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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-.---.......-....-..................-.......................................................(b­anned)

  1. Originally posted by STER0S wishing i had chicken fried steak with warm gravy smothered all over it… warm, chunky gravy.

    get a hillbilly girlfriend

    those bitches eat that shit every night for dinner
  2. Originally posted by Octavian **Suggestions**

    TOTSE/Zoklet era :

    No fucking retards like Hiki

    Muh Originals e.g. Lucy, College pro, Panny etc.


    kill yourself

    make the universe better again
  3. Originally posted by Technologist Getting moving on a day to myself, finally! I’ve needed this. Just some time to work out some shit in my mind😌

    if your brain wasnt in your asshole there wouldnt be shit in it.

    you dumb nigger loving whore
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