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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.1011011--0-1--1--00.-100.01011-----0..-.1.0-0-.1010-11--01-001-----0.-.1--0----.-01---010110-1-(b­anned)

  1. Originally posted by Jesus is king Blacks literally are a different species though


    if modern science and taxonomy followed through with the consistent nomenclature that they use for every other organism known, there are literally at least four separate human species. caucasian...nigger...mongoloid...and australian abos.
  2. Originally posted by livingelegy Black women are superior to white women

    All white women are mentally ill whores

    Black women offer stability and loyalty

    war is peace

    freedumb is slavery

    ignorance is strength

    black lives matter
  3. Originally posted by Kev I think i was a day old, my mom took her top off.

    you forgot to mention when she gave birth.

    your penis was literally in your mothers vagina.

    in other words, everyone that wasnt born by c-section has literally had their cocks in their mothers vagina.

    or in lannys case, the niggers asshole that squeezed him out after a nine month rectal pregnancy.
  4. Originally posted by Fonaplats Now that she is too old to have children do you think she is going to get all slutty and do climate change porn?

    that slag is the epitome of a FAS victim. shes probably sterile from birth.
  5. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Nah but seriously I'm sure ill be fine. Im more upset about blood all over my matress and have to see this dipshit neighbor after this.

    I was just really surprised waking up laying in blood and my hand messed up.

    I think I just need to quit drinking it brings out the worst in me.

    But at noon I definitely want to get a drink

    you should be used to it by now after doling out your asshole to the well endowed niggers and other livestock.

    you better find a good prostate repairman...and seamstress to sew your asshole back up unless you want to be walking down the street and your lower intestines fall out right in front of everyone.
  6. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you should blow yourself up in an RV.

    you should blow me in the back seat of your prius
  7. Originally posted by Kev and when i grow up i wanna be you, is that bad? :P

    the only problem with that plan is i dont plan on ever growing up
  8. Originally posted by frala Can you imagine being the dumb bitch that hires Casey Anthony as your PI?


    she skirted a murder charge, you retarded retard.

    stop sucking lannys teat...its going to give you estrogen poisoning.
  9. Originally posted by frala I’ll do no such thing. I’m watching Beat Bobby Flay and that’s only bc Netflix crapped out on me while I was watching Tiny Pretty Things.

    I use my brain at work. I don’t need to use it while I watch TV.

    He smells like a man, not your wet dream.

    look at you...all rough, tough, and hard to diaper because you think that lanny giving you an admin access to a negative-rated alexa-rating site makes you speshul.

    tell me...which one of you idiots is responsible for fucking up the registration a few weeks ago so no one could register. be honest.

    also, if you want to know what my wet dreams smell like ask your mother.
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