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I never understood why Polish people never admit to being wrong with anything?

  1. #61
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Star trek believe me none of that kissing ass shit works. They'll get rid of you in a second for someone else no matter how much maid work you do in a corporation. They get rid of high up bosses and shit for not producing their results all the time. Your job there is never safe when you're not a female star trek and that was just a waste of your time.
  2. #62
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  3. #63
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  4. #64
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Wariat No star trek it didn't get you anything. You almost got bullided by someone who was born female star trek. If you were born female you wouldn't have to work for free on Sundays star trek. Just join the gig economy and you will never have to other star tree over again.

    Originally posted by Wariat It is funny because I swear I thought you said previously somewhere it was your computer skills and development that made you so indispensable to the company and your skills having so much merit? If you have such skills why the fuck would you have to do maid work ad clean shit on Sundays. Don't they hire maids to do that shit star trek?

    Maids? No. It was me and the manager and the bosses daughter cleaning up candy bars from the floor. I always assumed me and the bosses daughter would couple up some day, and, to be honest, I dreaded that, as I seen how hard her dad worked, and how her mom blew all her husband's hard earned money, with £1,000 hotel meals and the like that we were instructed to write off as client entertainment (and we got away with AFAIK).

    And feminists? No, she was a sad morbidly obese Harry Potter fan. I have more details, but basically it was just some cunt who did her job to the letter.

    A lot goes on that you concern yourself with that you shouldn't be aware of Wario.
  5. #65
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Star trek nothing you said proves you should have been involved in leaning anyone shit and refuted my points if you were born female you never even would have.
  6. #66
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Fact is star trek nice guys finish last and the only reason someone would ask you to clean candy because your a friends zone nice guy star trek. Women loathe nice guys just reason some medium articles by them.
  7. #67
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Wariat Star trek nothing you said proves you should have been involved in leaning anyone shit and refuted my points if you were born female you never even would have.

    What does that sentence mean? What does "leaning anyone shit" mean? What does "if you were born female you never even would have" mean?

    My last boss inherited a concrete business because he was male, and the original inheritor was a priest and divided it up between the males in the family. The sister in the family married some cunt in Northern Ireland who did web design, so I had to deal with her entitlement and uselessness. Like what you inflict on Ghost - asking for a entire product specification before doing a single solitary gay porn.

    Did you ever even do that gay porn he asked for?

    Or too busy feeling lazy and entitled - for no reason whatsoever?
  8. #68
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]

    What the fuck.

    Never mind.

    I have a pay check that kinda negate all your loser points.
  9. #69
    Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Wariat Either way, I would rather be crazy than just a slimeball like Casper on here or that guy who tried to make shit up on me or search me up (Octavian I believe) or Technologist repeating known lies to feel superior. Anyone who tries to keep another men down, or emut them or keep them from fulfilling their potential is way bigger of garbage than anyone who is simply nuts and doesn't fit in society. That's just my opinion though.

    You were proven yet still deny as the thread title says.

    P.S your drawings SUCK!
  10. #70
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Actually it was never proven. The only reason you think so because at one time I claimed to be the person which anyone can be lol. I can claim to be you on another forum for instance. So whether it is true or not has little to do whether it has been proven. Anyone can take the identity of someone and run with a story plus since multiple people exist with the same first and last names and look white or polish since it is a polish name any one of them could be that guy or a story can be conducted using their pics available on social media or whatever. Plus even if that was proven nothing was proven with me changing my name or having a diff name. Again multiple people exist in Poland with multiple variations of each name.
  11. #71
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
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