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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Sometimes I like to roll play that I'm fancy.

    I don't think any of this is real.

    I'm basically a virtual man then.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe

    isn't death faster on the other side with a drop off and a cliff with a steep plummet?
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Instigator

    You protected us from the dog humping our leg because you picked it up and sucked it's dick?

    well how nice of you.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley I've gotten sick four times since I took over this body at 13. Each time was horrible.


    how old are you. and what did the kid do at 13 for you to possess his body. Also are you a fallen angel or an alien parasite?
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite Actually, i think if we continued eating our nose shit well into adulthood we'd be better off in the long run.
    However, due to it being disgusting "because that's what our parents told us?" We're inclined to be disgusted by the thought so we don't do it. We probably should though.

    when you're in an area and cant spit out and nothing to spit into (hankercheif etc) dont you just swallow your own salty nose goop?

    sometimes you get all that jelly like snot with a tid bit of hard stuff. LOL GROSS
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    New Rule. Nude photos of Tits, men or women. NOW or GTFO
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein Even worse… just imagine not liking me and I don't even know who you are 🤣

    Anyone who has to deal with patients all day has to have thick enough skin to deal with hungwell and the other shit that goes on here. for you its probably a lot easier to deal with than other women. but you're also now a NIS regular for some time and have to deal with the daily trollathon as the rest of us.

    One reason you get so much attention is you are less of a tom-boy on here. Maybe Tech as well. the two of you would be hounded regardless on any forum full of nerds and technie gurus with hit and run insults.

    Frala is just a good ol boy. she doesn't get much attention. she should stop being such a tough tom-boy and show more lob sided tits. I think they're unique you have a biggy and a smally. seems more interesting than a perfect set.

    my balls are kinda like that. <-- this is in exchange for frala boob exchange if she chooses to.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny some people abuse their dogs.


    thats animal cruelity. But when I read a story about a dude in Washington State sexually moleqing his Horse. the horse ripped his colon and lower intestins apart. he was found dead and bled out in the horse barn I guess. what an embarassing thing to happen to a person. imagine people holding back laughter at the funeral or even worse the wake.

    "He was such a nice boy growing up. always helpful in cleaning out my horse stall. what do you think made him do suh a thing?"

    if they were jedi it would be more out in the open. no whispering. probably. Im not jedi, but I knew a few growing up and they're some of the filthiest mouth and funniest people I knew. its good to have J'eish friends growing up. especially when they're just "Culturlly J'ew" because now religion isn't even holding the back.

    anyways, I think most people just rub peanut butter on their nuts and hope for the best. Dig in Rover. Nice Puppy
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe Yeah, I've read about people having covid-19 more than once already. I don't know if it's a different strain, or if immunity just doesn't last more than a few months.

    its something we'll all find out. I'm sure people think about this. Usually after they get the vaccine when they get home "Oh shit I forgot to ask how long I'm safe for"

    or if people get it, they're not thinking this as the first thing when getting over all the symptoms. they're just happy. but it might be a good thing to note for the future. I notice the news never talks about that. they just like feeding the scare for the morning rush
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Oh and the three crashes all caught fire. there is always at least 3 crashes in one day though.. bumper car types or serious death as a result.

    I think more Electric cars that crash catch fire. thats something to think about. all those button size batteries getting all discombobulated in a crash and over circuiting into some kind of electrical fire that usually runs hotter probably than a gasoline fire.

    just something for the Green people to think about. are battery operated cars safer?
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley I got my first OWI 1600 or so after evrything was said and done

    DWI? or does the O mean something else?

    yeah, some states are easier on DUI/DWI not sure which ones. But I guess if you're the master of drinking and driving. You may consider living there and absolutly not in California.

