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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ORACLE Did you died

    He posted it didn't he.

    do you wish this on everyone but yourself?
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy He walks up to the bar and orders a gin and soda. Just as he's about to take his sip a monkey scrambles out from under the bar and dips his cock and balls in the drink. He calls the bartender over and explains what happened and the bartender says "yeah, that happens sometimes. I'll mix you another drink" and he mixes the man another gin and soda and puts it on the bar but before he can take a drink, the monkey crawls back out and dips his cock and balls in the gin and soda. The man calls the bartender over again and this time the bartender says "I'll mix you another drink, but you have to watch your drink because I can't give you another freebie." So the man finishes his drink and he asks the bartender "so what's with the monkey?" And the bartender replies "look buddy, I've only worked here a few weeks but the piano player has worked here for 20 years, he probably knows something about it so maybe you should go ask him." So the man walks over to the piano player and he says "So you know that monkey who crawls out from under the bar and dips his balls in your gin and soda?" And the piano player says "No, but if you hum a few bars I can probably fake my way through it."

    Do you live near a populated city? maybe one of the counties can help you talk about your desires of destruction. some medication works by calming you when the part of your brain exhibits anger. it will make you feel calm or tired. the more your brain fights for anger or addiction like behavior it will calm you or make you tired. this is when you sit by a beach or in a park and everytime you feel hate towards someone you will actually stop thinking of that and feel a sense of calm and maybe focus on things you never did before. like the beauty of nature. how insects interact with others or watching trails of ants working for their food supply.

    or watching the ocean flow in and out. or the wind in the trees. birds forming figures (I love the redwing blackbirds, they do this but there are other species that do a better job of it)

    listen to some chill music on your headset. dont forget your mask though.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby What also sucks balls is i jVe a date Friday so i dont kmow what to do . Fuck fuck fuck. I hope china gets nuked over this

    Wag the dog moment from Kr0z.

    Redirect Attention away from Monica Lewinski so Clinton bombs Yugaslavia and nearly starts WWIII?

    some dude kept bringing this shit up last night .. look it up. it really happened. Clinton used the film almost exactly to the script just a few years after it was released.

    Clinton loved Muslims so much he tried to Murder Christians because they tried to ethnically cleanse the Muslims but the truth is both sides did the same shit to each other over decades. Clinton just wanted to look like a hero.

    Not related to your selfishness of wanting to infect a young lady just so you can get "some pelt" you selfish cunt.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    I want to add I was kind of a nerd. a real square peg and didn't curse much until I came on here. Even Gigi has noticed this and told me to stop being foul mouth.

    your crude xxx rated and juvinial behavior is clearly having an affect on me

    Oh wait. I forgot about hatsters going back 15 years .. It had the same affect but My ex wife didn't care as much.

    I hope you people don't act like this in the real world. I am very professional if I work. if someone curses and says "Excuse my french" I will say "hey let lose" because you should always know your audience but I try not to curse as well. know your place.

  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe What's the full url for chatroom?

    Which one? the stream chat with video is

    there is a discord one I think but I don't have the direct channel .. you have to be invited to that one but it's not as busy. it's busy around the clock but the jumpbltc is usually dead and then very very busy with members on weekends. its like an Online Bar so no one goes out drinking and driving. a good thing that Panny started up. stay home, get stupid drunk and shirts off (we cant seem to get the women to remove theirs so its just a cock-fest of shirtless or naked men)
  6. Bugz Space Nigga

  7. Bugz Space Nigga


    First they had Sean Penn on several episodes

    Now they have Brad Pitt. 2001

    WTF is up. They had Tom Seleck on as well didn't they? this was to make everyone feel happy and warm after our worst American Disaster on any single day since the Civil War.

    But then again I wonder if they filmed it months prior.

    Speaking of Tom Seleck, This wasn't his first Rodeo. He's not trying to sell of your Grandmas home and your Inheritance by getting her to go on a last long cruise ship. Is that selfish of me to think your inheritance should be loaned out to Grandma so she's happy. maybe go on a big roll in Vegas. LOL

    These guys were making 120k an episode and bitching about how they were just as popular as seinfeld and should get a million like their cast. Jerry was to get 4mil. so they cancled the show. I wouldn't of bitched. I would of tested it in the bargaining but I wouldn't have threaten to a No-Resign. no one owes you shit. You got 120k an episode, if thats all they want to give you, be sure you're not typecast for working in future projects like half of the cast.

    am I renting on? One day you guys will see me in a national spot I am going to work out and get back into acting lessons and try out for commercials. So all of you can go, Oh.. I know that cat. He was on this website. and the person with the will go "Oh Woopty do. Hes on a commercial" but if you become a regular you can make like 250k a year for a fraction of the camera time. if you become Flow from Progressive (kek inside joke and layered)

    Maybe I can be the new voiceover of a Geico Gecko but I'll be a Frog or a toad or some shit.

