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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Are you on speed or what?
  2. I think I have multiple organ failure.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by RisiR Are you on speed or what?

    No i just woke up.
  4. You're a weirdo.
  5. bling bling Dark Matter
    my too mny mom just go to work idk if make a spliff or no
  6. bling bling Dark Matter
    wot is day
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by RisiR You're a weirdo.

    It's true, i ain't gonna' lie.
  8. bling bling Dark Matter
    ok bye
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by bling bling my too mny mom just go to work idk if make a spliff or no

    I got mariwanas and the bag says Black Leaf, but i stopped smoking mariwanas so not sure if i should make a spliff either.
  10. bling bling Dark Matter
    i got 7.5 beans left u thnk i will suvive the weekend itf i smoke adn have pankace now
  11. bling bling Dark Matter
    like 1 bean its 1 point of hash
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by bling bling i got 7.5 beans left u thnk i will suvive the weekend itf i smoke adn have pankace now

    Sure, the weekend is almost out.
  13. Originally posted by RisiR I still got kind of a crush on one of the girls now, though. That's nice. She turned out all right. Like, better than expected.

    I tried to talk her into prostitution with a bunch of convincing points but I think I failed.

    Hahahaha. Let me're single?
  14. Originally posted by Captain Falcon I'll kill you

  15. Originally posted by bling bling wot is day

  16. Originally posted by RisiR Sunday.

  17. Originally posted by Dargo Hahahaha. Let me guess…you're single?

    Yea, what's wrong with that?
  18. Originally posted by RisiR Yea, what's wrong with that?

    Nothing. It's just that usually when a guy has a crush on a girl he doesn't try to talk her into prostitution.
  19. bling bling Dark Matter
    wer doing it
  20. bling bling Dark Matter
    can u et tost after pancaces

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