    I mean half the time, DUI in California couldn't be very horrible if you got into an accident because so much traffic barely gets you up to 25 miles an hour bumper to bumper traffic. but other times it's like those old slot car figure 8 tracks with the electric paddle you push to get them to go, and when they cross that center on the 8 track they smash into each other and go flying off the road -crash and burn.

    someone said there was 3 car crash on I-880 (Part of I-80) yesterday in just the one day. It was on Reddit. no one ask how they were. just "What a piece of shit for endangering others"
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    PS: Faggot
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Because you're a nigger and a liar.. if california is that shitty of a state where you cant buy drugs then move dumbass

    thats a lot of extra hang meat on your vagina Kr0z. I might move out but it's my home state. so Sometimes I just vent how shitted up things are. But then I see on the news that Austin (Which was a considered destination prior to knowing you) turned into a miniture Berkeley/Portland/seattle so why the fuck would I move from one to the next.

    All I was saying is why test potentially sick Covid19 infections at a CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Drug Store etc? shitloads of people like me lined up, nervous about one customer coming into a store that sells cold and flu meds and or really sick cancer patients or elders who have a low white count that are super spreaders. feel bad for them, but I'm not a hospital worker with full PPE going in for the team. Im there with a shitty laughable mask on and you're over here calling Gigi a Chink.

    fuck you. she is actually a real sweet person and practice Buddha and chants world peace twice a day and sometimes more. I'm kind of a piece of shit at times but you attack her for something I said? you're pathetic.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by A College Professor wow, major respect for you. you truly know whats best for wildlife

    fuck wildlife. its whats on the menu. them or me. there is enough of it running around

    You know I don't literally mean that. Knowing others would die in his apartment, the pilots, the passangers. I'm not Uber Dr Evil. it was just a funny thought for the moment.

    Where are you. why so sheltered in outside of Covid19? you working still.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blaster master Yeah it was that way here, but they've kinda lightened up in the last couple years, especially in 2020 with covid and the race riots.

    they'll go back to it though. each one pulls in like 20k between the fines and now court costs and attorney (even a public defender) its got pretty expensive. they used to say "Get a DUI, Pay 10,000 dollars. its not worth it" or some crazy shit like that. it's got to be double now. and if you get a level 2, you're fucked. its two DUI in a row. 3 DUI and your drivers license goes bye bye in California for good.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe I'm not a medical expert.

    After I recover I'll probably only have an immunity for a few months. So I will probably get vaccinated sometime in the future, and I imagine it will become a routine thing like with the flu shot.

    the reason we get a flu shot every year is because that one virus mutates every year to different strains. I wasnt sure if Covid is 1 and 2. there might be a variant (which might change slightly) but it's not like the influenza virus. we hope not.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Just wondering why you are posting stuff most people learned in 3rd grade.

    I missed that 3rd grade study.

    Also it was a British BBC4 (our PBS?) made show. why are they teaching British and American elders who are the 90% of audience then?

    Why did you have to say such harmful things you fat bastard.

    what do you do now for a living? didn't you have a huge Record Collection on Vinyl or was that another member on here.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe I found a 100% vanilla server.

    Ghost come team with me.

    Obbe, if you get the virus. do you no longer require the shot? does your body now have the anti-body thingy to fight it in the future?
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Just look at Germany, though. An insignificant sliver on the world map, but almost defeated the entire world in battle. Just goes to show what a handful of determined people can really do.

    its like a last ditch effort by someone with a low white count fighting one then another bacteria and virus all at once but they all turned on the white cells and the patient died in the end.

    probably a bad analogy, especially focusing on White Cells but yeah.. they took to big of a bite. determination is 10/10 though for those dirty nazi bastards.

    Soviets also allied with him before he fucked Stalin over. Stalin had also allied with Japan but at the end of the war, aided with the US in the pacific. I think they and the Australians were the USA only ally. confusing the Japanese navy that Russians flags were aiding the last campaign in the War.

    I didn't know about this. Hitler double cross a man who actually liked him and gave him a second chance. Stalen.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra

    kek are those hieroglyphics in the blade?
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