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"Mass Shooting" in Nova Scotia, Canada

  1. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny M.RAP /m'rape/


    -Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected is a term for United States military vehicles produced as part of the MRAP program that are designed specifically to withstand improvised explosive device attacks and ambushes.

    The gun ban in Canada just did affect tanks.
    If you previously had one of these Sherman tanks, the cannon on it would require you to have a possession and acquisition license.
    That cannon got banned. It's over 20mm and over 10 thousand joules. Previously fully legal (explosive rounds not so, but armour piercing go have fun).

    It's mostly military collectors who got bit by this ban. Also people who own priceless historical pieces such as Boys Anti Tank guns. Nobody's ever used such a thing in a crime. This gun ban is purely political. Justin wants a seat at the UN security council, so he's filling the UN's mandate of global disarmament.
  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    jokes on them I never owned a gun and I don't vote

    If I wanted a gun I would just buy it illegally from a gangster anyways. The gun ban hasn't stopped all the people getting shot in my neighborhood.
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood jokes on them I never owned a gun and I don't vote

    If I wanted a gun I would just buy it illegally from a gangster anyways. The gun ban hasn't stopped all the people getting shot in my neighborhood.

    France doesn't have gun violence. You know why? No guns.
  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    What about all those mass shootings
  5. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace France doesn't have gun violence. You know why? No guns.

    Lol, so naive.
  6. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace France doesn't have gun violence. You know why? No guns.

    They just stab people to death instead. Big difference.
  7. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL They just stab people to death instead. Big difference.

    Knives are way scarier. I was talking to a cop I do martial arts with. He was saying with knives, people just walk by you, stab you, then walk away. You may not even know you got stabbed until a minute later when you notice a bunch of blood. When somebody gets shot, emergency vehicles are instantly on their way. Not so with knife stabbings.

    What's even more disgusting is Justin is selling military equipment to Saudi handsome and well tanned individuals so they can oppress Yemenis, while disarming his own population.
  8. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Splam Knives are way scarier. I was talking to a cop I do martial arts with. He was saying with knives, people just walk by you, stab you, then walk away. You may not even know you got stabbed until a minute later when you notice a bunch of blood. When somebody gets shot, emergency vehicles are instantly on their way. Not so with knife stabbings.

    What's even more disgusting is Justin is selling military equipment to Saudi handsome and well tanned individuals so they can oppress Yemenis, while disarming his own population.

    The United States and Canadian governments love to sell to butchers who chop people up alive. They don't mind taking the blood money at all, because they're a bunch of sadist butchers as well. One big, happy family of real life monsters!
  9. Originally posted by Splam

    The gun ban in Canada just did affect tanks.
    If you previously had one of these Sherman tanks, the cannon on it would require you to have a possession and acquisition license.
    That cannon got banned. It's over 20mm and over 10 thousand joules. Previously fully legal (explosive rounds not so, but armour piercing go have fun).

    It's mostly military collectors who got bit by this ban. Also people who own priceless historical pieces such as Boys Anti Tank guns. Nobody's ever used such a thing in a crime. This gun ban is purely political. Justin wants a seat at the UN security council, so he's filling the UN's mandate of global disarmament.

    i didnt know canadians have 2A.
  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace France doesn't have gun violence. You know why? No guns.

    je suis charlie hebdo.
  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL He didn't "win". He's got a minority government. He can't do shit, unless two of the other parties agree. All it will take is one of the other parties, besides the Conservatives, who are already against him on everything, to go against him and he's toast on a no-confidence vote. Not quite a "win". More like a draw.

    Sounds like salty tears over PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA Trudeau's triumph: everyone is rallying under the leadership of Mr Trudeau. What s great Canadian.
  12. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i didnt know canadians have 2A.

    We do in actuality. Courts have shut it down. The second amendment is based on British law. Which is enshrined in Canadian law. On that note, the courts have also shut it down in the USA. Second amendment is supposed to give you the same equipment as the military. It doesn't.

    Canadian law protects all existing rights that were held by British subjects. British charter of rights (1688)

    Subjects’ Arms.
    That the Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law.

