slaves the %age of those positive for the viruses would surge thru the roof, and lowering mortality rate to 0.00000 something %.
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