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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    "But I dont inhale"

    Dude, You don't inhale cigar smoke. you puff and savor it in the pallet that is your mouth. it's so strong you get your nicotine that way.

    Cigarettes are shit. Cigars occasionally aren't really harmful. its the same as pipe tobacco. and Pipe Tobacco is pleasant. it's almost like an incense
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Also I got Named King of the Trolls around day one. but I didn't think it would carry on. like a huge gap before Zok picked it up

    That had to do with me commenting in a thread about how I think I new the answer to some program issue. and I kept picking up the phone to create line noise. and they kept waiting for my "Solution" I didn't know anything about the code they wrote in. I was just laughing because it looked like a code when you got line noise.

    I didn't start off on the right foot. we're coming up on 30 years ago. thats longer than some of you have been alive.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    I was Greenspam and he tried to flip it on me that I started the flamewars. we both got Ejected from the dialup.

    I never saw him use Digital Avatar on the I think he used another name but this is his original UN

    it's also where Zok somehow got the idea I was king of the trolls. Trolling wasn't a crime before Bush tried to make it an online crime. it wasn't like baiting some young lady into thinking she had a secret lover and then kills herself when that person starts abusing her (Like a Mother did with her daughters friend irl) it was nothing worse that Kr0z is doing now. I was married and we were starting out with kids and I may have got bored af and pushed buttons for lol but nothing as bad as here or I guess what Zoklet's site became.

    I mean this pissed people off back then. I guarantee you that if you guys were memebers on Jeffs site, you would of been gone way before I would have been.

    it was about sharing experiences but in reality I think it was a thinktank paid for by dark funding to maybe recruit brilliant minds as Assets and to start future tech business.

    the encouragement was to get people motivated and not so much be dicking off all the time. and it also was Pro Freedom of Expression and say whatever you want without disruptions.

    but everyone was pushing buttons so maybe that's why he gave up. but it's also interesting to note that it was 20 years long. sounds like a few contract deals until funding ended. and Jeff did mention he put his own money into it. so perhaps it started off with good intentions and people came in later from certain agencies. hell it may have been something like FVEY (5 eyes)
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Do you have any evidence to prove these claims?

    Yeah, DUH. It's called LinkedIn and it's him. I know what He looks like. a friend of my sister lived in Lafeyette who knew him. He and I both spoke about him at a party and I went to a 2400bps event and Jeff said "Small World" to me and spoke of Bill (this guy my sister knew who was more of a friend of his husband I believe) and I asked Bill to go to the event. he said he would try. he didn't show up. It's not like I never met Jeff in person.

    and he used to use me to test out his chat bot he was writing. he broke into chat with me when I got upset on 9/11 and asked why he didn't report it to the feds earlier.

    I know it's him. Do you know who he is? He never lived in Walnut Creek or he was actually living in Lafeyette the town next to Walnut Creek. it's also where MAXIS developer (or one of them) lived. Maxis made SIM CIty games. and ToiletDuk got a game tester Job with Maxis because Jeff gave him a Job reference (he talked about it a lot) I was telling Jeff I was unemployed when he asked me what I did. I told him I only worked in Retail and Commercial food and various things. I told him I went to Junior College (2 year) and took classes in Hotel Management and he told me to go to a place called Madson Personnel in Walnut Creek and told me he knew people there and I got a job in the first week at Wells Fargo at the Corporate Office in Concord. a Lady by the name of Lisa (no doubt the one from TOTSE) purchased them out around 2002 and moved them to San Francisco.

    I never knew him on a personal level but he told me he could make sure I would never work again (9/11/01). I mentioned "Like Hollywood" (you'll never work in this town again, son) and he said he wasn't joking. I figured at the Temp office.

    this has never been a game with me. you guys turned it into a silly catchphrase. to dehumanize the event. but I dont give much fucks.

    In a way, I never demonize Jeff or ToiletDuk or Harper Reed, just reference points that showed how it connected with prior events.

    here is Digital Avatar posting something about me some years back.

    It's nothing to do with the textfiles, I just think 99% of the users are complete idiots.

    I think many users are 14-year-old 'anarchists' who don't deserve anything but a bullet to the head.. They register at the site for all the wrong reasons and contribute nothing but ignorance and stupidity. There was a topic a while back that read 'I think users should have to take an IQ test to register on totse'. Frankly, I think a policy like this would make totse better for those of us who are actually intelligent human beings with half-decent grammar. --Staples

    That would require Jeff to actually give a shit about what happens on his board. He never has, and he never will. That's why TOTSE went to shit back when it was a dial-up board -- Jeff just didn't give a damn what happened on his board. It was just a place for him to hang out 'whenever', and he expected it to magically run itself. That only worked when there was a community of users who wanted to be there, and who were capable of shouting down idiots when they showed up. Once TOTSE got 4 nodes, then 8, and then NirvanaNet moved beyond the SF Bay Area and became a nation-wide network, the number of clueless fucks multiplied out of control. The signal-to-noise ratio became unacceptable, and the good folk left, which made the SNR worse, accelerating their departure. The classic flood/flamewar by Greenspam in its last few weeks exemplify everything that's wrong with that attitude. Ultimately, TOTSE will probably collapse again after Jeff realizes it will never be 'cool', most people have never heard of it (or him), it's not making any appreciable amount of money, and it's more trouble than it's worth. Until then, enjoy the downward spiral.-- Digital Avatar 05:28, 20 December 2005 (UTC)



    I think I know who Taxman is
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ur insane

    Fuck off faggot asshole. You made a BS claim. AGAIN
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Leftist shaming 101.

    The legacy media harps on about how fundamentally, spiritually evil groups like the 'proud boys' are. No one looks into it independently of course, they just gurgle down the NYT times load unquestionably because they need (((journalists))) to tell them how to think.

