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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator Would you be Ok with the US treating all whistleblowers and wikileaks as enemy spies?

    I'd be OK with the US and UK govts stopping doing all that fucked up nasty illegal shit that assange revealed they were and clearly still are doing.

    Does it not bother you that they do that shit as a representative of you and everyone else. They do it in your name, so basically you are doing those things by proxy. You are responsible for all the killings, torture and devastation. All those "collateral damage" which is just a softened way of saying "murdering innocent civilians including children".

    And what's more they charge you all billions for the privilege of making you responsible for mass murder and torture.


    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Careful you don't become your own grandpa.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. filtration African Astronaut
    This post has been edited by a bot I made to preserve my privacy.
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  4. Fonaplats detected.
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  5. normally charges like these are fake charges, like julian's rape charges.
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  6. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL

    You would watch this.
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  7. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]

    Lets face facts. The people who published this image should be ashamed of themselves and their methodology, and should have deleted their work and retired to monastic life rather than shoving this travesty out in front of the public for a bunch of pseuds to hum and haw over.
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  8. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Its not about whether he's a dick or not. If it can happen to him they can do this to any of us. Don't you get it? Its not OK just as long as they're only targeting a dick head. In fact this is the reaction they're hoping for from the sheep. The media has prolly got you thinking he's more of a dick than he even is. I mean think about it, you've never met the guy, never spoken to him. Your whole impression of him is based on info thats come to you via some media source. This is what the media do for fuck sake, they distort the information before they deliver it to you. Ffs wake tf up man.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Civilization has long since collapsed in this country. The untamed corporate animal roams the landscape unchecked, it feeds on the population when and where it pleases. This is the state of nature, a war of every being against every other. Life is nasty and brutish but it is not short, that would be a mercy we've not earned.
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  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    My vote goes for number 0... Full bodily submersion.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Posting in a Muslim thread.
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  12. Firekrochfatty African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Purdi?
    It’s hilarious the spin that can be put on things. We see things totally different.

    Again, nothing will come of this because what they did will not be found to be illigal.

    I see that these republicans standing behind trump will go down in history as spineless lackies. I see trumps illegal activities come to light. It’s coming, even if it’s not in the Mueller report. There are too many cases coming at trump.

    Purdi, im just being logical in my eyes. Look at all the crooked people around trump. Are you saying they’re all crooked, and he’s not?

    Birds of a feather etc., etc..

    .... the government, was "CROOKED" before Trump hit town. To think or deny this fact is kinda naive'. I never thought, or said Trump is perfect. In fact, I wouldn't like the man on a personal level for some of his past; however, the man is one hell of a PATRIOT. He love America and thinks we are the 'greatest' county there is... and wants to KEEP it that way. The greed of the Democratic Party will affect us for years... selling our uranium, allowing the overtaxing of American imports/exports... the democraps have abused it's power for so long at the expense of us, Americans! One thing about Trump is many of his views hasn't changed. and I say many-- because, he is a 'politician' now, and that's just the rules in the game of 'high rollers' of government; however, Trump is NO SELLOUT. He may be a lot of things... unsavory, if you wish; but he's no frikn' sellout to the highest bidder, like the Clinton's & Obama were, and for that, I'm still...

    TRUMP 2020

    but no hard feelings to you, tho, Tech.
    We'll grumble, disagree... banter, or whatever. Won't change how I like you as a 'person' even if you are wrong... lol ;p
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist He indicted 34, 7 were convicted with more to come.

    I'm aware, but as far as I know none of them have been arrested for anything to do with Russian influence. Every one I've looked into has just been run of the mill corruption or not answering the FBI's questions to their satisfaction - the same sort of thing that politicians would get arrested for en masse if the entire government were probed.

    Feel free to point it out if I've missed one.

    Originally posted by Technologist I know you think it’s all political, but I disagree. That was no stunt in my eyes.

    Accusing Russian citizens of a crime and expecting Russia to hand them over without providing any evidence is absolutely a stunt. If Medvedev were to accuse a bunch of US citizens of a crime without providing any evidence, would you take him at his word, assume he was being honest and extradite those people? To bypass your own justice system and dump them straight into a foreign one?

    Originally posted by Technologist I know you like the Russians because you dislike jedis. But you and I know that if Putin could destroy our democracy he would. He is no friend of this country.

    lol, those are two separate things, jedis actually have significant influence in Russia too. Russia is likely to get a lot LESS friendly to the west when Putin retires - in terms of geopolitics and international relations, he's backed down and compromised A LOT more than most Russians are comfortable with in order to try and keep the peace.
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  14. Firekrochfatty African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist There has to be a court ruling before surveillance can be conducted, and there were. This spying shit is baloney. As long as they followed protocol, there is nothing nefarious about it.

