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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian bugs is totse2k?

    you can't prove that. also that didn't scare me
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Is that a gun in her pocket or is she just happy to see me

    She can't even see the tip of her nose. how is she supposed to know?
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I will call up the fun bunch i'm sure they can track you down and then we'll see who you REALLY are

    Why is there a faint cropped box of a Sat photo from on freddy's neck
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist If it’s a 513 area code, it’s our Cincinnati scammers. I get a shitload of spam calls from a 513 area code. Glad I set up a blocker.

    No, I think the area code started with a 9

    I might be wrong.. phones being charged right now
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Fona, did you call my phone? Its an Ohio number.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Not related to story but another way someone was killed by Call of Duty. he "Swatted" the person

    Another not specificly related to my story. (shit this happens a lot)

    Another murder, this time in the UK
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Going to peep through her windows Eric?

    Fona, don't do that again. there is one rule not acceptable from the Original totse which this is a iteration of. so follow this one rule. Do Not Give P.I. (Personal Information) of a user unless they (like doug who gives little fucks) had posted it already. and even then, if it was recent. don't post someones information. if someone was psychotic enough and angry at her later on, they might show up like the CoS guy from California showed up at someones house recently and murked them because someone posted their P.I.

    you could go to prison for this as well as be sued.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Some mexican is driving around playing horn music.

    He's testing car alarms. someone told me this once. they blare Mariachi music hella loud and if a car they like doesn't sound off an alarm, they mark it for a later hit. maybe to a chop shop.

    its funny hearing it though. So they're way up in Ohio doing this huh? lol the expansion of AztecLand
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting stupid simp wont talk over his gf and put the bitch in her place, guarentee she got dry as fuck when you didnt tell her whats up and to respect you

    I'm not trying to control her. I have a short fuse. and sometimes I say mean shit and then she returns with mean shit. and then we dont talk to each other. and then we hug and that's how relationships work. you don't hold grudges and destroy each other in court like younger people do today with their "I'll find someone better' horseshit. she and I fight all the time. but they're short and end up with huggies.

    You sound like an old school womanizer. Stop beating your wife or cops will show up with batons and stomp fuck you in the asshole.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Pics of Gigi

  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    It was 19 years ago today that's Waybackmachine claimed to have picked up after not capturing for nearly 5 months.

    recently I looked up waybackmachine and saw they're claiming they didn't even exist until Oct 2001. Which is weird but OK. because the first story I got was they were down during the months of may-September 26th and not that they "Didn't exist" back then.

    But they retro captured 2000 as well as some 1999 pages. I'm confused because they specificly show "Captured at 9:00am may 23" buttons (As an example) on a webpage. so you actually click the time of that day it was captured. so if waybackmachine didn't exist until October of 2001, how in the hell did they capture that specific time button?? they're are even multiple ones on a certain day. So maybe was officially created on October 2001?
    I also thought they purchase waybackmachine and were not the first owners. Maybe I'm wrong about this.

    one thing I do know, you can find zoklet pages hidden in the server that "Dont exist" when you look in their specific waybackmachine calander. one of the websites that is a mirror of totse menu (I can't recall it, someone posted it) has at the bottom of a post there the direct link. sure enough you can pull up old Zoklet pages from the direct hotlink but if you type it into Waybackmachine, it's gone. it's been scrubbed.

    As for todays news, The smoke has cleared from the bay area skies. It went away for a few days, came back the last 2 a bit but it seems to be gone and way out off the coast. I heard it circled the planet. People in NYC and Washington DC were getting some awesome sunsets because of the smoke that traveled east. it's now in Europe.

    So when they say "A Nuclear War would cause a nuclear winter" they're not joking. Imagine these fires raging all over the world. what happens is the smoke is thick and gets above rain cloud levels. so even if it rains it will take years for the smoke particles to come back down and be washed out. first they'll rise for months and then be well above most storm clouds. blocking out the sun in some areas. especially during winter months farther away from the equator.

    Nuclear war will come sooner than we think. In the old days, the few nations with nukes joined the SALT and then SALT II treaty. but China never did. and now North Korea is added to the No SALT II Treaty. Soon it will be Iran that wont do it. or hasn't yet. and so on. I'm not even sure if India and Pakistan have registered for it. And SALT II is way out dated.

    Taiwan isn't 100 percent Anti Chinese. Northern Taiwan wants to consider itself China, it's only the Southern Area's that don't (Or maybe thats reverse.. maybe it's Taipan that doesn't want to be and the poorer south does)

    Trump wants to start back up nuclear testing. Does he mean Above Ground? like back in Nevada? a bunch of people flooding Nevada to watch nukes get tested.. oooo fun.

    Then Russia will say "Fuck it, we'll do it too" and the next thing you know, another Zsar Bomba with Russia beating it's chest.. full on 100meg this time. lighting up the Northern Hemisphere in full dark of night.

    Bring it. Bring the end. The Military Industrial Complex knows it will make money either way. they wont die like the rest of us poor fucks. they have their Iceberg Bomb Shellters dug deep in the arctics. most likely Antarctic now.

    they'll come out of their pods from under the antarctic base or from under their demonic cellar under Denver Intl base.

