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pleasure the sploo way

  1. #1
    i'm playing dragon age inquisition on ps3 while my runescape character is disassembling logs, watching we bare bears on cartoon network, listening to girl rock, talking to shamboy who's bday is tomorrow, eating gabapentins and noots. i have 3 seperate streams of information active at any given time to occupy my mind, and each of those streams has dynamic elements within them (different channels/songs/games), this is an adequate level of baseline complexity for my relaxed "lazy" functioning. life is good.
  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm glad you're content.
  3. #3
    Yeah man thats some high level stuff, exactly how I do my daily. It's important that a man does these things in this information age of ours. Dynamic Streams of Information yeah I like the ring of that.

    I like to do drugs/music/shitposting/video games and chemistry all at once but occasionally I get too high and forget to mix the music so the music stops or I get too tired and have to focus on less and less.

    Yup being alive is pretty sweet.
  4. #4
    infinityshock Black Hole
    what the sparkling shit...dont you people have jobs? aspirations and motivations?

    the goddam minitru has turned this generation into a bunch of slacker entitlement pansies.

    you'd all have a fucking heart attack before lunch if you did what i did...
  5. #5
    I worked all day in the blistering cold in the heart of mechanized capitalism with conveyers and machines whirring and computers, pipes and heaps of metal in the belly of the best.

    What do you do you on your down time?, fuck ass and shoot squirrels?, sounds high class.
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