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Deleted posts for: jesus enriquez
2020-03-01 at 3:25 PM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib you're just making stuff up
prove anything ive posted is inaccurate to the degree of being wrong.
you cant.
ive been working on IC ground vehicles longer than youve been alive and rebuilding engines from the bare block, bare head, and partially disassembled/reassembled manual trans probably longer than youve been alive. the only thing on a 'normal' automobile i cant strip and rebuild down to the most basic component is an auto transmission. other than a handful of manufacturer-specific specialty tools (and i even have a whole box of them) i have every tool needed to rebuild an engine. ive built a functioning steam engine from scrap metal and raw materials.
now stfu and get back to your corner where you belong -
2020-03-01 at 3:25 PM UTC
Originally posted by A College Professor hey who wants to get in a dick smelling contest about car starters WWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL GONTS LOOKS LIKE ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL INFINITY THREAD
your poorly veiled efforts to get your face down between mens' legs is fooling no one.
i can tell you what my dick smells like.
your moms rectum. -
2020-03-01 at 3:26 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 3:43 PM UTC
Originally posted by A College Professor durr durrr i made a steam engine! time for you to take a nap grampa
it was for your grandmother to power her dildo back in the days before they had invented modern gasoline-powered engines. it had a kickstand and rollcage.
go ask your mother what i built for her. and no, you cant use it when she finishes with it -
2020-03-01 at 3:45 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 3:47 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 4:48 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 4:49 PM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib if i was in charge, i'd require timestamped photos of posters hands in order to prove they're white before they register.
niggers should not be allowed on the internet, or allowed to use computers, or allowed to use electricity even. niggerdom would have never discovered electricity on their own. no niggers ever even had a written language.
the way i see it, i should just kill every single nigger. and i could. except for the fucking faggot police.
thats called 'cultural appropriation'...niggers beez stealin' all da white manz shits -
2020-03-01 at 4:51 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dregs LMAO…the niggers have been, are, and always will be fake "offended" when you call them a nigger in real life. THEY WILL ALWAYS CARE. hell i have had 3 teeth knocked out and broken ribs because of one nigger that I called a nigger to his face because I thought his woman was hot. THEY ALWAYS WILL CARE.
if I said racist shit to anyone else in real life…ALL of them have walked away from me. I ain't tough or scary either. Just to the niggers for some reason. Whatever relive so called slavery for another few hundred years YET IN EVERY WALK IN LIFE they have had it and will always have it easier than any other RACE AND MAKE MORE MONEY THAN ANY OTHER "RACE" what a joke they are separate from US ALL FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS. THEY SHOULD BE SLAVES IF NOT WORSE.
a few decades ago and that nigger would have been swinging from a tree like a deranged christmas ornament straight out of 'a nightmare before christmas' -
2020-03-01 at 4:52 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 4:55 PM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny plastic ? was your car made in the USA ?
so when the cheap shit is made in the USA broke down its not USA thats at fault, but jéws.
is this derangement ?
if youre going to reply to my posts at least read them first. i never said it was my car...nor a car in the first place. i dont know fuck-all about where it was built or purchased. a mechanic installed it.
look at US manufacturing before the kikes became so prevalent in US business. germany and US were the top echelon in production quality. -
2020-03-01 at 4:56 PM UTC