Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lambasted lannys longing loose labia like the liberal little laotian ladyboy he loves larping like, leaving the little lads larynx lacerated and laryngitic............(banned)
the origin of business investment was an investor 'loaning' a quantity of currency to an invest-ee with the knowledge that upon completion of the purpose of the investment all parties would get a pre-arranged share. if the project failed no one received any money. kikes are the ones that invented the paying interest. theres a reason white countries had interest banned for centuries. (fed reserve is the perfect example)
no, the origin of financing comes from not bussiness investors but by loansharks/shylocks/merchant of venice which were exclusively jéws operating from jéwish ghettos.
christian "investors" werent allowed to leverage each other with an interest that would make the whole thing worthwhile so it was up to judens to fill the void.
they were the ones who financed every european war of conquests and expansions.