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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-.---.-.---.-.-.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.-...-.........-..-.-.-.-...................-............----(b­anned)

  1. Originally posted by aldra lol, I assumed AR500 was used specifically for ballistics

    just checked ebay and apparently either AR500 targets aren't controlled or nobody cares

    AR500 is a type of steel. the same as 7075-xx or 6065-xx is a type of aluminum. the same as acetone can be used to make meth...or used as the most common high-order solvent for industrial purposes.

    they cant regulate AR500...its a commonly used steel that is used for fabricating purposes a lot more often than as body armor plates.
  2. Originally posted by aldra would if I could

    not like I really need it now anyway, just something to think about

    even in localities where body armor is regulated...they cant regulate AR500 steel. its used in too many different applications and industries. if steel armor had to be improvised you could get AR500 targets...or even plates for some other excuse to purchase... in the shape you want then coat them with an anti-spall liner. after that its just a matter of sliding them into a plate carrier...which can be home-made with a slight amount of sewing skill. hell, ive seen military improvise their plate carriers with duct-tape because the shoulder straps were ripped from too much weight or just uncomfortable.

    the same with aramid fibers. theyre used for every non-armor purpose under the sun. hell...'spectra' and 'dyneema' are used in fishing lines. the fibers dont even need to be epoxied, but they are expensive to purchase and fabricate.

    plate carriers can be purchased under the guise of air-soft LARPing. they dont have the manufacturing quality of something intended to be used by the grownups, but it'll work with a little bit of care.
  3. Originally posted by aldra Unrelated, wanted to catch you before you got banned again

    any thoughts on effective DIY body armor? steel plates seem to be the way to go but it'd be a waste of effort to go to the trouble then get your throat cut by spalling or some shit

    for something you wear, with the prices of AR500...or AR1000...being so cheap theres no reason to improvise. for full ghetto-fabulosity, at the lowest price-point, you can buy AR500 targets in any size up to 4-feet by 4-feet...but they dont have anti spall coating. anti-spall coating on some steel plates is literally 'rhino-liner' or 'line-x'...but if you bought the bare steel target then had a commercial company coat it, the price would be higher than just getting the actual armor plate from a body armor manufacturer. on a side note, ive used 'herculiner' on thin (1/8") regular cold-rolled steel plates in very very thick layers and it survived being beaten with a 4lb mini-sledge. i dont know how that would equate to a bullet impact.

    even the kevlar/spectra/dyneema/plastic plates that are so expensive arent too badly priced compared to the effort required to make something improvised.

    i made a kevlar speaker box for my old truck that was literally bullet proof (I tested it with a .45 when i sold the truck) but the price for the kevlar cloth and epoxy was a couple hundred dollars more than just buying a III (ish) vest not counting the hours and hours spent fabricating it.

    anyone that uses steel...or even ceramic/plastic/aramid/whatever-else as their body armor needs to have a trauma plate behind the steel.
  4. Originally posted by Grylls You were taking a shit but you threw up in your in your mouth so you turned around to spew in the toilet and ended up shitting all over the bathroom floor?

    a better question would be, have you ever been fucked in the ass so hard that when your gag reflex kicked in an eruption of semen spewed out of your nostrils like niagra falls.

    the correct answer is 'yes' and you look forward to it again.
  5. trump 2024
  6. heil trump

    sieg heil

    trump 2024
  7. Originally posted by Grylls Post a pic of yourself pussy bitch boy

    ive told you a thousand times where my picture is you cum chugging faggot
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