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How are you feeling at the moment..
2020-04-01 at 2:13 PM UTCi love mashed potatoes with my gravy
2020-04-01 at 2:15 PM UTC
2020-04-01 at 3:02 PM UTCWeird - just got a call from Afghanistan WTF ๐ณ
2020-04-01 at 3:03 PM UTC
2020-04-01 at 3:06 PM UTC
2020-04-01 at 3:25 PM UTCgud to gizzle
2020-04-01 at 4:42 PM UTCI woke up with a fever. They say not to use Ibuprophen for some reason.
2020-04-01 at 4:46 PM UTC
2020-04-01 at 4:47 PM UTCNot worried.
2020-04-01 at 4:52 PM UTCunbovvered ...as they say back in Manchester.
2020-04-01 at 4:54 PM UTCfuck a nigger whore folks
2020-04-01 at 4:54 PM UTCdont be bashful
2020-04-01 at 5:06 PM UTCPissing hot cheese
2020-04-01 at 5:11 PM UTCpissing hot cheese?
2020-04-01 at 5:14 PM UTCImmunity.
2020-04-01 at 5:15 PM UTCStressed the fuck out
2020-04-01 at 5:16 PM UTC
2020-04-01 at 5:44 PM UTC
2020-04-01 at 6:19 PM UTC