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How are you feeling at the moment..

  1. WellHung Black Hole
    wariat is feeling worried about catching the coronavirus. Poland is under siege.
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    Feeling pretty good.. wakin it/bakin it... making breakfast.. 💕
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by CandyRein Feeling pretty good.. wakin it/bakin it… making breakfast.. 💕

    what are you making for breakfast, chicken? I'm just having a brew.
  4. CandyRein Black Hole
    Blueberry waffle and bacon just something real quick na mean
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by CandyRein Blueberry waffle and bacon just something real quick na mean

    sounds alright, i haven't had a waffel since i was like 11 lol

    I usually don't eat breakfast but if I do I pick up a kolache or a breakfast taco

    where I'm working at now since its a night job i get off at 7 in the morning and go get a beer and go mcdonalds, not that I really like mcdonalds but I do like mc biscuit egg mcmuffins.. and eat it and drink it walking down the street. they have a sandwhich and chip machine at work.. but like i was getting chips the first day and it was like 95 cents for zapps jalapeno chips.. so i put in a dollar.. and it took the dollar and told use exact change..WEEL CAN YOU GIVE IT BACK?!
  6. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby what are you making for breakfast, chicken? I'm just having a brew.

    You day drinking again my friend?
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Wariat You day drinking again my friend?

    I just got off work a while ago bromo.. this is my night now so i'm allowed.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby sounds alright, i haven't had a waffel since i was like 11 lol

    I usually don't eat breakfast but if I do I pick up a kolache or a breakfast taco

    where I'm working at now since its a night job i get off at 7 in the morning and go get a beer and go mcdonalds, not that I really like mcdonalds but I do like mc biscuit egg mcmuffins.. and eat it and drink it walking down the street. they have a sandwhich and chip machine at work.. but like i was getting chips the first day and it was like 95 cents for zapps jalapeno chips.. so i put in a dollar.. and it took the dollar and told use exact change..WEEL CAN YOU GIVE IT BACK?!

    I like your style man and can dig that lifestyle. I'd much rather have your life then be star trek. That's for sure.
  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    Hell yeah bromo, when you work nights you can do that even when you don’t you can but after working nights ..definitely I relate bromo
  10. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    So where do you work now since you lot the plastic plant job?
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Wariat I like your style man and can dig that lifestyle. I'd much rather have your life then be star trek. That's for sure.

    star trek / MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING is pretty cool, he's a smart gont. I probably wouldn't want to do his job just because I don't know about stuff like that but I'm sure it's easy for him, to each their own.

    I have a part time gig that I can work whenever I want with an architect friend of mine and its really boring, just sending blue prints to the cloud while he's not in the office but i got burnt on it and I had to take a lyft to get to that location in south austin.

    I'm only doing this factory job just so I can buy a new car, I haven't had a car in a year (went by fast) because I got hit by drunk driver while drunk. and figured I'd just not drive for a while since most everything is close to me.
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Wariat So where do you work now since you lot the plastic plant job?

    I'm at the plastic plant. I didn't get fired I was just asked if I wanted to leave at the end of the shift so I wouldn't fight with that lady anymore. US farathane

    its easy work but its really different than what I'm used to. A lot of people don't speaka the english that well there

    the video looks completely different than how it looks now they have a lot machines that newer, I didn't know would be like that.

  13. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby star trek / MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING is pretty cool, he's a smart gont. I probably wouldn't want to do his job just because I don't know about stuff like that but I'm sure it's easy for him, to each their own.

    It's not, but solving complicated problems gives me a little bit of happiness. Even if it means I need to work about 60 hour weeks (35 work, the rest learning about software testing) and develop an enormous big fat ass.

    Only benefit is maybe I'll get with a female who has a similar fat ass from having an office job. I can dream, can't I?
  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    Gaghhhh! Gotta run errands
    I can’t say I’m excited..but it must be done...

    At least I can chill and toke upon my return..kinda wanting something like a screwdriver or a mimosa..we’ll see :)
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  16. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  17. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    So basically Wario is the last person to wear the mask...
  18. CandyRein Black Hole

    Applebee’s has rats!
    I found a whole rat in my Cobb salad!

    Ohh Ricky! Lettem go!
  19. CandyRein Black Hole
    Today.. is gonna be an awesome day :)

  20. CandyRein Black Hole
    Nostalgic 💖

    Easy answer

    “Home Alone”

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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