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Hmmmmm ... hairs a bit long at the side. Need a lil bit trimming.
2020-03-01 at 9:36 AM UTCi'll just do it myself.
oooohhh ... phuckkk.
phhuuccckkkkkkk. -
2020-03-01 at 2:46 PM UTCAre you pulling them out one by one or something?
2020-03-01 at 2:51 PM UTCCut your whole head off to save time
2020-03-01 at 4:39 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Are you pulling them out one by one or something?
no i decided to cut them with a small scissor.
i just grab them by the handful and cut and now its too short and fucked up. i went out anyway and some people were looking at me and i heard laughters behind my back and i dont know if their laffing at me or what. -
2020-03-01 at 4:40 PM UTCif people ask ill just say i was drunk and decided that i need a hair cut right there and right then.
2020-03-01 at 4:43 PM UTCaldra
2020-03-01 at 4:46 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 4:46 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 4:47 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 4:47 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 4:51 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 4:53 PM UTClawnmowers are for mentally unendowed people who can only perform simple tasks such as pushing shopping carts.
2020-03-01 at 4:53 PM UTCTell people that you fell into one of them then.
Or say a hungry cow attacked your hair. -
2020-03-01 at 4:54 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 6:16 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 6:33 PM UTCGo bald and get a cloak and pretend to be an evil wizard like Ming the merciless
2020-03-01 at 6:35 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 6:39 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 6:41 PM UTC
2020-03-01 at 6:51 PM UTC