  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy Not a joke I am really going to commit multiple hate crimes on channukah. Screenshot this post and look for my name on the news motherfuckers. WHITE POWER NOW FUCK THE ZOG.

    I don't think you understand why I stated that. We had a little incident before with a regular on here which it seemed like he was being very serious and so he was flagged.

    I wouldn't Joke about it. If you're serious you should get help. spiritual and maybe see a Psychiatrist. do you have medical insurance? if not. I think the state will help you.

    The ZOG has nothing to do with J'ewish peoples 3500 year old holiday. they're usually atheist communist. but regardless you shouldn't Joke let alone want to harm people who disagree with.

    I'm sure you're being Totse edgy and or trolling. you should just be aware of this.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    I hear that the number 1 thing to have at home is an Oximeter. make sure it works by testing it on several people. if it drops below 95. Go to ER. try it over a few times and test it on someone else to make sure it's you and not the oximeter.

    People have gone into ER feeling OK but a little light-head and when the ER test your Ox saturation they found people were between 60-79% which is emphysema levels and people usually die by 60% saturation
    they say it's very peaceful. you just go to sleep and not wake up. and usually a surprize to people around them thinking they never coughed or had much symptoms. sometimes no fever.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy I'm gonna burn down a jedi temple and spray paint a swastika on the side of the ADL.

  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost i wanna fuck em both. At the same time, I can multitask.

    Sorry they don't have a dick. But they'll put on a strapon if you like. you can think of HTS having a twin and double bubble on your ass and mouth at the same time.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    You know who Im talking about. Egbert dude. with his jaw getting cut out. My Hen
    -Daddy Rooster
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Isn't as cool as I thought it would be. The National Guard of Space dont get funded to make rockets. The DoD still pays NASA and will now have contracts with Privatize companies like Elon Musk has. but they're not going to be flying cool ass T-Bird Rockets into space like my favorite stop motion thunderbirds 1960s animation.

    it's just real basic at this point. Today was their first Year Anniversary.

    I was hoping Russians and America fucking with each other blowing each others satelitte out of orbit or for shits and giggles pushing them out of orbit with stealth sats. if not Russia, at least China. throwing all of their Chinese MTV and State News off the air.

  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Come into this thread expecting a story about a man who licked a dirty fanny.

    Me disappoint.

    Ahh Im sorry. I have in my youth. but luckily no side effects. I dont want to end up like the Guy who wrote 'Beyond the Valley of the Dolls'.

    How's your morning now, My Man?
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    look here. It turned out its just a cut from the tooth that is decaying. the back of it is broken and sharp as shit.

    But the Dentist are pushed back to pull it the fuck out. I want to do it myself. I thought it was a fucking herpe cold sore thing because I never experienced it before and was reading about Kr0z having to get herpes test for his Job.

    and I get cold sores. but never a canker sore on the tongue. so in a way Im glad its not, but I am afraid to commit to tens of thousands getting teeth implants. Maybe I should get my teeth pulled out and then get basic cheap dentures for the first year or two and save up to pay the surgery in two years with paying 4/5ths of it off and then taking a loan out on the rest of the cost. this way I can save for property. I wish I had money now, because I know property owners will be selling off land cheap for quick money. farmers, ranchers, whoever. as long as the land is deeded as 2 acres. I dont want 10-20 acres of land because of the tax. 2-4 acres is enough.

    am I going off topic?

    I dont have herpes on my tongue. just a fucking cut from a piece of shit broken K-9
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    how does one rob chainsaws?
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Instigator Xxxxxxx

    OK. can we talk about the 600 dollars you're getting in which you will endorse and sent it to me?
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    600 bucks is coming to us

    other then that. Stop social engineering us.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy I call it the Gay Area, because you see San Francisco is home to a large proliferation of homosexuals.

    not so much anymore. they all live in places like Hawaii or Texas or even Florida.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy Something about how the feds are here watching a certain user so they're lying low idk I can't be assed

    You will be assed. assed a lot
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