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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.0101110--1-1-----10.-110.1011-----...-.1.0-1-.1010-10--01-011-----1.-.1--1----.-10---000010-1-(b­anned)

  1. Originally posted by Technologist Uh huh. This is seriously not even funny anymore. This is sad. I sit back and watch trump, lin wood, sidney powell, rudy, and jenna ellis use salacious, intentionally misleading news, to reel ‘em in. lin wood and jenna ellis are doing it all in Gods name. That is sickening. God has a special place for them. But you trumpers just lap it up, so much so, that these people have donated $207,000,000 after the election. Just sickeningly sad.

    there is literally video of the fraud. irrefutable.

    'durhh...we normally hide the ballots under the tables and only bring them out after the pole watchers are gone. ahhh-durrrhhh'

    you dumb titless whore.
  2. Originally posted by AngryOnion Lesbian strapon.
    Google it, it's a thing.

    just get a boyfriend and you dont need a strapon.
  3. Originally posted by Jesus is king

    that right there is why eugenics needs to be brought back into vogue.
  4. Originally posted by ORACLE Stop living in an alternate reality. Joe Biden won, Trump lost, the polls were right.

    reciting your MINITRU mantra and doublethink programming doesnt change reality and it doesnt affect sane people.

    youre wrong.

    unless you provide evidence and plausible reasoning, youre just a part of the problem and on the day of the rope will be larping as a christmas tree ornament.
  5. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 You mean like Trumpworld denying they lost an election? Something like that?

    You're a "MINITRU" advocate you retarded motherfucker

    theres more evidence that he won than otherwise.

    go ahead and dispute the literal video of literal voter fraud.
  6. Originally posted by Bugz All Sexual Perversions of Nature should be given 12 straps across the back, in a public gathering for every event they did so. or until the number of 48 is reached.

    Im being serious though.. the whole rise in Children Porn and Sex trade of young and older people has been going on and the Media started to get into talking about it.. suddenly it's Yesterdays news. but it's tomorrows problem still. and todays and for who knows how long

    the fuck are you stammering on about. child porn isnt sex. its abuse. its not sex unless its a human above the age of puberty.
  7. Originally posted by AngryOnion Lesbians with dicks.

    lesbians dont have dicks.

    what youre saying is you have a homosexuality fetish.
  8. Originally posted by livingelegy I'm gonna move out of my mom's pickup truck and leave town, then I'm gonna check into the salvation army. They're gonna help me out with showers, getting a new ID, and being fed. Then I'm gonna go to a recruitment center and sign my sorry ass with the armed forces and then if I go and pussy out I'm just gonna kill myself because I'm all out of hope otherwise and my family has had it with me. Do you have any choice words or advice for me?

    post pics of your mom
  9. amateurs have fetishes

    professionals have a list of sexual experiences that are against the laws of nature and several paragraphs in the geneva convention.
  10. Originally posted by Technologist Dumb fuck

    I’m sure there’s more to follow.

    Bahahahahahahaga you guys are stupid🥴

    MINITRU spin doctors make a bullshit excuse

    go ahead and explain how it is literally on video that the poll supervisors told everyone to leave under the premise of a watermain break then continued counting ballots without oversight.

    all documented.

    also, youre a nigger loving slag with a chest as smooth as a 12 year old boys. except no nipples. and several broken ribs from your nigger using you as a punching bag.
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