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Republicans in a nutshell

  1. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny except theres no longer anything such as the good or the bad. they're all different mirror image of the same side of the same coin.

    We can assume some information will be good information and some information will be bad information.
  2. Originally posted by -SpectraL We can assume some information will be good information and some information will be bad information.

    well assume all you want but thats not going to make them anything more than just your mere assumptions.
  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny well assume all you want but thats not going to make them anything more than just your mere assumptions.

    Assumptions and conclusions are two completely different animals.
  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL Assumptions and conclusions are two completely different animals.

    of the same taxonomy.
  5. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by aldra what would you consider a reliable source?

    everyone has an agenda, even the ones you 'trust' so it's important to counterbalance your and their own biases.

    I read BBC news from time to time for example, even though I don't trust them at all, especially when it comes to US/UK foreign policy or internal politics

    That is true, its like if I kept you at my house and you had zero contact with the outside world except through me. Obviously if there were things going on out there that it didn't suit me to tell you then I wouldn't. And what I do tell you is always going to be my personal version of it, told in my way to my point of view. And you would do the same, as would anybody. Even if you didn't really mean to fuck with them it would still be your version of reality that you'd be telling them, because you'd see it your way. The media does the same but with purposeful malice, they are all owned by the very wealthy in our societies. And like I always say, if you want to know who really runs a country then look at who's got all the money.

    I mean its like I know very well I miss a lot of what does go on in the world in the news. But I know the world I live in and I know bad shit goes on and good shit goes on from day to day. Hearing exactly what the exact facts of every bad or good thing that happens on a minute to minute basis doesn't really make me less informed. And I do still live in this world, I go out, I do things, I do talk with people. I make my own impression from what I see for real. I take little value in others who are only interested in telling bullshit tales to me in order to assert control of me or bilk wealth from me. Plus I do have access to the internet, I can look things up, even without going to MSM sites.

  6. Originally posted by Narc That is true, its like if I kept you at my house and you had zero contact with the outside world except through me. Obviously if there were things going on out there that it didn't suit me to tell you then I wouldn't. And what I do tell you is always going to be my personal version of it, told in my way to my point of view. And you would do the same, as would anybody. Even if you didn't really mean to fuck with them it would still be your version of reality that you'd be telling them, because you'd see it your way. The media does the same but with purposeful malice, they are all owned by the very wealthy in our societies. And like I always say, if you want to know who really runs a country then look at who's got all the money.

    I mean its like I know very well I miss a lot of what does go on in the world in the news. But I know the world I live in and I know bad shit goes on and good shit goes on from day to day. Hearing exactly what the exact facts of every bad or good thing that happens on a minute to minute basis doesn't really make me less informed. And I do still live in this world, I go out, I do things, I do talk with people. I make my own impression from what I see for real. I take little value in others who are only interested in telling bullshit tales to me in order to assert control of me or bilk wealth from me. Plus I do have access to the internet, I can look things up, even without going to MSM sites.


    thats like trying to bake a perfect cake with missing ingredients.
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The trick is to read everything, the good and the bad, the lies and the truth, the biased and the unbiased, and then make a personal assessment based off the entirety of it all.

    unfortunately that takes a lot of time and effort
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    lol im a repub but have a kik nose no gfure?

    it was a bad day

  9. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by aldra unfortunately that takes a lot of time and effort

    I've spent probably over a million hours on it.
  10. Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol im a repub but have a kik nose no gfure?

    it was a bad day


    did you get your ass beat at the protests
  11. You're getting to old for that shit Bill Krosby.
  12. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    "Don't buy into the hype. It's perfectly fine to come to my rally June 19th! Don't let the media scare you! BUT BEFORE YOU'RE ALLOWED IN THE RALLY YOU HAVE TO SIGN THIS VIRUS LIABILITY WAIVER"

  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol im a repub but have a kik nose no gfure?

    it was a bad day

  14. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Republican in nutshell: "Help! Help! I'm stuck in this tiny little nutshell and I can't start any wars from inside here. I wish I had mah shotgun so I could blast my way out of this fucking nutshell. I bet it was a negro bastard that trapped me in this fucking little nutshell."

  15. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Narc Republican in nutshell: "Help! Help! I'm stuck in this tiny little nutshell and I can't start any wars from inside here. I wish I had mah shotgun so I could blast my way out of this fucking nutshell. I bet it was a negro bastard that trapped me in this fucking little nutshell."


    That's crazy.
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