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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.0101110--1-1-----00.-110.1011-----...-.1.0-1-.1010-10--01-011-----1.-.1--1----.-10---000010-1-(b­anned)

  1. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Trump lost.

    The holocaust happened.

    You're definitely a shining example of niggerdom.

    obviously thats the best response you can come up with, absent any other reply or ability to come up with anything coherent.

    youre wrong. youre an idiot. youre a nigger
  2. Originally posted by aldra HARD NEEDLE

    these cheap shit apartments have induction stovetops that the owner apparently bought in bulk from old RVs or something

    guy next door's doesn't work properly so he's trading it for mine, along with some weed and oxy

    some niggers here in florida did something like that with the gas-powered stoves.

    guess how that turned out.

    hint: several deaths, a fireball, and the entire building literally leveled.

    zero was in the news.
  3. Originally posted by street_crap Hiki is safe and dry in his closet in Indiana, POLECAT is getting fat and high on his Dude Ranch in Bumfuck, Alabama.

    Holy shit that rhymed.

    All we're seeing here is the threat of an armed insurrection from a generation of people that have never been to war.

    Edit: Inb4 Iraq and Afghanistan, I meant civil war or conscription.

    because yugoslavia and liberia and somalia in the early/mid 90s dont count and ive never been to any of them
  4. Originally posted by Technologist Finny, I hope you know you really shouldn’t waste your time. My thumb instinctively scrolls the second I see your profile. Move along grand wizard.

    the only thing i want to read from you is detailed descriptives of the daily beatings and physical abuse your pet nigger so generously and appropriately bestows upon your deserving whore self.

    post pics of your black eye or eyes

    also, youre a whore
  5. Originally posted by Technologist Whoah, I’ve watched the evolution of a cult follower, right before my eyes. You’ve gone down a hole you may never get out of.

    For some reason you conspiracy nuts seem to think that you have 80,000,000 followers that are going to take to the streets in protest. First off, Biden 81,000,000…..trump 74,000,000, 7 mil difference. Secondly you people are the fringe, most republicans are not in this cult if yours. And finally, if you don’t think intelligence is watching behind the scenes, you’d be wrong. The people that will be slaughtered are trumpeteers, by law enforcement; and if need be, military force😁

    Have at it.

    youre a delusional nigger loving whore with the mental capacity of a squashed grape.

    you have no clue about sociopolitical trends, much less how this is going to pan out.

    hint: argentina.

    google the term 'the disappeared'...and 'desaparecidos'
  6. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 You also believed Trump would win the election.

    You also don't believe the holocaust happened.

    You also believe that you're not a nigger.

    Your track record is pretty weak, bro bro.

    trump won the election

    the holocaust is another kike lie

    my entirety of ancestry is caucasion.

    now explain to me why they lied about needing to stop counting votes due to a watermain break that didnt happen.

  7. Originally posted by Technologist

    I knew there’d be more!

    Fucking video

    you stupid fuck:

    'Nobody was ever told to leave, Watson told Lead Stories.' there are literally media reports of statements made of voting officials saying the counting was stopped due to a water main break. its in dozens of articles, retard.

    note that they didnt once mention the false claim of the watermain break that was publicized in dozens of media outlets.

    dont cite anything from AP...theyre flagrantly lying and have been from day one by declaring tossed salad biden the president-elect. he isnt.

    no, really. watch the video. go ahead and explain why every single poll watcher and media representative leaves at the exact same time...then a handful of counters stealthily remains behind to continue, sans oversight.

    then explain why the one chick sneaks in the ballots then hides them under the tables. really...explain that one.

    thisll be good.
  8. Originally posted by Bill Krozby You sound like another rump burt trump supporter

    you sound like a cheap whore that just spent the entire week getting cornholed by dozens of random niggers then compensated with a can of soda by your pimp.

    ask your mother how i know what she sounds like.
  9. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 You have no idea what is on that video bro. You could post a video of a guy sitting in McDonald's on a laptop and claim it's evidence that the person was "rigging da voooote"

    i literally watched every frame that was publicly released.

    i watched the narrated version as well...along with the combined affidavits claiming the poll watchers at media were told to leave by the supervisors due to a water line break...along with the combined proof that there was no water main break...along with seeing the actual ballots being secreted into the building then hidden under tables (at 08xx-something in the morning) then once the handfull of covert ops counters are alone the hidden ballots are then counted.

    dont be a retard.
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