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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL In the mid '60's, I used to build crystal radios, and I would sit late at night and listen to the air waves. Often, I would hear conversations, sometimes just seemingly random phrases, of otherworldly beings. Voices that aren't humans. Whispering on the air waves.

    spooky shit huh. like real monsters. the feds seem to be slowly releasing what has been the years of challenging if UFOs are real.

    they are picking up something not random but repetitive patters of lights from the nearest star system? I read a bleep about it somewhere recently.

    something has to be out there. I just got tired of people being so close minded. I'm not looking to invite these fuckers here. it never turns into a good thing if there was a colonization of different beings.

    They might be living monsters and eat us or have fun playing with your fear emotions and are fed from your fears. we might be like the next species on there "Whats for dinner" from their planet but they dont eat but rather survive on fear.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL C'mon, now.

    Hey, Come on man! everyone will meme this in the years to come.

    too funny.

  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The devil speaks into the left ear. The angel speaks into the right.

    when water flows (babbling brook effect?) or cars drive on highways that sound like ocean waves, I hear radio that keeps changing and whispering which some random words i feel are English but many are hard to understand. and it never breaks. its constant music and chatter. it used to get real bad and I would hear it even when it was quiet outside.

    the movie I saw called Vanilla Sky in I think the opening scene is very close to it but in that film you could understand the changing radio signal. this is more muffled or muddied like its under my pillow
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL There's a little finny in all of us.

  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Actually, the very first Bitcoins were $0.00. Within a short time, they were going for $0.06 cents each. This user kept bugging and bugging me to buy them, so I did.

    So you were worth How much at it's peak period over the years? why didn't you buy shitloads of Rental Property by rolling it over. Does Canada have this where you dont have to pay taxes for like 3 years (may have changed since then) if you roll your investment over from bit currency to real property?
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge Happy holigay

  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    A Bomb went off in Tennessee this morning and I'm only guessing that the network people preloaded the reels and then turned off the lights because its rare this kind of terrorism would occure on Christmas or any holiday. I would think an anniversary to send a message. not to mention its not being covered on the big networks outside of CNN

    what a fucking demonic thing to do let alone on Christmas.

    doeskin Trump have big investments in AT&T? I was taking video of AT&T in Walnut Creek to ad to a documentary about &T and AT&T had a possible link.

    Modern Day WUO trying to make MAGA supports look guilty with help from black-op false flagging or something else going on?
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I bought 1,000 Bitcoins for 6 cents each in 2009, for a total of $60.

    Wait so it depreciated to 6 cents from the original 1USD when first offered?

    or was it 1 penny from day one?
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat post nude selfies bend over and grab your ankles as i lasciviously launch the length of my longsword into your ladybits so hard your insides liquify and you fall limp as i burst out your other end and let loose my load through your lips

  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL So do I. I'm big on the Big Picture. Says a whole lot.

    Why do you ask? the Tinnitus theory?
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    I kind of see a silhouette of a person with long hair but they're either dwarf size or hunched down. I can see the head rest. not being funny but the size of the person looks like a child or its just something that looks like a person.

    fuck is going on here? Trump supporters angry at Biden "stolen votes"?

    this is why I need to just have a hobby and turn it into making money if I can. the market will get flooded and difficult to try and sell in a saturated market of creative self made goods.

    maybe I should make a proto-type of a game board with characters. you can't legally make and sell something like a Disney Character.

    live and work out of the house. thanks for all of the fear added to my 2020
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    "The bomb had a warning attached to it" like it was on a bullhorn from the RV driving before blowing up?

    I dont see a driver. AI? see the danger here? taking jobs and remote controlled like a drone. they need to put stronger restrictions on AI vehicles.

  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by STER0S from my youtube research – it seems that the primary target may have been the at&t store

    is that true or a setup for a "someone got their service cut" joke. this is messed up. Hopeful no one was in the building because of Christmas.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Yeah, Happy Birthday Jesus"

  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    they'll wait just before Biden takes over to protect him and the doggie WUO that help fund Biden campaign with big bucks collected meant to go towards Black Communities but instead went to the Oh So Loved White Liberal Platforms scamming democrats. but we have Kamala Harris now. We'll see if she turns out in favor of all people and not just PoC because something something 4 generations ago blamed and another burden tax on me. Fuck everyone collectively. or at least on a one to one basis.

    dont listen to me. seems the other side won by default of conflict of interest.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    And fuck everyone for not favoring my Elton song. I thought I posted Benny and the Jets from the Aloha Bobby and Rose scene. or maybe that was Tiny Dancer.

  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL They called him Reginald. That's also asking for trouble.

    How so? Reggie or Rick (even though its from Richard, Reginald I believe is like Jack to John. it comes from the same lineage through different languages over the history of time. many linked to Hebrew.)
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Nil So yeah basically i'm either going insane or god is talking to me.


    you need to listen. we're all in very trying times. its pure madness out there. I guess the rule to keep in mind is stay calm and ride it out with God as your co-pilot. Jesus if you're a Christian.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Wow, Elton looked like even more of a fag back then than he does now. And who names their kid, Elton? That's just asking for trouble.

    he took the name from someone he knew. its not his given name. He was looking for a stage name that worked for him. that "flowed"
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls My late grandad made it

    I have a nice cock too though

    that is a grandma clock not a grandfather clock.

    also, the wings. You a member of some kind of fraternity out there >:[
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