    After these lies are established, they can smear others with guilt by association.

    There's nothing wrong with hanging out with the proud boys.

    There's nothing wrong with killing communists, let alone communists who are chasing you down while you are trying to disengage.

    I wish a chubby kid had blown a hole in the side of your head with an assault rifle you stupid fucking polack pedo piece of shit who can't draw.

    So, I was talking about Not being bright to hang out with this group because he just got out on bail. It's probably not a bad thing to hang out with anyone (open in public at least) to pick their minds and see what they're about. doesn't mean you side with them or maybe you side with certain opinions you see as fairly virtuous or having an understanding for. But for him, specifically its seen as a Big time fuck up by the court system.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood what a true patriot

    I really think this group is full of people who believe they're in the right but was started by some Deep State shit for some political support and demonize the people baited into joining it. it happens on the left as well.

    Embedded fuckers in Antifa

    One goal. to destroy mankinds and allow elitist control the population and only allow certain people to stay alive and do hire end technical worker with a few low end grunts that are expendable as soon as they hit a certain age. the rest of them will live like masters and toy with human beings.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat Rittenhouse seen out on bail drinking with members of Proud Boys, prosecutors say

    why wasnt he at the capotal with a gun then shooting cops after all he has little to lose?

    He shouldn't be drinking. he's only 17 (or 18?) and the last people he should be hanging out with is a group seen as a Terrorist Organization. not very bright of him. If true, I have a different opinion of him. he should of been cleaning up more Graffiti as a way of showing his support for his community. not hanging out with guys like that.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Jumpin is where everyone is going. not tiny

    it's free. and its full of Mossad agents (I believe) and prolly ran by SoI
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you mean like a master eating his slave.

    that is the biggest and dumbest comeback. you need to be put away. far far back in a cage somewhere. out of site.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    You missed the point. Notice I have been more of a "Go fuck yourself" mentality lately? i'm getting tired of the trigger games.

    You're not any higher up than I to be giving out the Moral Handout, Scron.
    I like you but you're just as abusive as Kr0z at times.

    Saying Mariah Carey doesn't look black is an observation. and a question. Because even most black people know that the Black Gene is stronger than the white. the Afro Centric part of Africa of Afro Hair and fuller lips and nose shapes are stronger than caucasians and will usually dominate a persons character.

    I didn't see it in Mariah. I do see what looks more Latin to me. but not African Afro-Centrics. Is she Puerto Rican or European mix? Many PR people have black in their genes to. I might have it. I'm part of the Cherokee or break off tribe and many of the women had black husbands and probably vice versa for the black women who were former slaves. But I'm really white in the sense of pale skin and blue eyes and a "Nordic Widows Peak" of a nose.

    It's just an observation. but PC says we can't say these things.

    So, Now lets confirm the fact that most people on here have problems with African people calling them Niggers. I've only called you guys, a few times over the course of being here the past 4 years now that word. because you're white and it's funny to call you that because the word was reclaimed to mean Ignorant.

    so don't try and spin this on me
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Because I restart my life every few years with no savings or support.

    I could actually respect you for that. when you give up everything you are never more free.

    outside of getting cancer or some deadly disease or lose your limbs or teeth.or go to prison, there is really no farther you can drop. it is this moment you can truly be happy. nothing much more can happen to you. it's all straight up.

    this is probably the best it can get. as long as you get food in your stomach
    this applies to you too Kr0z. you can't fall much further in life.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you did and u mad again

    Can you post this? page too. not just a fake quote.

    I never said this. Many people know who PK Dick is. The only thing I may have said was he lived in my Neighborhood area. He lived in El Cerrito and He went to Berkeley High. hell lots of famous people went to Berkeley High. Eldrige Cleaver (Who help form the Black Panthers) and Andy Samburg from SNL or that Brooklyn 9-9 show went to Berkeley.

    you can't post it. because it no existy you racist self claimed rapist Mother Fucker
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol.. bait taken.. chicken..

    Bait taken and then he says it again as if he's serious. See everyone. He's limited to these made up little phrases or facts. it's really sad. You're a sad person, Doug. but you're getting Old. you'll be 35 around the corner and then 40 and then 50. really really fast. and no one is going to like you anymore. you'll be unloved and unemployed.

    and whats really sad is I never pick on people. I don't do this but you do this shit over and over to everyone especially when they try to be nice to you. you're a self destructive cunt.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Source that i said i read a book before someone else? You seem confused.

    All I did was say he didn't introduce me to phillip k dick like he said he did

    Who said they introduced you to Phillip K Dick? you're making stupid shit up again if that was directed at me.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood cool it with the racial slurs.


    the pot face Iggy Pop Look alike from canada stands the hire moral grounds while giving a reacharound to his ball-less boyfriend.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby no its not its helping kill old people that were already sick, my neighbor tested positive for covid and had 0 symptoms except that he was out of work for 2 weeks, same with my boss. quit being a pussy its just a flu

    My Imaginary neighbor with covid doesn't exist so my lies don't apply to facts.

    My Boss that I dont have because i got fired

    But My parents don't pay my rent.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood hes a racist POS

    Awwww Look at the loser living off of Canadian Handouts.

    GET A JOB! Other than giving blowjobs
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby why are you making this a racial thing?

    Because Im a Honkey and I can. GO FUCK YOURSLEF
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Kr0z no one likes you here. Just leave. you have no where to go. you openly lied on here saying you threaten to sue your landlord if she doesn't put you up for the night.

    You stated you did it before too. you're a bad person who just uses his drunken wild behavior to manipulate the system.

    You're growing mold and getting old. you have no ambitions. you're sliding quickly in life.
    Go meet some new people and make them feel sorry for you until they realize what a bullshitter you are in life and then move onto the next set of new folks
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