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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Whitehouse gift shop…

    umm. 59th? that doesn't sound right. we've only had 45 presidents so far.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mashlehash the navy kicks ass. They'll straight-up Play with your Pineal Gland, if you so chose for them to, but no one else. no one else. noooo one else! no one else will know. no one else. no one. nobody elsef'peh

    GWEN towers.

    I was staring at the GWEN towers and found out the two we had across the Delta from where I lived (and Green Plastic once lived) you can see the 2 and they're almost the same height as the old Twin Towers knocked down in NYC.
    they have warning blinky lights so planes dont hit them (Like in NYC) at least by mistake. and next to them I believe have more Massive Power Transformers also blinky. They're located in the town of Walnut Grove near Loche (an old Chinese settlement town in the 1800s next to the Sacramento River)

    and I said "I wonder if they could use those towers like HAARP. and I shit you not. a few months later, Jesse Ventura does a show on GWEN towers on his Conspiracy show. and how the US used them to pick up old soviet nuclear testing. I think they now use them for Cel phone towers.

    One blew town in Texas. I think that one which was also used for Radio Stations allowed people all the way up in North Dakota and even Canada could pick up old am radio in the old days back in the 50s.

    Anyways I started to believe in the whole "hive mind" thing happening. Because Everytime I would have an experience and a thought, somehow it would end up on Alex Jones. this happened like half a dozen times. I started to believe we're all bees or ants. I dont think it's silly. our brains are in fact radio transmitters and receivers.

    before the digitial era and during analog period of radio research, analog receivers couldn't hold a signal so accurately. but when digital trunking (if thats the right word) was invented they could home in on the signal more accurately and follow its distortion and lock in on it. I believe it was then that research in telepathy became easier to study and many advancements have been made. including remote viewing.

    it's not black magic. it's science. but it's dangerous though. if it becomes the norm who knows what kind of chaos will happen. strict laws will have to be passed on its use.

    or not.

  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Escape from Washington DC is the name of this third sequel in the franchise of Escape from NY films
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Stanly Kramer made the film

    Billy Mumy from Lost in Space is in his late teens early 20s playing one of the misfit kids.

    great movie

    Kramer made "Death of a Salesman" and a childrens movie called 5000 Fingers of Dr T" cool disney like film.

  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy I generally don't watch high school movies because the pain of being reminded of the awesome high school experience I never got is just too much. I never really partied, had a girlfriend, scored, had a social life, acted in drama or participated in any other club.

    I didn't until Senior year myself. then things got fun.

    I had to get away from my brother and his friends (which were my friends) and hang out with different people.
    but highschool wasnt like this. not for me. the Jake/Farmer Ted awesome Party I been to a few. the one in the film before this one called 16 Candles.

    also crashing college parties. done several times.

    I used to have a bunch of Coming of Age films in a box. VHS One of the oldest I had which was funny was "Bless the Beast and the Children" (and the Carpenter Song is in it with the same name). funny movie. a bunch of others. basicly films like this and Animal House and American Pie all are Coming of Age Genre
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra I like that movie

    "when you grow up, your heart dies"

    I tried to email Ally Sheedy years ago when I was hammered and asked if she still thought that, but I never got a response so I dunno if the message made any sense or if I just sent drunken rambling to someone with a similar name

    She's out in the open. I always liked her. She was cute af but I also sensed she liked girls too.

    Maybe like a lot of actors, this was just a moment in life. they didn't take the film serious because they had to learn those damn lines and really like to distance themselves from someone elses story.

    But I agree with you. she was cute and that was a golden moment in film quotes
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    No way. Not once did I see this many people protesting today. this is BS

    there might of been 1200-2000 at best

    look at this. Its like 35,000 people. totally photoshopped. And I can tell you why. Maybe 50-100 cops showed up when people started dispursing. no fucking way did they clear the area of this many protesters in the short amount of time they did. like 90 minutes.NO FUCKING WAY

  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby woah bro

    See if I ever send you a pizza again.

    You almost got 2 free burritos by mistake. until i realized it said Chipotle Mexican Grill, Austin Texas
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king You wouldn't know real or good music if it became an obese woman and took a shit down your throat


    This place is starting to weird me out now.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Fona. What did you do?