    As mentioned this was tried in the Canadian courts some time ago, and failed. Doesn't change the fact that we, at least those protestants, have the right to bear arms as written.
  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    legalize rocket lawn chairs

  14. Originally posted by Splam We do in actuality. Courts have shut it down. The second amendment is based on British law. Which is enshrined in Canadian law. On that note, the courts have also shut it down in the USA. Second amendment is supposed to give you the same equipment as the military. It doesn't.

    Canadian law protects all existing rights that were held by British subjects. British charter of rights (1688)

    As mentioned this was tried in the Canadian courts some time ago, and failed. Doesn't change the fact that we, at least those protestants, have the right to bear arms as written.

    thats not 2A at all.

    2A as i understand it, is a right given to citizens to arm themselves specifically to defend against government bullying.

    while british freedom to bear arms is just a freedom to have guns to kill wild animals without the explicit freedom to fight and rebel against their kings and queens even in the event where their kings and queens have turned tyranneous.

    am i missing something ?
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL They just stab people to death instead. Big difference.

    People survive stabbings. Stab wounds are neat and easy to stitch up. The majority of people survive a stabbing nowadays

    Thats why more people die of violent crime in the US than anywhere else on earth. Its because of guns. Google it.
  16. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats not 2A at all.

    2A as i understand it, is a right given to citizens to arm themselves specifically to defend against government bullying.

    while british freedom to bear arms is just a freedom to have guns to kill wild animals without the explicit freedom to fight and rebel against their kings and queens even in the event where their kings and queens have turned tyranneous.

    am i missing something ?

    Nope. He's just another gun fucking retard who is upset we can't buy ICBMs at Walmart.

    These people won't be happy till kids can buy guns
  17. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Nope. He's just another gun fucking retard who is upset we can't buy ICBMs at Walmart.

    These people won't be happy till kids can buy guns

    If you leftist weaklings had your way, you'd be running in hamster wheels for the government. Good thing you have us on the right to defend the entire population from tyranny.
  18. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats not 2A at all.

    2A as i understand it, is a right given to citizens to arm themselves specifically to defend against government bullying.

    while british freedom to bear arms is just a freedom to have guns to kill wild animals without the explicit freedom to fight and rebel against their kings and queens even in the event where their kings and queens have turned tyranneous.

    am i missing something ?

    It is similar to 2A. It allows protestants to have arms to defend themselves. Incase they didn't teach you in history class, during the 1600s most of Europe was at war between protestants and catholics. They specifically granted the right to protestants so that they may have arms suited to their defence and as allowed by law. This right was the basis for the 2nd amendment. As with most old laws, it's worded a bit funny. "As allowed by law" specifically. Judges threw this defence out in the case of someone who didn't want to get a firearms license (we didn't always have a licensing system).

    Again, the importance of firearm rights, is because it's the right which you use to defend the rest of your rights. It'll be the first domino to fall.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace People survive stabbings. Stab wounds are neat and easy to stitch up. The majority of people survive a stabbing nowadays

    Thats why more people die of violent crime in the US than anywhere else on earth. Its because of guns. Google it.

    People survive 9mm shots all the time too.
    By blade you're fucked if your attacker gives you a little twist.
    Thing is with blades, you sometimes don't even know you're stabbed until you're passed out. With a gun, you know you're shot and so does everyone within a 1km radius.

    USA doesn't have a gun problem. It has a nigger problem. When it comes to guns, you love statistics. When it comes to niggers, it's all skewed and false. Countries like Canada and Norway have high gun ownership rates too, just that people don't have those huge collections. And we don't have any significant amount of niggers. Most gun control in the USA was implemented because of niggers, not because of guns.
  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Next they should start by banning marijuana again because these nigger ass maple munchers do not deserve the privilege.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Originally posted by -SpectraL If you leftist weaklings had your way, you'd be running in hamster wheels for the government. Good thing you have us on the right to defend the entire population from tyranny.

    You're Canadian. Your opinion doesn't matter
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