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Niggas On The High Seas: Recruiting members for the Red Brigade pirates crew
2020-09-03 at 7:53 PM UTCI am Captain of the Red Brigade and I am looking for crewmates to help me sail our aquatic low-rider, the Gram Galleon, towards the shores of adventure, where great booty lays waiting to be grabbed.
I need
A first mate
A cook
A navigator
A marksman
A doctor
A shipwright
A lookout
A quartermaster
A musician
A helmsman
Apply for positions below. -
2020-09-03 at 7:54 PM UTCYou're missing a cabin boy.
2020-09-03 at 9:25 PM UTCyoull be gutshot by pirates and ill steal your espresso machine.
a submarine would be nice though -
2020-09-03 at 9:42 PM UTC
2020-09-03 at 11:36 PM UTC
Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.................................................... (banned) youre the coxswain and im the rear admiral.
batten down the hatches because your torpedo tube is about to get some good frocking when i unleash the kraken.
when im finished im going to rent you out to kĀroz and his dinghy
Didn't read. Shut up faggot. -
2020-09-03 at 11:50 PM UTCWill the crew be STD tested?
2020-09-04 at 12:45 AM UTC
Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer................................................... (banned) sounds like a bunch of faggots that run around raiding the used tampon disposal receptacles.
what i want to know is what you do with the used tampons after youve stolen them
You don't want to know -
2020-09-04 at 1:25 AM UTC
Originally posted by ORACLE I am Captain of the Red Brigade and I am looking for crewmates to help me sail our aquatic low-rider, the Gram Galleon, towards the shores of adventure, where great booty lays waiting to be grabbed.
I need
A first mate
A cook
A navigator
A marksman
A doctor
A shipwright
A lookout
A quartermaster
A musician
A helmsman
Apply for positions below.
Is the shipwright a scrawler? i can do that.
as long as you purchase me a brand new tablet with spell checker. -
2020-09-04 at 1:26 AM UTC
Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer................................................... (banned) sounds like a bunch of faggots that run around raiding the used tampon disposal receptacles.
what i want to know is what you do with the used tampons after youve stolen them
Just narrow down to a one liner. it's funnier this way. -
2020-09-04 at 3:31 AM UTC
Originally posted by ORACLE I am Captain of the Red Brigade and I am looking for crewmates to help me sail our aquatic low-rider, the Gram Galleon, towards the shores of adventure, where great booty lays waiting to be grabbed.
I need
A first mate
A cook
A navigator
A marksman
A doctor
A shipwright
A lookout
A quartermaster
A musician
A helmsman
Apply for positions below.
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-09-04 at 10:07 AM UTC
2020-09-04 at 1:54 PM UTC
2020-09-04 at 2:10 PM UTCNavigator: We finna hit some rocks. No cap.
Rocks: Ayyy wus good? -
2020-09-04 at 2:17 PM UTCwat position swabs d poopdek
me want dat -
2020-09-04 at 2:26 PM UTCfr tho u niggas should get sea of thieves so we can be mateys
2020-09-04 at 2:32 PM UTC
2020-09-04 at 2:34 PM UTC
2020-09-04 at 2:35 PM UTC
2020-09-04 at 4:49 PM UTCim the scriber on the sail of a pakistani barge full of waste