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Deleted posts for: jesus enriquez
2020-02-29 at 3:05 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cheyes So, I'm NOT an independent contractor, I'm an employee (we are going to IOC very shortly) for a delivery company, but they made us give them proof of personal insurance,
where i live it is literally illegal for an employee to drive a company vehicle OR drive during working hours for work-related duties unless the employer has the employee (driver) on their vehicle insurance policy.
you need to talk to an attorney in the state you live in -
2020-02-29 at 3:08 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cheyes Yeah thats a little more than i wanna i spend considering i could go completely broke here. With as much driving as i do that thing doesnt quite get the mileage i want. Neither do 4WD pickups.
2005 AWD CRV gets 22/27 which seems quite good for 15 years ago. Would be more in price range.
if you never go off-road you dont need 4WD
and dont listen to that idiot saying 2WD are more reliable than 4WD. 2WD and 4WD trucks are literally identical except for the front axle, differential, and xfer case. -
2020-02-29 at 3:33 AM UTC
Originally posted by cigreting You have absolutely no clue what the fuck you are talking about. You are talking about a completely different situation based on how irrelevant that statement is
read the OP, idiot. the topic is the OP getting in a wreck while at work and his concern about going bankrupt due to the legal situation.
youre the idiot that keeps asking questions and expressing confusion about issues that were already pointed out in the OP -
2020-02-29 at 3:49 AM UTC
Originally posted by snab_snib yep. there's really not much of a difference. i understand that the layman thinks 'more stuff = more complex = more break' but it doesn't pan out like that practically.
and in the case of a 4WD truck even if the transfer case breaks the truck is still a rear-wheel drive. with minimal maintenance the benefits of the 4WD far outweigh the costs.
ive been in the boonies and ripped apart a U-joint and/or the carrier bearing in a K10 trying to get out of sand. oops. disconnected the rest of the rear driveshaft...tossed it in the bed...and drove all the way home in front-wheel-drive.
also...i just remembered a few weeks ago doing something similar on a dump truck that ripped apart the rear U-joint. i have pics that i can post if i get around to it. -
2020-02-29 at 3:52 AM UTC
Originally posted by cigreting I am no longer taking your posts seriously. Any idiot knows more parts = more to fail. If that wasnt the case then every vehicle would be awd or 4wd since according to you "it doesnt pan out like that"
youre an idiot and the one that no one is taking seriously. 4WD is a valid, useful feature on vehicles and if it werent no one would buy the option. i dont know a single person where i live that owns a pickup truck that doesnt have 4WD on it.
the reason every vehicle doesnt have 4WD is because of cost. the same reason older vehicles didnt have auto trannys but came with manuals.
explain how modern automatic transmissions with 500 gears applies to your stupid theory in relation to a simple 4-gear manual transaxle. -
2020-02-29 at 4 AM UTC
2020-02-29 at 4:05 AM UTC
2020-02-29 at 4:08 AM UTC
2020-02-29 at 4:12 AM UTC
2020-02-29 at 4:16 AM UTC
Originally posted by Bill Krozby I use my phone as a flesh light to go to the 2 and half crappers at 3 in the morning and have the though like what if I shehoyeded it and slipped and it went into the crapper lol so I be extra careful but shit happens. I'm going to the store tomorrow and see if these fags can just cram a new charger into it because I really don't want a new phone.
your dick is small enough to fit into the charging port of your flesh light cell phone -
2020-02-29 at 4:21 AM UTC
2020-03-01 at 10:54 AM UTC
2020-03-01 at 11:04 AM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i've serviced hundreds of starters. usually all thats wrong with themmwhen they fucked up are bearings and brushes, sometimes its the solenoids but mostly just the bearing and their carbon brushes, which are easy to replace.
go back and read the part where i mentioned theyre using cheaper, lower quality, and lower quantity components in modern starters that reduce their reliability and life cycle...in addition to being manufactured in a way that makes it difficult if not impossible (riveting or welding together the outer casing...soldering together internal components for example) to rebuild them.
example: i have a buttfuckton of starters for my older bike that come apart with two simple bolts...the internals are simple to manipulate...high quality copper and well coated/quality steel housing...and it costs $20 to rebuild
fast forward to last month when a V8 work truck was brought in to a shop to replace a bad starter. the new starter was literally the size of the starter on my bike and made of plastic. after literally a week it wouldnt start. one of the problems was the plastic pinion gear (you said you know about starters so i dont have to explain what that is or what it does and why its jew-tier fucktardery to make it out of anything other than quality steel) had warped so badly it wasnt engaging the fly wheel properly. -
2020-03-01 at 11:10 AM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny lol. bought cheap shit and then blame chinks for producing the low quality shit to your exact cheap standard.
i dont buy anything made in chinkland if i can buy it from somewhere else.
i just dropped $800 on a vise that says 'made in USA' so i could avoid shit-tier chinee junk.
https://www.wiltontools.com/us/en/p/machinist-4-jaw-round-channel-vise-with-stationary-base/28836 -
2020-03-01 at 11:14 AM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny an engime isnt a neclear reactor, the momemt you shut it down is the moment combustions (not nuclear reactions) stop inside them and therefore, is the moment they cool down.
this isnt 1917. all modern oils are designed to leave behind a thin flim of oil behind on the metals when they settle. and a couple of minutes wont be long enough for all of them to drip back down i to the crankcase.
just pull out yoir little dipstick amd notice how long does it takes for oils on it to drip completely off and leaving it dry.
hours if not days.
literally every single thing you said in that post is patently false, wrong, and incorrect.
youre an idiot, go back to google, and stfu.
and...funny how you compare an inanimate component (dipstick) under zero stresses to something like the stressed crankshaft bearings that are under so much stresses theyre made out of exotic metals because even the epitome of modern tribological technology isnt capable of exclusively lubricating them. -
2020-03-01 at 11:17 AM UTC
Originally posted by Lanny
Just sold some junk, aww yeah, rolling in it big time. Let's hit the club boys
that looks like a good haul for your evening of street walking. the only problem now is youre going to spend all of it...and more...on HIV treatments.
what do you charge to rent your junk out?
ill give you a quarter to suck my cock. -
2020-03-01 at 11:21 AM UTC
2020-03-01 at 11:22 AM UTC
2020-03-01 at 12:21 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 12:42 PM UTC