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Posts by Semiazas

  1. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by infinityshock what youre trying to say is that youre not a fucking iĀ­lliterate retard, but you have no grasp of athletic abilities…

    makes sense.

    reason being…absolutely nothing in my post had anything to do with anything you replied.

    what your reply accomplished was showing what a complete and utter fucking retarded, biased, bottombitch you are. you must be a nigger. theres no other plausible excuse. any caucasian would have already killed themselves in shame.

    that being the case, and considering your previously demonstrated lack of mental capacity, i will clearly state that 'three whites' has absolutely nothing to do with what your nigger peasant uterbottom inadequacies are under the mistaken assumption they relate to.

    now stfu and get your sausage-lipped sloppy ass back to the fields and go pick something.

    and stop bothering the white people.

    Oh, so it was grammatically correct, you just didn't understand why I replied with that. Simple, your source is beyond cringe worthy. That's I why noted other garbage publications. Seriously, dailystormer is the best you have?

    People have seen me in TC, they know I'm white. Even if I was black, I would still be better than you in every way. Really, at least try harder if you're going to try and insult me. You've go so much material and all you could come up with is ignorantly trying to call me a nigger. I'm starting feel bad for you, edgelordshock.

    She died because she was a slut lol.
  2. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Sploo is a very pretty girl. I'd top him.
  3. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Red_Woman Just saw a recipe called BBQ Chicken Sheet Pan Quesadilla. Looks really good. Ima gonna try it.

    Save some.
  4. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    For DinneR

    I don't have any bleu or goat cheese and no shrooms. I do have onions. Might actually make a pepper steak.
  5. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    It was actually a compliment, you attic dwelling psycho. At least your trollings were interesting.
  6. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Da Leg Itches stop talking about me you romantically obsessed butthurt faggot

    I don't even know who are. That was directed to tryhardshock.
  7. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by infinityshock find someone else who isnt high on crack and have them translate the digital diarrhea you splashed all over my screen

    Because my phone auto corrected from split to sploo?

    Originally posted by infinityshock find someone else who isnt high on crack and have them translate the digital diarrhea you splashed all over my screen

    First of all, I don't do that, 2nd, are you sure you can read? Let's take this sentence by sentence.

    "The dailystormer lmao." Not seeing any errors there but that was only 3 words, let's try something longer.

    "Well that's a reputable source." Hmm, still good so far. That's ok you've got 2 more chances.

    "You forgot stormfront and tmz." Once again, not seeing anything wrong. I'll give you a 4th strike, slugger ;)

    "You're trying so hard to be sploo I kinda feel bad for you." Oh my god, you actually found it! I should have placed a comma between 'sploo' and 'I'.

    Seriously, at least malice and reject gave legit examples when my grammar was terrible. Now, about you being bargain bin sploo.
  8. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    The fuck is supper?

    I know what it is, it's just a fag word.
  9. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by infinityshock 'three whites'

    yea…she deserved it.

    The dailystormer lmao. Well that's a reputable source. You forgot stormfront and tmz. You're trying so hard to be sploo I kinda feel bad for you.
  10. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Not sure why it double posted instead of editing.
  11. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    I do lactose free so I don't destroy the bathroom.
  12. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Hey, go big or go home. ^
  13. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by -SpectraL They faked cell phone calls to family members to make it look good and to give their goons in the fakestream media something to spread around and get all teary-eyed about. That, too, was setup in advance to further push their manufactured propaganda for public sympathy for the illegal invasions they had already schemed up. Records logs plainly show the calls coming from passengers who should have been 30,000 feet in the air, and any 10-year-old knows a cell phone call would be 100% impossible from that altitude.

    Oops. "appears to increase as planes gain altitude. Some older phones, which have stronger transmitters and operate on analog networks, can be used at a maximum altitude of 10 miles, while phones on newer digital systems can work at altitudes of 5 to 6 miles. A typical airline cruising altitude would be 35,000 feet, or about 6.6 miles.""
  14. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    That the courtroom shouldn't thunderdome? That's really a hard concept?
  15. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by NARCassist if you're a stuck up cunt who looks down his nose at others who just happened to find themselves in difficult or unfortunate circumstances and judges them despite never having walked in their shoes then you are a hardcore shitbag. especially when you've come to those conclusions based on little more than what you've been told by the jedi media.

    and it would be interesting to hear where you stand on the distribution of drugs, considering there is no possession of drugs without people supplying them in the first place.

    of course i would myself be more inclined to agree with you was it not that the judicial system wasn't just one big protection racket, using the media to create fear among the population so the 'authorities' could then 'protect' them from the very threats they had imagined and created themselves in the first place, just so they could be the protectors. because there is value in being the protectors, both political and monetary value.


    I think he's banned.
  16. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    But yes, I don't think about because I guess I'm reasonably adjusted but calling them honorable is odd. Psy is right in where it came from.
  17. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Raging at Cuphead.
  18. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Beat me to it by less than 10 min, ACP.
  19. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Bad day?

    6 years :) And yea, Panny was the one who would demon people if they kept camming everybody down or banning. That's my experiences from about 3 years. Maybe he's an asshole now but I never saw him do it once when I was there. I have no reason to lie, I never go in there.

    Originally posted by the pat-man don't do it last time i went in there some guy shot himself

    Pat, Viper was like 2011, before I even joined. I only heard about him.
  20. Semiazas Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock Man, Shut the fuck up dude. go back to your faggot tinychat room so you guys can kick out others. It feels so Empowering

    I've newver known him to be that guy. Tort, fubi. zanic for a while but not Panny.
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