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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. bling bling Dark Matter
    the bowl wos dead olready so i wus lookin for sum lil pices of has and found a tniy cube of hash is its is a sign/
  2. bling bling Dark Matter
    not got enuf bacy to make a new cone cont got to toke it nife style wen i got back
  3. sdzfvrdghttut77iuythhththtdvdfdfrfggffffffetuuggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  4. Just woke up feeling amazing for no reason. This is happening a lot lately and it's kinda scary.
  5. bling bling Dark Matter
    y dont u make a brick of hash wif pounds
  6. bling bling Dark Matter
    This procedure is only advised when you have so much weed to spare that you don't possibly smoke it all in a year.

    Good luck
  7. I make hash from trim and press it to pucks with the Versace Medusa logo on it.
  8. My eyes look closer together when I drink, lol
  9. Drink until you're a Cyclops.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Originally posted by RisiR Drink until you're a Cyclops.

    I must already be a cyclops

    I have to close one eye to read so that eye must not be real
  11. Drink until your left eye has wandered over to become your right eye and vice versa. Never give up.
  12. bling bling Dark Matter
    u hav run owt of hash plz choose 1 *kil self* *roll diece*
  13. bling bling Dark Matter
    {*roll diece plx thx**
  14. bling bling Dark Matter
    u have found a hash rich baccy seam behind ur monitor wat do u do now????

    +dirty baccy pile
    +.5 bean hash
  15. bling bling Dark Matter
    *mek ditry bowl adn go south adn smoke in shefd****
  16. bling bling Dark Matter
    it don work do u search more or no

    blocchain fuck u again to
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  18. Holy fuck I think I had a seizure last night. All I remember is eating like 20 pills, forgetting to eat dinner then waking up around midnight flailing around and trashed my bedroom, completely destroyed everything, I was in the kitchen for some reason?? Left all the lights on and passed out again. My mom woke me up on the couch I almost missed the bus I have no idea what the fuck happened. I ate 4 Coldaside already today and I feel nothing. Is this a dream?.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. This is indeed a dream son
  20. My whongus started working wtf I got scammed

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