    Did you punch the largest guy in the face when you walked in?
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Fact Check 9k
    Is that you MMR? :/
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kev You forgot about that time that 2 planes brought down 3 skyscrapers.

    well to be honest, No one ever thinks about the one that hit The Pentagon in the only area not reinforced yet and had the original evidence files on Enron and 2.3 Trillion gone missing. But it was a good thing they had one other set of backup evidence. It was in the WTC7 building in NYC.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Telling me to get out and turn off The Breakfast Club because she needs to Chant

    I'v probably seen it 2 dozen times over the near 4 decades it was made.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    I agree. 1776 will commence and has did just that. it came and went! 245 years ago.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump


    So moving. so Patriotic.

    Fucking most of these guys went to be Apart of History' and not do anything positive. same with many Antifa/BLM involved in the riot

    every group has a bunch of fucktards just there for the lolz
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy They deploy the guard to a peaceful protest but they didn't deploy shit when Minneapolis was being burnt down or when Portland was trying to succeed…
    They didn't do anything for us guys.
    They are attacking our way of life.
    Fuck my government.

    Like I said. Fire all of them. they're all career politicians. we dont need this. they're just actors and I really wonder what they do while being paid mid range 6 figures a year. just sitting around and throwing pencils at the ceiling tiles like we did in gradeschool.

    I think they love the attention and respect they get on a day to day basis. Instead of taking their Job more serious. and fuck anyone who says I'm a piece of shit and they're Gods or some silly shit. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN TODAY?

    I'd fire everyone of them. if this was a tactical board game, I would flip the fucking card table it was sitting on and walk out of the room.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Go on Harpers website. I don't think Harper is a bad guy. Obama contacted him. It wasn't my point to bash Harper Reed but then again, I thin I picked him up at Paypal HQ and the person looking just like him was ranting about things. and guess what. He was a CEO for PayPal and eBay. LOL. I might have the dashcam somewhere stored away. it was probably 2016-2017 etc

    anywho he seems to be a well loved tech guru. My respect for his knowledge. I am just pointing out there is some trippy shit out there chriss crossing our existence. some of it clearly and cleverly planned

    I got a lot of tech bigshots in my car. including Dara Khosrowshahi shaking my hand after he got into my car for a short drive and asked me what I thought would help drivers feel happier or better as far as how Uber treated them. I respected that and him for that. but I have cursed Uber since. hahah just not making the money I did when I first started driving for them.

    anyways.. here.

  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fact Checker 9000 v2.71 (beta) Reported this to the FBI. Seriously. Not a joke.

    I don't take terrorism lightly. I signed up to this site just to report all of you to the police, since I know conservatives are turning towards terrorism every day.

    You know whats the funniest, Fact Checker 9000 (as much as Im sure you're an alt account)

    * Bill Clinton pardon several Weather Underground Organization who were Prisoners who I believe Susan Rosenburg who was hired to raise Money for BLM which didn't go towards African Americans but White Politicians including Joe Biden and DNC interest. . He then asked Obama to release more of them.

    * Obama Hired Harper Reed to raise money for his DNC Campaign and run his HOPE Campaign in 2008 (as an assistant) and then personally hired him for his 2012 Campaign as his CTO for campaign Statigy. Want to see something funny from a Democrat name Harper Reed?

    Who or What is TOTSE? This site you're on now is an Iteration of Zoklet which Zoklet was an Iteration of Totse. and the background and forum names are the same as was on

    this is what strikes me funny. Yeah, some people on here scare me too. but do some more background research. both sides are dirtied with interesting facts
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fact Checker 9000 v2.71 (beta) Reported this to the FBI. Seriously. Not a joke.

    I don't take terrorism lightly. I signed up to this site just to report all of you to the police, since I know conservatives are turning towards terrorism every day.

    I am an Independent. I would love a knock on my door and ask why they dodge me for 20 fucking years. including the Secret Service. hanging up on me because "Im bat shit crazy" and not to take what I was saying serious.

    So Go Ahead. I too contacted the FBI regarding Hiki when I truly felt he was going to kill people at a jedi Temple on a specific date he posted. now I just know he probably didn't attend school most of his life. not knowing the Southern Hemisphere had its seasons reversed from the rest of the world.

    And so what if some of us are Republicans? it doesn't mean they approve of what is happening. I dont think every Liberal approves of what the Antifa were doing. Or that every Antifa (if most) approved of the break off cells smashing windows and burning buildings down.

    you sound like a bigot. FUck off and "Welcome to Totse"'s Iteration
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Lanny. Keep your security cameras rolling just in case this happens. then share it
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