    COMEY, okay'd the FISA warrant and took it to get the OK surveillance on Trump... but left out the part that the democraps ie HILLARY CLINTON campaign was behind it and was paying for it. If any of the FISA judges knew this... the warrant would have NEVER been approved- period. There was plenty of collusion going on, alright... except it was in the democraps own "backyard" and this is just the real 'fact' of the matter. They never thought TRUMP would win-- therefore, "thought" it would never come out or come to the light of day with Hillary in the White House; however, BAM! TRUMP blew all that plan to shit by winning the election so they had no choice but to try and keep it all a secret under the rouse of "collusion bullshit" and try and impeach... but the democrats where "TRUMP'd" again when he was cleared. lmao.

    Yes, there was plenty of nefarious chit going on... this is the democraps own "Watergate" but far worse than just spying on another party... they tried to rig a damn election! and yet try and pretend they didn't do any such thing! way, way worse than NIXON. Hell, Nixon will no longer be the "shade" of government. In fact, I'll bet he'll be rendered a fuq'n hero.... after all the chit all comes out about/on the Democratic Party.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I was talking about the AG's new probe

    It's not a conspiracy theory that the Steele dossier was completely detached from reality and not credible, that it was the major basis for all this 'collusion' nonsense or that the FBI performed surveillance on the Trump campaign at the behest of the Obama administration.

    Barr's line of questioning is completely legitimate - was there any real security basis for the surveillance and subsequent probes and media frenzies, or were supposedly impartial entities (such as the FBI and FISA courts) simply used as political weapons?
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  16. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL It's like if you had a post that had hot links to classified material in it. Not actual classified content, just pointers - links which direct people to where the material actually is. Like Napster, or any one of a million sites which provide hot links to various content. It's like you pointing at a bank robbery in progress and getting arrested for bank robbery just for pointing it out. It's ludicrous. These are just a pack of lawless criminals who don't hesitate to flaunt the laws of the land for their own personal benefit. They should all be behind bars for treason and sedition.

    What about search engines linking people to your site which then links to the classified material? What about Samsung or Sony or dell etc providing you with a device to look up these sites or the various outlets which sell you their products? What about the mining companies providing the tech companies with the various metals and minerals used to build these products? What about the surveyor who provided the mining company with the info on where to mine? Or the companies that sell tools which they use to mine?

    Or what about the governors who gave them the rights to mine there, or the tech companies the licenses to build and sell electronics, or allow the search engines to operate in their country?

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  17. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL It's like if you had a post that had hot links to classified material in it. Not actual classified content, just pointers - links which direct people to where the material actually is. Like Napster, or any one of a million sites which provide hot links to various content. It's like you pointing at a bank robbery in progress and getting arrested for bank robbery just for pointing it out. It's ludicrous. These are just a pack of lawless criminals who don't hesitate to flaunt the laws of the land for their own personal benefit. They should all be behind bars for treason and sedition.

    Exactly. This whole assange episode is just a slight of hand illusionists trick to take everybody's eye off the ball of who the real wrongdoers are. Get everybody so hyped up on what a monster assange is so people don't notice the fact that the elite fucks took a shit load of people into wars that should never have happened, that the reasons they took us into those wars were bullshit.

    They talk about wikileaks putting troops in danger by revealing their locations. But those troops should never have been there in the first place. Who put them there, thats the real elephant in the room.

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  18. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    You have to realize that law is just a group of men imposing their will on others, Nothing more. There's nothing devine or official or legitimate about it. Its just some people saying this is how it is, how its going to be, and if you defy that and we find out, we will hurt you in some way and force you to our will.

    Thats all it is. Everything else surrounding it is just dressing, usually designed to add the illusion of some form of legitimacy to it.

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  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I clicked that catwoman clip and was somehow transported through the magic of youtube to a land of depression, drinking, and david foster wallace interviews.
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator It's not just about their efficacy lmao, actual people could die. It must be real easy to be typing this from your Fagbook in San Francisco slurping on a hot cum inferno latte from Stalinbucks. There's a responsible way to handle these leaks. That's why people send them to Wikileaks in the first place, there is an assumption that the information will be handled responsibly.

    People are going to die regardless. The military is literally the "go kill people" division of our government. Military efficacy equates to people dying. If people who can be fairly characterized as foreign invaders and thugs of corporate interests are the ones that end up dying, well I'd prefer no one die but they're probably the better option.
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