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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Beefy nacho loaded grillerz all I need all I need
  2. Originally posted by reject Happy birthday to me :(

    Happy birthday reject!
  3. Did anybody else hear about Trump barring CNN and the BBC (among others) from the white house press briefing? It's not even because "oh they're liberal news." He literally has a beef with individual reporters from each of these. I mean what the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with him? He's a total fucking child. There is no agenda to this other than his own personal revenge. It'd be funny if it wasn't so scary.
  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Happy birthday reject!

    ^ <3 🎂🍻
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Did anybody else hear about Trump barring CNN and the BBC (among others) from the white house press briefing? It's not even because "oh they're liberal news." He literally has a beef with individual reporters from each of these. I mean what the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with him? He's a total fucking child. There is no agenda to this other than his own personal revenge. It'd be funny if it wasn't so scary.

    I like it, makes things more interesting.
  6. bling bling Dark Matter
    ask the post ofice if they will loan u a ng scale for a min
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Originally posted by Discount Whore Did anybody else hear about Trump barring CNN and the BBC (among others) from the white house press briefing? It's not even because "oh they're liberal news." He literally has a beef with individual reporters from each of these. I mean what the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with him? He's a total fucking child. There is no agenda to this other than his own personal revenge. It'd be funny if it wasn't so scary.

    We are living in a book and all of history has been back story
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    When you really want to take a second dose of clonazepam, but you're trying to be responsible and give it enough time to be sure it's fully kicked in.

  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Donald is highly intelligent and extremely clever. Every move he makes has been meticulously calculated and the effects predetermined. He is a tidal wave and there's nothing that can be done to break his momentum. This is the tip of the iceberg of what's to come. This is the second coming of Christ, boys.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I never thought I'd see the day, mmQ has gone from cuck to redpilled.
  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I literally didn't type any of that.
  12. Originally posted by Malice When you really want to take a second dose of clonazepam, but you're trying to be responsible and give it enough time to be sure it's fully kicked in.

    Stop trynna kid yourself and just take it
  13. Originally posted by Discount Whore Did anybody else hear about Trump barring CNN and the BBC (among others) from the white house press briefing? It's not even because "oh they're liberal news." He literally has a beef with individual reporters from each of these. I mean what the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with him? He's a total fucking child. There is no agenda to this other than his own personal revenge. It'd be funny if it wasn't so scary.

    They leaked press credentials, basically barring them on a technicality but can you blame him? The Clinton news network is a joke and the CIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM known as CBS isn't much better
  14. Originally posted by Malice When you really want to take a second dose of clonazepam, but you're trying to be responsible and give it enough time to be sure it's fully kicked in.

    Smoke an owl
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Did anybody else hear about Trump barring CNN and the BBC (among others) from the white house press briefing? It's not even because "oh they're liberal news." He literally has a beef with individual reporters from each of these. I mean what the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with him? He's a total fucking child. There is no agenda to this other than his own personal revenge. It'd be funny if it wasn't so scary.

    Are you literally shaking right now? Do you need a fucking safe space? You liberal piece of shit. If people were purposefully putting hit pieces out on me i sure as fuck wouldn't invite them to my press briefings. You fucking victim.
  16. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Actor Stop trynna kid yourself and just take it

    Wait, when did I take that first dose? Wow, seems it's already been two hours. Yeah, the effects had felt pretty steady for a while so I took .4 more somewhere around 45-30 minutes ago.

    I think I could even use a bit more. I haven't used any benzos in quite a while, at least a year, I think, although I did build quite a tolerance to alcohol, but I'm not sure exactly how much because I may have needed a lot more than most people to begin with.

    I'm neurologically abnormal, so I can handle it.

    Noticed mild euphoria at one point. Right now I feel fairly relaxed, although the anxiolytic effects could be a bit stronger. I'd rate the effect on muscle relaxation at this point a 4/10. Cognition doesn't seem to be have too much of an adverse effect. My mind does feel "lazier" or at least more laid back, but intrusive thoughts, manifestations of OCD in the form of recurrent themes in my mind, racing mind, those are all greatly reduced, improving performance. There's less hesitation, things flow smoother and are written without excessive concern.

    Only negative is that the drowsiness is right on the edge of being excessive, which means that if I push it to 1.5mg total in order to feel full anxiolysis the drowsiness will cause it be untenable for functioning. Gonna brew a nice batch of pu-er or imperial gold needle black teas from Yunnan to wake me up a bit. Man, this is going to be great for sleep. Very serene feeling, although it does lack some nice aspects f alcohol at this point, but a little would go a long way if I wanted to augment it.
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    My country is my safe space leave us alone!! *heavy HEAVY weeping*
  18. i ran out of CCC and its really cold outside. Life is hell FUCKING KILL ME.
  19. pusie. ive walked roghly 1.6 miles in cold and snow for a can 211 before.
  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump i ran out of CCC and its really cold outside. Life is hell FUCKING KILL ME.

    I'd go get them for you if I was closer. Any word on those smell proof bags?

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