    War is coming. I'm not saying Covid is fake like u non-homosexual faggot carrot fuckers. but I bet anything the shelter in place was used for advancement time to have their agenda of ridding poor and old people from the planet and reduce population to half the billion they want. what is that 500,000,000 fucking people? That's still a lot of people. but only educated people as slaves in biology and chemisrty and their police force and electrical engineers and shit. you don't have a college degree above an associates in management. you're dead, non-homosexual faggoted carrot fuckers.

    Go back to school. finish college. or you will be a dead dumb dumb
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood HE TOTALLY IS OMG IM GLAD I AM NOT THE FIRST ONE TO NOTICE!

    Usually a girls name but sometimes, rarely used as a boys name.

    The meaning of Macy is from a french word meaning Weapons

    Weapons Wise Law

  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by HTS

    Regarding Putin. As I remembered. He is raised in Orthodox Catholic Beliefs but was the first Russian Communist leader to bring back religion practices in 1990. before that, Russia was forcing athiesm on the people.

    He was honored in the State of Israel and has a street named after him. but he is not J'ewish.

    but that being said, I still believe the Zionist were not true Ashkanazi but athiest jedi Mafia who got power of the State of Israel which was only supposed to be a temporary place for J'ews to live.

    Not the Real Israel. if it were, most of Iran and Iraq wouldn't exist. God would give it to them. the world would know. the world would witness a biblical revelation taking place for all to witness.

    This hasn't happened. this is a False Isael. I'll be accused of Anti-Semitism when in fact I am Pro Semitism and hope one day they will have Israel.

    The rest of you are just Haters of J'ews and blame athiest and religious J'ews of all sects of judism FUCK OFF YOU NAZIs
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    David Bowie was pretty when he channeled into Ziggy Stardust
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood pics?

    none. I brought my new 4K camera (Which we dont even have a 4K tv yet) and I would of video taped it.

    You live in BC? go take your video camera to where all the hipster homeless live and troll them and tell them Hi, I work for the city. We just want to let you know we're going to have FEMA come in and gather all of you on buses and taken to a large tent hotel they built. you will have food and warm showers and your own private studio.

    tell them it's way up in the Northern Territory and they have workshops you can join.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CASPER Breonna Taylor shouldnt have died, but thats kinda one of the risks that comes with running a trap house.

    I agree. She was a EMT worker too. sad.

    Yet, Someone in the house wasn't a good person. Her boyfriend, husband, brother? they shot first apparently.

    I saw the female cop drop to the floor and start blasting when she was shot at.
    It was like a Hollywood movie. Sad to happen to a functioning member of society who doesnt make much to rush people to the hospital why keeping them stable.

    But if the police had this law of entering this way. then perhaps the person who wrote the law is part responsible? "Hey, Officers.. just walk right in. it's perfectly legal. serve the warrent. and they get blasted at. yes, this was probably bound to happen. then the person who shoots says "I thought it was a murderer coming to kill us"

    it's a blaming game right now. and I have been mistreated by corrupt cops before yet I have to side with the cops on this. You're going to Jail because you shot at someone who shot at you or didn't know who shot first but you're job is to protect your fellow officers. But someone has to be the scapegoat. Yet this enter without knocking is horseshit.

    lets find the centerpoint and blame that one person so they go to prison. cop or otherwise. just so the nation doesn't have another Minnisoda style riot
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ 1. Wear plain clothes
    2. Knock on the door and say you're a cop
    3. If they answer the door, tell them again that you're a cop serving a warrant and proceed to take and do whatever you want
    4. If they dont answer, break in and say you're a cop. Have your weapon drawn. If the person is home, they will automatically believe you and wont resist or defend themselves. Proceed to take and do whatever you want.
    5. Thank them for their cooperation and tell them you'll be in touch with them or some bullshit.
    6. Repeat as many times as necessary

    What if (And this is most likely the case) he's a former cop. and in 20 seconds of your behavior realize you're robbing him and he just straight up kills you.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal It sounds a lot like The Slip a nd probably inspired the sound of that album

    I thought it was Cory Glover, Frontman from the old band Living Colour. afro-punk out of NYC. couldn't think of his name and had to look it up.

    i havn't followed music in years and it's wearing off. my memory of studying bands is lost.

    Go take music theory, JIE and maybe communications and become a DJ. you seem to have a thing for modern music. maybe you work long enough as a DJ for a radio station you can one day become program director. chose the lineup for other DJs
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Translation nobody wanted to pay for their shitty music

    fuck sakes. You're a real miserable piece of shit. stop being a grumpy old fuck. NIN or Trent solo and Thom Yorke are two great artist from the 1990s. Tool was another great experimental band. I liked the "Grunge" stuff like STP. I never digged Nirvana much. a few songs. but after the mid 1990s, music became shit. mostly boy and girl bands and pop shit. well into the first decade of 2K.

    but there are great bands out there. Underground is the way to find them. first in with the club bands before they make it big.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal Well that's the only thing you're right about.
    I don't care for that cringey newfag shit.
    I stopped going to totse in 2005, moved to my grandparents in 2006 and that year my hard drive failed so I stuck with the computer lab.
    2007 when I moved and got broadband I just stuck with 4chan and gaming sites, around that time normies like you were starting to get into the web and that's when everything went downhill.

    I go on that /pol chan and /x (which isn't porn, its Paranormal) and I can't remember which of the two but I saw your style of typing and asked if it was you. never got a response
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