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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-.---.......-.-..-..................-.......................................................(b­anned)

  1. Originally posted by aldra Turkey?

    yes. its the healthier white meat. its what those super-sized chickens are made out of. they serve it for thanksgiving. its also a slang term for those of questionable testicular fortitude.
  2. Originally posted by Bugz really. i tell you what. you FOIA the transcript from San Francisco PD and ill give you my info via email. once you readthere is facts to this, you then take that FOIA and shove it up your own cockhole you mangy mutt

    i read it and couldnt possibly care less about it. the only thing that it told me is that youre a victim. that you can be abducted, raped, imprisoned in a gimp box, and raped, and if you manage to survive long enough to escape to report it to the cops they wont care.

    which means you better pray to the great pumpkin or whatever invisible friend you subscribe to that i dont find you alone with no witnesses.
  3. Originally posted by Bugz dude go read my last response to that firty old fag, infinity

    Its true. read about the Oakland cops. raping the daughter of a 9-11 dispatch officer.

    her daughter was forced into sex trafficking and like 10 opd took her to a hanger at the coast guard Goverment . island. Seems A few Coadt guards got in on the gang bang of this 17 year old at the time of this crime

    I think the story was one young officer told his wife. she commited suicide. and so he wrote a tell all and shot himself in the head because he felt so much shame.

    all the rest of the cops were being investigated and charges droppecd

    i have posted this before. i have noticed cops seem to buzz me, look at me. more than normal. ive psted this many times.

    this world is hella fucked up. its like something happened. like 2012 the world did this weird change. more anger and like people turning on each other.

    even family on family. parents getting killed by their kids.

    dude. go read my last response to your nutty tarded post

    it goes something like this:

    youre fucking delusional

    youre as nutty as a squirrel turd
  4. Originally posted by Bugz im sticking to this fact. Michael Aqueno was hanging out with other guys and his friend who was friend of my boss, and a girl they hired who lived in hunters point (as other street credit youth) had pulled this on me.

    a week later I asked the girl what did she do. i saw this on a document show on tru tv or one of those crime stories of men visiting or business trips to mexico or columbia, etc.

    she looked at me smiling and then sad face.

    she didnt come to work the following day and the next work day showed up late with a black eye. i kept asking who did that to her, she wouldnt respond. I asked her later about what she blew on me besides the glitter. i asked what was in it. she teared up and said sorry to me.

    i was then promoted to close the store, was by myself. some pushy guy came in and demanded i help him, paying cash. i hae a massive phone order, told him hes next. he got cocky, slammed down a 20 and walked out. i told security to bring him back. he wouldnt because he knew that guy was a union boss

    that man came back and I realized he was with the others before this incident happened to me. he yelled at me and said You dont know whoni am. i told him i couldnt give a shit. hes no more important than my phone customer. he walked out, and some 7 foot big mother fucker came in, i was in my office, he banged on the door. i open it up and i slammed it shut. he kicked this very heavy duty security door halfway off its hinge while i braced my foot on it. then his coworker came in " you dont talk to our boss like that

    i called 9-11 they were recording what was still going on with two guys trying to kick the door in.

    cops finaly came. i know shit that goes on and its affiliatef with locals. fuck this world. the cops told me they wont detain nor arrest the guys seen on camera. told me the DA wont do anything which i believe the DA at that time was kamala harris or had just left for attorney general.

    underage sex trading is a thing. but the ladies are willing it seems. lots of black msrket stealing. i got fired that night. i called the FBI from my work number. the lady agent said to me " you cant just conjure us up everytime you feel like it"

    because the san francisco cops refused to arrest them

    I was fired by my then District manager who i often had a good repore with him. he was mad because the guys trying to murk me said I cursed at them. no fucking shit. who wouldnt?

    youre fucking delusional

    youre as nutty as a squirrel turd
  5. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting

    all the cool-points he earns are from not having his finger on the trigger
  6. s­hitskins killing other s­hitskins

    thats called a 'win win' situation.
  7. Originally posted by Sudo What is the highest level of indoctrination you have achieved?

    fixt that for ya

    some of the stupidest motherfuckers ive ever come across have phds. i could tell you stories all day long about phd-level engineers that have done the literally stupidest retard-tier shit conceivable.

    some of the smartest people ive ever met didnt complete high school and had to get waivers to join the military.

    college is a joke. 100% of the purpose of college is to make someone else money
  8. Originally posted by A College Professor For all those who are not watching video in OP!
    First of all, this is Pakistan baby and we do this type of work everywhere in same manner so we are used to it, we are not week as you are alhamdulilliah…we are the hardest and strongest people of the region.
    Secondly, corona which destroyed and effected the whole world, couldn't stay for a long time and 98% of our patients are recovered alhamdulilliah after such type of precautions 😂
    Thirdly, we are the lions of mountains lived and living in mountainous regions with extreme weather conditions for centuries so we are strong.
    The conclusion is, don't worry about OP's safety and health, he is alright, just appreciate his hard work and that will be more than enough for him and all of us.. thank you

    most importantly, you are useless for anything other than target practice where an easy-to-hit moving target is desired. and something to laugh at when a little bit of comedy relief is sought.

    you dumb nigger
  9. Originally posted by Bugz I've had it blown on me. it just makes you blank out but you can still hear the person talking to you.

    it's mixed with glitter and young pretty ladies will blow it in your face.

    the only thing youve had blown on you is the ballsack batter from some male member of your family

    its pharmacologically not feasible to 'blow' a chemical into someones face that will have a physiological response (not counting shit like CS or pepper spray) that has a sedative effect which results in an acceptable response from the person the chemical was 'blown' at. it is physically impossible to determine dosage, much less the proper dosage.

    go ask the commies how that brilliant plan worked out for them when they tried it in that theater.

    stop posting urban legend bullshit
  10. Originally posted by Technologist

    thats the expected response from the typical commie-pinko that bases their deluded existence on fantasy and emotion instead of fact and reason

    youre nigger loving titless whore self couldnt form your own thought process if the fate of the universe depended on it.
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