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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting We are a constitutional republic you faggot

    They're saying We're a Democratic Republic now.

    whats the story again? Someone asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of political system we had and he stated something about Hoping a Republican if the people keep it that way? perhaps it was up in the air. If you think about it, the Second Amendment was voted in? it was changed so it altered the original Constitution.

    now the Democrats want to rid this Amendment. it's strange that there was room to argue if we ever had an original Republican rule (Republican means "Written in stone" not to be altered? is that what a Republic is? to continue the laws without change. So an Amendment is a Democratic doing not the Republic. It can't change was was written into Law by our Forefathers.

    So the moment we changed the Republican original constitution to allow men of all race to be equal and not "Blacks are worth 1/3rd of Whites" (fuck you in advance Finny before you make an obligatory statement) or whatever that law stated. we changed to a Democratic Republic. a contradiction in terms.

    So if Republicans want to keep their Guns, remember that this was not an Original right by the forefathers until it was the second amendment added?

    Is this correct?
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Because Trump said they should stop counting… Do you guys not like Democracy anymore?

    No he's bitching about PA which seemed to be Blue was still counting votes after the deadline coming into the poll center.

    Also he's afraid that people who work at the USPS who are pro Union and mostly blue (but not all of course) will probably destroy the red votes. shredding, putting them in dumpsters? Im sure there is an oversite from Both Red and Blue but Trump is afraid of the Judge who ordered USPS drivers hurry up and get the trucks unloaded with voting main ins.

    I'm not sure if it's a contradiction to say he argues in favor for one and against the other because of the type of processing is done for them. He might want to stop processing that can't be monitored and real possibilities that fraud can happen.

    I'm not siding with Dems or Rep right now. just saying I can understand his concerns or Biden if it was him in office right now. even though Bidens a Creepy Hair Sniffer.

    What happened to Independent Election Promos this year. I never saw ONE!

    Maybe all of this is some circus game for the Illuminati and the Trianglist peeps
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'm not sure gingers are allowed to skate to be honest, you better look into the legalities of that before you start.

    I'm not a full on Ginger. I have family who are. I'm at best blonde with red in it. I think it's called Dirty Blonde. I had a dark dark reddish brown beard and really blonde hair when I was in the sun alot in my 30s when I still had natural hair color and grew a full size beard the first time in my life. but I never been a ginger.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Fucking hell. At 4:15 timeline on that video above I posted. that's sexy. good way to maybe meet an older woman in her 30s-40s or even 50 who's mature and no sexual hangups

    nothing serious. Just having fun in your middle ages.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    This looks fun and chill af

    our world has become too virtual and kids getting fat. they need rink time
    it was big in the 70s and early 80s.

  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ Did you just say that rollerblading is the new, in thing? Is it the mid 90s?

    Skate or die bro

    I believe what Bill Burr jokes about. Someone made one macho joke about "Oh my gawd that's queer" regarding inline skates/RollerBlade

    I always thought gays were more likely to go with the quad skates while straight men used inline. Im not trying to stereotype but I noticed a large gay skate competition in Golden Gate park and they all had quad (box shape skates) while other random skaters (who didn't look flaming gay as these guys did with their pink silk shorts and kissing) where on rollerblades.

    I like both skates. It shouldn't matter but the Bill Burr joke might be true. killed the skating thing for decades?

    But I been dropping off 20-30 year olds at the San Jose Sharks ice skating rink. Its in Oakland (for the public to use and I guess the Sharks practice there) but I think there might be a roller rink there as well. Im' not interested in Ice skating because I tried and it was awkward af.

    I just wanted to have fun and get exercise at the same time. Maybe it will help me lose weight while working quad muscles. it's probably more fat burning than riding a bike (unless I did mountain trail riding which I am in no way in shape to do right now.. might take years to get back into it. I used to do it in my 20s)

  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    The cute blonde in the middle has tiny hooters.

    I'v never been to one of these (not inside to eat) but I hear the chicken wings are pretty awesome.

    They have one in San Francisco near the Wharf I used to work near. I would walk past it but never went there on a lunch break. It's weird because idiot tourist bring their children in there. like German people don't think anything bad about it. it's a place for lonely married or single men who have a shitty love life to go and fantasize and getting some cute female attention. Much needed. It's in our DNA and the Radical left makes it perverted (Mainly Older White Males0

    The older I get and now Divorced (but months away from Official.. maybe I'll go on Jumpin and celebrate with a few beers with Panny n the Gang which half of them hate the shit out of me) But I digress I think its a must needed spot to eat some chicken wings and flirt and throw down a 20 tip. 15 in chicken wings and a 20 tip.

    why does this talk that the far left makes it normal for kids to express their transgender sexuality but Middle Age White Males are perverted devils?

    I support transgender if people want to be so. But Children shouldn't be encouraged for anything other than DO YOUR HOMEWORK and getting them help if they struggle with DOING THEIR HOMEWORK.

    China and other nations childrens are growing larger brains while America is getting dummer and dummer day after day and pushing really bizarre agendas.

    No child should be encouraged for adult like instinct just because they're maturing earlier. they should be encouraged it's not wrong but they should be push to focus on their future of work skills and intelligence. being curious is not wrong but to brainwash them and to tell them to come to these events with adult males drooling over them and public cheers related to sexual behavior is the real perversion. but Males over the age of 30-35 are being pushed into this stereotype that because we like to flirt is somehow Misogynistic and disrespecting women on purpose and causing mental harm. If a man would never consider beating on a woman and show interest and love is causing a mental version of Misogyny? WTF

    It doesn't help when we make jokes online which is just trolling. the problem is some or most are trolling or mocking the fact this exist and they would never abuse women while others see it as "I found my crowed.. lets swap women to beat down"

    its a mixed bag.

