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The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition

  1. Lanny is our overlord who deserves worshipping more than Jesus, providing us a place to converse with other real people rather than the fake motherfuckers in real life. But yea the site does kinda suck cos I can't even quote people without it being a ball ache
  2. Lanny is our overlord who deserves worshipping more than Jesus, providing us a place to converse with other real people rather than the fake motherfuckers in real life. But yea the site does kinda suck cos I can't even quote people without it being a ball ache

    Quoting people has gotten strange lately.

    Before it just wouldn't show up until you clicked quote like five times, but now it's starting to copy the wrong post and has even copied the quote but attributed it to the wrong person a couple of times
  3. I still spend all of my Internet time here though so apparently it's good enough for me
  4. bling bling Dark Matter
    i will die soon
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Slight of hand and twist of fate... Yep. That's what it is.
  6. &Zenith Yung Blood
  7. &Zenith Yung Blood
    Slight of hand and twist of fate… Yep. That's what it is.

    sleight u plebian farm animal
  8. Maybe he only has a little bit of hand zenith, do not judge.
  9. I prefer a regular steak, but since we were at a vegetarian restaurant i took the next best thing.
    and steak can cause cancer.

    I have scientifically proven that eating is detrimental. smoke meth erry day.
  10. Everything causes cancers these days according to science. I think the pharmacist just took a dig at me, I went to buy some codeine and she was going through the bit like "don't take for longer than 3 days, don't drive etc etc" then looked at me and was like "but it looks like you've heard this many times already"
  11. Also I can't paragraph for some reason. I put the paragraphs in but when I post it just goes to one block of text
  12. Everything causes cancers these days according to science. I think the pharmacist just took a dig at me, I went to buy some codeine and she was going through the bit like "don't take for longer than 3 days, don't drive etc etc" then looked at me and was like "but it looks like you've heard this many times already"

    LOL.. I would have been like "OH yeah I also need a pack of 27 gauge 1CC syringes please.. for my uhhh.. diabeetus.."
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also I can't paragraph for some reason. I put the paragraphs in but when I post it just goes to one block of text

    Yeah, it happens when you post from a phone or similar device. Or at least it did with me that one time i used my phone to post here.
  14. CountBlah Tuskegee Airman
    already found an alternative to Crouton to sell :)
  15. already found an alternative to Crouton to sell :)
    just dilute like a gram of fentanyl and mix it with a bunch of well ground weed and say its Crouton lol heals opiate withdrawls.

  16. bling bling Dark Matter
    Everything causes cancers these days according to science. I think the pharmacist just took a dig at me, I went to buy some codeine and she was going through the bit like "don't take for longer than 3 days, don't drive etc etc" then looked at me and was like "but it looks like you've heard this many times already"

    are u really from uk
  17. Nah I just like to pretend I'm British
  18. bling bling Dark Matter
    than link up and show me whts real
  19. CountBlah Tuskegee Airman
  20. bling bling Dark Matter
    whoes coming for my birthday i have no friends

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