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Deleted posts for: infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer (banned)
2020-08-15 at 4:35 AM UTC
Originally posted by TJ I'm here bitch, what now?!
Scotty Parker: Nope I'm not broken, it would be fairly hard to break me. for instance before I went to the pokie some bad cats took me hostage for over two weeks and put a bag over my head like those dudes wrap a horses head with and I couldn't even see SHIT the whole time. yet I kept my composure and they were probably going to start cutting off my fingers and really ratchet up the heat but the cops came and took us all to the pookie . jail wasn't the most fun I've had and to be honest I don't prefer to go back but there's plenty of things worse.
but yeah I heard theyre gonna start playing soccer in Frisco again so I'll probably be trying to catch a few games in the near future if anyone wants to meet up. I usually bring in a bottle of ripgut to sip and cram down a few weiners. all American shit, nationals of other countries might not understand
stfu kĀroz, you dirty nigger faggot
make your useless self slightly less useless and post nude selfies -
2020-08-15 at 4:35 AM UTC
2020-08-15 at 4:36 AM UTC
Originally posted by infinitesimal shock Come here and kneel in front of me, let your guard down while I explore the depths of your mind and we make peace with the past. I hope your mother is doing well, tell her I said thanks for the cookies. Persistent guy. Consistent person. High-effort poster.
ill kneel on the back of your neck after i finish sodomizing you and blow my load all in your hair.
every time i watched that george kirby video with the cops i half expect one of them to either face-fuck or ass-fuck the dirty nigger. or at least stuff a baton into one of the niggers orifices. opportunities missed... -
2020-08-15 at 4:36 AM UTC
2020-08-15 at 4:37 AM UTC
2020-08-15 at 4:40 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cly Nobody has pointed this out, but it occured to me today. i bet he has a micropenis
the next time your sucking your mothers cock take a peek at her asshole.
the explanation for why it resembles a desiccated sarlac pit is due to the last time i ass fucked her sans-lube.
go ahead and lap up some of my nutsack nectar that is sure to still be drizzling out while youre down there...youll like it. -
2020-08-15 at 4:41 AM UTClanny kills innocent kittys
2020-08-15 at 4:43 AM UTC
2020-08-15 at 4:44 AM UTCsigned
2020-08-15 at 4:49 AM UTC
Originally posted by TJ Aren't you like 90 by now. You probably would have a prolapsed lower GI pulling your prostate out of your own ass just by trying to flex up on me.
It's time for you to be placed in the HOME old man.
you can dispense with the foreplay and small talk. its a sure thing. you have a date that is going to ramrod your orifices better than your uncle benny along with all his friends together ever could.
you probably should bring a suture kit with you if you want to keep your own internal organs....internal.