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People are fucking asshole

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I got off work a lil early and decided to clean up my place and do 2 loads of laundry, but before that I walked by the laundry room to scope out what was in use and the washers were empty but both dryers were in use. So I get back from the store 30 minutes later (the dryers only run for 45 min)

    and go up to my place gather up my close and I go down there and the dryers are done. I wash my clothes (the washers take 30 minutes to go thru its cycle) I set an alarm on my phone and go back down when they are done and I open up the dryers to put my clothes in and the clothes are still sitting there. This is wicked annoying but I don't want to touch anyone clothes because I've taken peoples clothes out and put them on the table there and they will get frothy and open up the dryer so when I go back down there 45 min later they haven't dried at all so then I need to go get more quarters.

    I go back up stairs and wait 15 minutes for them to get their shit together and get their shit out and I go back down and they are still in there, so I take the clothes out I'm all touching some bitches panties and bras and I put the on the table and load my stuff up.

    So I make some coffee and go back down there and this bitch comes out and is like "wtf?!" and I walk up to her and ask "is something wrong?" (I've never seen this chicken in my entire life) And she says someone went thru my clothes, and I tell her I pulled them out and gave her plenty of time to move them and not everything is all about her.

    She ask me if I'd like for someone to do that to me and I tell her, that wouldn't happen because I set an alarm and thats why I'm back out here incase you got a wild idea. She told me I'm rude and I told her no you are.

    Some peoples kids are fucked up.

    I even had someone steal my underwear down there once.

    I almost wanted to say "hey lady, some people have stuff to do and don' watch soap operas all day" it was like 8pm

    fuck man
  2. #2
    Slow people are so annoying.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Why do people insist on cutting the green part of the watermelon off? It makes for a convenient gripping point. Just cut the watermelon up and leave the skin on.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Why do people insist on cutting the green part of the watermelon off? It makes for a convenient gripping point. Just cut the watermelon up and leave the skin on.

    I have no clue what you're talking about, maybe arabs in your country do that but here in america we don't unless they are bit sized eaten with forks

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-10T02:43:55.873648+00:00
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Slow people are so annoying.

    and its not even the people slow / making dumb mistakes cause everyone does sometimes but its the arrogant attitude that comes after it from some people. Then they are shocked when you call them out on their bullshit.
  6. #6
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah, if you're going to leave your stuff lying around in a shared area don't fucking whine about it when someone moves it out of the way
  7. #7
    Yeah, and whats w/people who do absurd amounts of laundry?
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I have no clue what you're talking about, maybe arabs in your country do that but here in america we don't unless they are bit sized eaten with forks

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-10T02:43:55.873648+00:00

    Preposterous, watermelons don't grow in the desert. Don't u even know geography, how will u sell ur hotdogs.
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Actor Yeah, and whats w/people who do absurd amounts of laundry?

    I guess they just re-wear the same stuff over and over again and put it off. I do my laundry once I fill up my laundry basket which is 2 loads
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I guess they just re-wear the same stuff over and over again and put it off. I do my laundry once I fill up my laundry basket which is 2 loads

    Your mama does your laundry*
  11. #11
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    If someone leaves their clothes in the dryer when I'M doing laundry I take them out piss all over them and throw em in the trash. Then I take my wet clothes and air-dry them in my apartment so as not to leave out any clues for my victim.
  12. #12
    Originally posted by mmQ If someone leaves their clothes in the dryer when I'M doing laundry I take them out piss all over them and throw em in the trash. Then I take my wet clothes and air-dry them in my apartment so as not to leave out any clues for my victim.

    Why don't you cum on them too though
  13. #13
    Like take some pride in ur work
  14. #14
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Why don't YOU cum on them? Huh? HUH??!
  15. #15
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ If someone leaves their clothes in the dryer when I'M doing laundry I take them out piss all over them and throw em in the trash. Then I take my wet clothes and air-dry them in my apartment so as not to leave out any clues for my victim.

    i heard a story where someone took a literal shit in a dryer with someone elses clothes...then turned it on

    the person deserved it, tho.
  16. #16
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm pretty sure actor has a thread out there somewhere regarding shitting in a loaded dryer. It is pretty cruel.
  17. #17
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    wow, i didn't know actro was such a rogue spear.
  18. #18
    i think it was something like "worst places for a serial defecator to strike" something like that. I actually made another thread "vandalism with feces should carry a more severe penalty"
  19. #19
    Originally posted by mmQ Why don't YOU cum on them? Huh? HUH??!

    Give me an address fam
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