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Foods/supplements to stay healthy

  1. #41
    TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby and uh are you serious about the super male vitality? Seems like alex jones is a snake oil salesman lol
    Lol I'm no chump, I only buy my water enhancements from him

    This chick has a video about how guys should only drink wine / liquor because of beer causing estrogen, I played the video for a guy in tinychat and he believed it was utter bullocks because it only mimmics estrogens effects. Not sure If he really knew what he was talking about , but it definitely does make you fat

    None of what she's saying is flat out wrong. And whether it mimics or is estrogen doesn't really matter, that's the whole point, you're body can't differentiate. The debate then is whether it's enough to cause problems for men, same with soy and BPA. In my opinion it can't be good and it's why you see the classic sports fag with beer gut and bitch tits. I know read somewhere that ladies who drank beer said it made them horny.

    Are {{{they}}} specifically pushing beer on men and wine on women just to fuck with us? Maybe, it does sort of seem like that, especially because you could learn to like anything. If I'm at a bar I'll usually get a beer just to fit in, I'd never order wine, and maybe a mixed drink. I also notice that 1 - 2 beers will make me much lazier and sleepier than an equivalent amount of wine.
  2. #42
    cerakote African Astronaut
    bear in mind that beer/wine/mead/etc are made by a living organism reproducing and shitting in your beverage, so ofc you will get fat from it. you're not only consuming the calories of the ingredients themselves, but also of the yeast that was living in it
  3. #43
    TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by cerakote bear in mind that beer/wine/mead/etc are made by a living organism reproducing and shitting in your beverage, so ofc you will get fat from it. you're not only consuming the calories of the ingredients themselves, but also of the yeast that was living in it

    This is flat out wrong; bacteria converts the sugar into alcohol. Less sugar equals less calories. You also need living bacteria to be healthy, it's why you need to eat yogurt and can't shit when you take antibiotics.
  4. #44
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby

    I don't know exactly why but the nutritional content is more optimal for human nutritional needs.
  5. #45
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by TreyGowdy This is flat out wrong; bacteria converts the sugar into alcohol. Less sugar equals less calories. You also need living bacteria to be healthy, it's why you need to eat yogurt and can't shit when you take antibiotics.


  6. #46
    TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock spleen


    What's your point? The caloric content of whatever bacteria is left over in beer and wine is completely negligible. It's sugar that makes you fat from drinking. That's why they have the alcoholics diet. Nobody ever got fat off vodka or gin.

    Post last edited by TreyGowdy at 2017-02-12T03:20:06.046982+00:00
  7. #47
    cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by TreyGowdy This is flat out wrong; bacteria converts the sugar into alcohol. Less sugar equals less calories. You also need living bacteria to be healthy, it's why you need to eat yogurt and can't shit when you take antibiotics.

    the yeast only digests what carbohydrate chains it is capable of, other longer or more complex chains are left untouched.

    homebrewers association website says that 60% of the calories in a beer are from alcohol and the remaining 40% from the residual carbs

    you dont need just any living bacteria of any manner in your body either; they are specific. the bacteria you ingest that live in the digestive tract are called probiotics and you can literally buy bottles of probiotics at your local pharmacy. pathogens are the things that give you infections and make you sick

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-02-12T04:36:33.313925+00:00
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