    Also posting in a forum full of dick lickers. Suck a bag of AIDS infected dicks
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Hilary would've won in any reasonable Democracy.

    A lot of the mail in voted haven't been counted yet also. Those will probably push things blue

    they can be post closure counted but from what I understand, The State of PA and 5 other states have past similar laws. with PA being the one that is setting off Trump allowing an extension in the 8pm deadline to vote at the poll centers.

    I feel Trump will lose his argument because of Covid. I think if you can argue it's OK to continue to count mail in that may not have made it by 8pm Tuesday, why should it matter if covid had kept people from getting through the door at the ballot centers this year. it's a special circumstance year.

    If Trump wins, Get ready. You should have bottle water and food like you would through a Earthquake Preparness or Hurrican etc.

    We have this 30 year canned dried food I have been to scared to try. also I opened the coffee can size food and tried to vacuum pack them but air got into the bags. about half of them. Yet they're freezedried so Im guess they're ok to eat if it comes down to it.

    The reviews on the food varied. From "This taste better than most I'v tried" to that of "Gave me really bad gas and "Camp Fever" (Diarhea)

    there is some "Pork fat and freeze dried Eggs" I have made like 20 serving in vacuum sealed. I was thinking of boiling one for gigi and I to try and throw it on a flour tortilla and make a breakfast burrito out of it to see if it's more tolerable.

    but this is less than a month worth of meals. buying canned foods is bad idea because of the amount of salt they use to preserve.

    so "food is food" is a lie. unless you try and fast between every 2-3 days to clean yourself out by drinking only water on those days?

    Has anyone else prepared or is a prepper? I seen people jarring beef stew. it is the most dangerous thing to do it says on the video. If you don't follow the video to the T you can die from some meat born illness. Typhoid or some shit.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    I'm watching the news right now. LOL@ Robocalls. What pieces of shit would do this? sounds very much &TOTSE'esque like the "FUCK OFF" digital sign hacks. Anyways a robo voice is telling people "Emergency, Stay in. Do not go outside. Stay in and stay safe" or something close to this.

    Does anyone know who did this? were they ever caught? it seemed to have happened in England a few years back. a British Musician I know posted it on his facebook page. Said FUCK OFF in a sliding digital marquee on the famous store "Harrods"? i think it was Harrods.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Good. I hope they destroy more stuff in this shit country. Biden will win but that its at all close is disgusting

    the closest call by thousands of votes was between Kennedy and Nixon. I think the second was Bush and Gore in 2000

    The one between Trump and Hilary was very close. Hilary was sure she won but somehow Trump pulled it off

    this is in the top 5. seems strange the nation is this equal in division. Maybe it has to do with One person talking and the closest person to them wants to be the opposite side. lol a chain of challenge.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Biden is ahead but they're already looking for a reason to get free shit and cause trouble.

    2 Shootings with 2 people hit in West Oakland. 1 just blocks from the other

    Security Guard was shot by looters who burglarized a Cannabis shop near OAK airport while trying to get free shit

    looters hitting stores in East Oakland as well. because ?? Trump hasn't won yet or lost.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Lol, no it didn't.

    On MSNBC it showed Blue
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Mr President.

    Can I have free property up in Northern California Forest area? and other free stuff?
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Tell them you never received it…lost in the mail etc.

    I wish I could. I looked it up online and can't find who served the checks out. Im gonna wait for it. wait it out.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by G TX sinks all JB hopes lol.

    it seems Texas went blue.

    unless you're quoting someone else. and the Florida everyone predicted blue went red. barely but it was red.

    of course no one knows the final outcome yet.

    last I saw it was 203 EV Trump and 220 for Biden. Bidens votecount dropped from 237 to 220 by both CNN and NBC but Fox showed Trump ahead by 3 in the 200 range (at the end of the evening at 11pm Pacific
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    I got a settlement check from a former job and I accidentally shredded it with another important letter I got.

    This is worse than the one year I got a check for 79 dollars (78 and change) put it in my desk drawer and found it 7 months later cleaning through it and it had expired after 6 months making it worth nothing. Yet on that check, I called and told them I got it and forgot to open it and the lady honored it and resent me a new check.

    but with this, Its me hoping by not cashing it that they might feel I never got it and hopefully reissue a new one? probably not. I don't even remember the lawfirm that sent the class action settlement. but I hope it comes in the months to come.

    I also got a legal form for another class action lawsuit for a food delivery company in San Francisco I used to work for. Another 270 bucks or so. Seems every year or every other year I get checks between 25 and change to nearly 300 bucks. i'v got maybe 6 of them in the last 7 years.

    Fuck. that likes shredding umm 12 Large pizzas or shredding a cheap Readmi brand Chinese knockoff of a Samsung phone or uhh I dont know.. what is worth 250 bucks that I virtual shredded

    Place your 250 dollar item here I virtually shredded because Im a big dumb dumb
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    It's really funny because in LA they're still talking "Val" (Valley Girl) totally a dude with a jetpack I hella swar!!
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Why does Proffesor Poopybutthole look like Mr Peanuts?

    is the joke that peanuts are found in poop from a butthole?
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    PS Flagging myself first.. because it was only figurative.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    If Trump somehow wins, many people will be getting on a bus whether they like it or not. Mostly Middle age white men.

    we need to kill the driver and slash those tires first
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